
Ogai as Translator

This part examines the volume and the variety of Moris activities as a translator and mediator of Western literature and thought. The alphabetical list identifies authors whose writings Mori translated, usually via German-language editions. The names are followed by information on the original texts and the first publication of the translations.


Altenberg, Peter

  • “Zwölf” (Twelve). Translated as “Tsuri” 釣 (Fishing), Joshi bundan 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 6.1 (1910). [From the collection of literary sketches “See-Ufer” (Lakeshore) in Wie ich es sehe (1896), Berlin: S. Fischer].

Andersen, Hans Christian

  • Improvisatoren (The Improvisatore). Translated as: “Sokkyō shijin” 即興詩人, Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 38 – 59 / Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 14 – 49 (November 1892 – February 1901).

Andresen-Moellishoeffer, Hugo

  • El Ramusan Tir. Translated as: “Ni dokuro” 二髑髏 (Two skulls), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 6.1 (1911).

Andreyev, Leonid

  • Zhizn chelovieka (The life of man). Translated as: “Hito no isshō” 人の一生 (A man’s life), Kabuki 歌舞伎 114–119 (January 1910 – May 1910).
  • Kusaka. Translated as: “Inu” 犬 (Dog), in: Ōgonhai (A golden cup), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1910.
  • Ben-Towit. Translated as: “Shitsū” 歯痛 (Toothache), Shumi 趣味 (Taste) 5.3 (1910).

Artsybashev, Mikhail

  • Unknown text. German version titled “Ein Verbrechen” (The crime). Translated as: “Zainin” 罪人 (A criminal), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 5.5 (1910).
  • Smert’ Lande (The Death of Ivan Lande). Translated as: “Shi” 死 (Death), Gakusei bungei 学生文芸 (Student’s Literature and Fine Arts) 1.2 (1910).
  • Smekh (Laughter). Translated as: “Shō” 笑 (Laughter), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 5.9 (1910).


Bahr, Hermann

  • Die tiefe Natur (Deep nature). Translated as: “Okusoko” 奥底 (The inmost depth), Kabuki 歌舞伎 96–97 (July 1908 – August 1908).

Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne

  • Over Ævne (Beyond Powers)- Translated as: “Jinryoku ijō” 人力以上 (Beyond powers), Kabuki 歌舞伎 127–131 (January 1911 – May 1911).
  • En Hanske (A Gauntlet). Translated as: “Tebukuro” 手袋 (A Gauntlet), Kabuki 歌舞伎 137–141 (November 1912 – March 1912).

Bourget, Paul

  • L’expert (A Connoisseur). Translated as: “Kanteinin” 鑑定人 (A connoisseur), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 20.1 (1915).

Boutet, Frédéric

  • Sous le pont (Under the bridge). Translated as: “Hashi no shita” 橋の下 (Under the bridge), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.10 (1913): 142–68.


Calderón de la Barca, Don Pedro

  • El alcalde de Zalamea (The Mayor of Zalamea). Translated as: “Shirabe wa takashi gitarura no hitofushi” 音調高洋筝一曲 (A noble guitar melody), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 3 January – 14 February 1889. [Published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].

Chirikov, Evgenii Nikolaevich

  • Unknown text. German version titled “Der Zensor”. Translated as: “Itabasami” 板ばさみ (A dilemma), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.7 (1911): 143–77.

Claretie, Jules (Arsène Arnaud)

  • Unknown text. German version titled “Affenpsyche” (Monkey’s mind). Translated as: “Saru” 猿 (Monkey), Shin Nihon 新日本 (New Japan) 3.3 (1913).

Clausewitz, Carl von

  • Vom Kriege (On War). Translated as: “Senron” 戦論 (On war), [printed by the Command of the XII. Division in Kokura,] 1901.

Croissant-Rust, Anna

  • Der treue Johnie (Loyal Johnny). Translated as: “Itsu no hi ka kimi wa kaerimasu” いつの日か君は帰ります (Someday you will return), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.4 (1908): 1–5.


D’Annunzio, Gabriele

  • Il sogno d’un tramonto d’autunno (The dream of an autumn sunset). Translated as: “Shūseki mu” 秋夕夢 (The dream of an autumn sunset), Kabuki 歌舞伎 112–113 (November 1909 – December 1909).

Daudet, Alphonse

  • Kadour et Katel (Kadour and Katel). Translated as: “Ryokuyō no tan” 緑葉の歎 (Lamentation of green leaves), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 22 February 1889, supplement: 1. [Published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].
  • Le Cabecilla. Translated as: “Sensō” 戦僧 (Military chaplain), Shōnen en 少年園 (Boy’s Garden) 1.10 (1889): 13–17.
  • Un teneur de livres (A book-keeper). Translated as: “Mikuzu” みくづ (Rubbish in the water), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 21 (1891): 28–31.

David, Jakob Julius

  • Die Weltreise des Kleinen Tyrnauer (The World tour of a common man from Trnava). Translated as: “Sekai manyū” 世界漫遊 (World trip), Teikoku bungaku 帝国文学 (Imperial Literature) 17.6 (1911): 1–21.

Dehmel, Richard

  • Das Gesicht (The Face). Translated as: “Kao” 顔 (The face), Kokoro no hana furoku 心の花附録 (Supplement to Blossoms of the Heart) 13.1 (1909): 1–8.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

  • Krokodil. Translated as: “Wani” 鱷 (The Crocodile), Shin Nihon 新日本 (New Japan) 2.5–2.6 (May 1912 – June 1912).

Dymow, Ossip Isidorovich

  • Berlin und meine Kragen (Berlin and my collars). Translated as: “Eri” 襟 (Neck), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.1 (1911): 218–30.


Eulenberg, Herbert

  • Der Turmhahn (The Spire rooster). Translated as: “Tō no ue no niwatori” 塔の上の鶏 (The Rooster on the spire), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 6.6 (1911).

Ewers, Hans Heinz

  • Mein Begräbnis (My burial). Translated as: “Ore no toburai” 己の葬 (My burial), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 4.1 (1912).
  • Die Petition. Translated as: “Seigan” 請願 (The Petition), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 17.1 (1913): 1–7.


Falke, Gustav

  • Poems. Translated as: “Yakushi goshu (Gusutaafu, Fuaruke)” 訳詩五首 (グスタアフ、フアルケ) (Five translated poems by Gustav Falke), Jiji shinpō 時事新報 (Current News) 1 – 3 January 1916.

Flaubert, Gustave

  • La Légende de Saint Julien l’Hospitalier (The Legend of St. Julian, the Hospitaller). Translated as: “Sei Jurian” 聖ジユリアン (St. Julian), Taiyō 太陽 (The Sun) 16.6–16.10 (May 1910 – July 1910).

France, Anatole (Jacques-Anatole Thibault)

  • Unknown text. German version titled “Aufzeichnungen” (Records). Translated as: “Butō” 舞踏 (Dance), Shin shichō 新思潮 (New currents of thought) 1.2 (1914).

Frenzel, Karl

  • Charlotte Corday. Translated as: “Jojōfu” 女丈夫 (A heroine), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友 (The People’s Friend) 163 (1892).


Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

  • Götz von Berlichingen mit der eisernen Hand. [Ein Schauspiel. 1773] (Götz of the Iron Hand). Translated as: “Gyottsu” ギヨツツ (Götz), Kabuki 歌舞伎 148–165 (October 1912 – March 1914).
  • Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil (Faust: The First Part of the Tragedy). Translated as: Fausuto. Dai ichi bu フアウスト 第一部 (Faust: The First Part [of the Tragedy]), Fuzan Bō 冨山房 1913.
  • Faust. Der Tragödie zweiter Teil (Faust: The Second Part of the Tragedy). Translated as: Fausuto. Dai ni bu フアウスト 第二部 (Faust: The Second Part [of the Tragedy]), Fuzan Bō 冨山房 1913.

Gorky, Maxim (Alexei Maximovich Peshkov)

  • Senzamani (Those without hands). Translated as: “Senzamani” センツアマニ, Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.8 (1913): 128–40.

Groos, Karl

  • Einleitung in die Aesthetik (Introduction to aesthetics). Translated as: “Shinbi kashō ron” 審美仮象論 (On aesthetic appearance), Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 55–56 (December 1901 – February 1902).


Hackländer, Friedrich Wilhelm

  • Zwei Nächte (Two nights). Translated as: “Futayo” ふた夜 (Two nights), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 1 January – 26 February 1890.
  • In eine Dachkammer wird eine Schlafgängerin gesucht und ist daselbst eine Kinderbettlade zu verkaufen (in: Geschichten einer Wetterfahne). Translated as: “Ōjūshō” 黄緩章 (The medal with a yellow ribbon), Tōkyō Nichinichi shinbun 東京日日新聞, 8 March – 14 March 1891.

Harte, Bret

  • High Water Mark. Translated as: “Kōzui” 洪水 (Deluge), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 1–6 (October 1889 – March 1890).

Hartmann, Eduard von

  • Philosophie des Schönen (Philosophy of the Beautiful). Translated as: “Shinbiron” 審美論 (On Aesthetics), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 37–45 (October 1892 – June 1893).

Hauff, Wilhelm

  • Die Karawane (The Caravan). Translated as: “Tōkyōkō” 盗侠行 (Chivalrous thieveries), Tōyō gakugei zasshi 東洋学芸雜誌 (Oriental Journal of Science and Literature) 40 (25 January 1885).

Hauptmann, Gerhart

  • Elga. Translated as: “Sōbō mu” 僧房夢 (A dream of the monastery), Kabuki 歌舞伎 102–104 (January 1909 – March 1909).
  • Einsame Menschen (Lonely Lives). Translated as: “Sabishiki hitobito” 寂しき人々 (Lonely people), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 16 February – 25 April 1911.

Hippel, Hildegard von

  • Die Geschichte einer Liebe (A Love Story). Translated as: “Yamahiko” やまひこ, Geibun 芸文 (Art and Literature) 1–2 (June 1902 – August 1902).

Hirschfeld, Georg

  • Das große Vergnügen (Great Amusement). Translated as: “Bōkasen” 防火栓 (Fire hydrant), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 5.12 (1913).

Holz, Arno

  • Ein Abschied (A Parting). Translated as: “Wakare” わかれ (A Parting), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.11 (1908): 1–7.

Hoffmann, E.T.A.

  • Das Fräulein von Scuderi (Mademoiselle de Scuderi). Translated as: “Tama o idaite tsumi ari” 玉を懐いて罪あり (Opportunity makes the thief), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 5 March – July 21 1889. [Published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].

Hofmannsthal, Hugo von

  • Der Tor und der Tod (Death and the Fool). Translated as: “Chijin to shi to” 痴人と死と (The fool and the death), Kabuki 歌舞伎 101 (1908).
  • Ödipus und die Sphinx (Oedipus and the Sphinx). Translated as: Nazo 謎 (A mystery), Gendai Sha 現代社 1914.


Ibsen, Henrik

  • Brand. Translated as: “Bokushi” 牧師 (The pastor), Mannengusa 万年艸 (Perennial Grass) 6–8 (June 1903 – September 1903).
  • John Gabriel Borkman. Translated as: Jon Gaburieru Borukuman ジヨン・ガブリエル・ボルクマン (John Gabriel Borkman), Gahō Sha 画報社 1909.
  • Gengangere (Ghosts). Translated as: Yūrei 幽霊 (Ghosts), Kinyō Dō 金葉堂 1911.
  • Et dukkehjem (A Doll’s House). Translated as: Nora ノラ, Keiseisha Shoten 警醒社書店 1913.

Irving, Washington

  • Rip Van Winkle. Translated as: “Shin sekai no Urashima” 新世界の浦島 (Urashima of the new world), Shōnen en 少年園 (Boy’s Garden) 2.13–2.20 (May 1889 – August 1889).


Kleist, Heinrich von

  • Das Erdbeben in Chili (The Earthquake in Chile). Translated as: “Jishin” 地震 (Earthquake), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞, 17 March – 26 March 1890.
  • Die Verlobung in St. Domingo (Betrothal in St. Domingo)- Translated as: “Akuinnen” 悪因縁 (Evil karma), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友 (The People’s Friend) 6.80–7.89 (April 1890 – July 1890).

Knigge, Adolph Freiherr von

  • Über den Umgang mit Menschen (On human relations). Translated as: “Chiebukuro” 智恵袋 (A Bag of wisdom), Jiji shinpō 時事新報, 9 August – 5 October 1898.

Korolenko, Vladimir

  • Sokolinets (Sakhalin Fugitive). Translated as: “Karafuto datsugoku ki” 樺太脱獄記 (A record of an escape from prison in Sakhalin), Bungei kurabu 文芸倶楽部 (Literary Club) 18.1 (1912).

Kopisch, August

  • Ein Carnevalfest auf Ischia (Carnival on Ischia). Translated as: “Hage atama” はげあたま (A bald head), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 2.1 (1897).

Körner, Carl Theodor

  • Toni - Ein Drama in drei Aufzügen (Toni). Translated as: “Denki Tōnī” 伝奇トーニー (The adventures of Toni), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 25 November – 3 December 1889. [Published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].

Kröger, Timm

  • Sokrates Tod (The Death of Socrates). Translated as: “Sokurateesu no shi” ソクラテエスの死 (The Death of Socrates), Kokoro no hana furoku 心の花附録 (Supplement to Blossoms of the Heart) 12.1 (1908): 1–6.

Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich

  • Flor i razboinik (Florus and the bandit). Translated as: “Furoresu to zoku to” フロルスと賊と (Florus and the bandit), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.7 (1913): 147–62.


Lagerlöf, Selma

  • Prästen (The Pastor). Translated as: “Bokushi” 牧師 (The Pastor), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 12.10 (1908): 1–10.

Land, Hans (Hugo Landsberger)

  • Erling. Translated as: “Fuyu no ō” 冬の王 (The King of Winter), Teikoku bungaku 帝国文学 (Imperial Literature) 18.1 (1912): 1–15.

Lemonnier, Antoine Louis Camille

  • La Saint-Nicolas du batelier (The Christmas of the bargeman). Translated as: “Sei Nikorausu no yo” 聖ニコラウスの夜 (The Night of Saint Nicholas), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.11–4.12 (November 1913 – December 1913).

Lengyel, Melchior

  • Unknown text. German version titled “Die Glorie” (The Glory). Translated as: “Gōkō” 毫光 (Halo), Safuran 番紅花 (Saffron) 1.2 (1914).

Lermontov, Mikhail

  • Taman. Translated as: “Nukeuri” ぬけうり (Smuggling), Gakushū Hojinkai zasshi 学習輔仁会雑誌 (Gakushūin School Corporation Hojin Association Magazine) 18 (1892).
  • Fatalist. Translated as: “Shukumeiron sha” 宿命論者 (The fatalist), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1907.2 (1907): 14–21.

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim

  • Emilia Galotti. Translated as: “Oribara” 折薔薇 (Paper rose), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 1–33 (October 1889 – June 1892).
  • Philotas. Translated as: “Toriko” 俘 (The captive), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 36–46 (September 1892 – July 1893).

Liebmann, Otto

  • Zur Analyse der Wirklichkeit. Eine Erörterung der Grundprobleme der Philosophy (On the Analysis of Reality: An Articulation of the Basic Problems of Philosophy). Translated as: “Shinbi kyokuchi ron” 審美極致論 (On the highest in aesthetics), Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 49–54 (February 1901 – October 1901).

Liliencron, Detlev von

  • Der alte Wachtmeister vom Dragonerregiment Anspach-Bayreuth (The old sergeant of the dragoon regiment Anspach-Bayreuth). Translated as: “Rōsōchō” 老曹長 (The old sergeant), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 7.1 (1912).


Madelung, Aage

  • Fyrstinde Monguschko (Princess Monguschko). Translated as: “Chichi no ada” 父の讎 (Father’s revenge), Warera 我等 (We) 1.8 (1914).

Mistral, Frédéric

  • Le grenouille de Narbonne (The Frog of Narbonne). Translated as: “Narubonnu no kaeru” ナルボンヌの蛙 (The Frog of Narbonne), Warera 我等 (We) 1.7 (1914).

Molnár, Ferenc

  • Altatómese (Lullaby Tale). Translated as: “Gorotsuki no shōten” 破落戸の昇天 ((The Ascension of the scoundrel), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 4.8 (1912).
  • Unknown text. German version titled: “Der Wagen” (The Car). Translated as: “Tsuji basha” 辻馬車 (Hansom cap), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.6 (1913): 148–60.


Plunkett, Edward (Lord Dunsany)

  • The Lost Silk Hat. Translated as: “Wasurete kita shiruku hatto” 忘れて来たシルクハット (The Lost Silk Hat), Safuran 番紅花 (Saffron) 1.5 (1914).

Poe, Edgar Allan

  • A Descent into the Maelström. Translated as: “Uzushio” うづしほ (Maelstrom), Bungei kurabu 文芸倶楽部 (Literary Club) 16.11 (1910).
  • The devil in the belfry. Translated as: “Jūsan ji” 十三時 (Thirteen o’clock), Shumi 趣味 (Taste) 6.4 (1910).
  • The Murders in the Rue Morgue. Translated as: “Byōin yokochō no satsujin han” 病院横町の殺人犯 (The murders in the hospital side streets), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 18.6 (1913).

Prévost, Marcel

  • Unknown text: Translated as “Inaka” 田舎 (Countryside), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 4.10–4.12 (October 1912 – December 1912).


Régnier, Henri de

  • L’inexplicable (The Inexplicable). Translated as: “Fukasetsu” 不可説 (The Inexplicable), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 4.5 (1912).
  • La courte vie de Balthazar Aldramin, vénitien (The court life of Balthazar Aldramin, Venetian). Translated as: “Fukushū” 復讎 (Revenge), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.1–4.4 (January 1913 – April 1913).

Rilke, Rainer Maria

  • Das tägliche Leben (Everyday life). Translated as: “Kajō chahan” 家常茶飯 (Everday life), Taiyō 太陽 (The Sun) 15.13 (1909): 97–122.
  • Weißes Glück (White happiness). Translated as: “Shiro” 白 (White), Shumi 趣味 (Taste) 5.1 (1910).
  • Familienfest (The family celebtration). Translated as: Saijitsu” 祭日 (A Celebration day), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 16.1 (1912).
  • Die Flucht (The Escape). Translated as: “Kakeochi” 駆落 (The Escape), Joshi bundan 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 8.1 (1912).
  • Greise (Old men). Translated as: “Rōjin” 老人 (The aged), Teikoku bungaku 帝国文学 (Imperial Literature) 19.1 (1913): 39–43.
  • Die weisse Fürstin. Eine Szene am Meer (The white princess. A scene by the sea). Translated as: “Hakui no fujin umibe ni okeru ichiba” 白衣の夫人 海辺に於ける一場 (The white princess. A scene by the sea), Engei gahō 演芸画報 (Performance Arts Illustrated) 3.1 (1916).

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

  • Les Confessions (The Confessions). Partially translated as: “Zangeki” 懺悔記 (The Confessions), Rikken jiyū shinbun 立憲自由新聞 (Constitutional Liberty Newspaper), 18 March – 1 May 1891.


Samain, Albert

  • Xanthis. Translated as: “Kusanchisu” クサンチス (Xanthis), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 16.7 (1911).

Schäfer, Wilhelm

  • Der Vater (Father). Translated as: “Chichi” 父 (Father), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.2 (1908): 30–33.
  • Der Amerikawillm (William from America). Translated as: “Chichi to imōto” 父と妹 (Father and younger sister), 女子文壇 (The Women’s Literary Forum) 8.4 (1912).

Scheerbart, Paul

  • Glanzrausch (Brilliant intoxication). Translated as: “Hikari no yoi” 光の酔 (Brilliant intoxication), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 11.9 (1907).

Schmidtbonn, Wilhelm

  • Krähen (Crows). Translated as: “Karasu” 鴉 (Crows), Teikoku bungaku 帝国文学 (Imperial Literature) 16.3 (1910): 1–14.
  • Die Versuchung des Diogenes (The Temptation of Diogenes). Translated as: “Diogenes no yūwaku” ヂオゲネスの誘惑 (The Temptation of Diogenes), Engei kurabu 演芸倶楽部 (Performance Arts Club) 1.1 (1912).

Schnitzler, Arthur

  • Die Frau mit dem Dolche (The Lady with the Dagger). Translated as: “‘Tanken o mochitaru onna’ no yaku”「短剣を持ちたる女」の訳 (Translation of “The Lady with the Dagger”), Kabuki 歌舞伎 91–92 (November 1907 – December 1907).
  • Andreas Thameyers letzter Brief (Andreas Thameyers’ Last Will). Translated as: “Andoreasu Taamaieru ga isho” アンドレアス・タアマイエルが遺書 (Andreas Thameyers’ Last will), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.1 (1908): 1–6.
  • Der tapfere Cassian (Gallant Cassian). Translated as: “Mosa” 猛者 (A man of valor), Kabuki 100 歌舞伎 (1908).
  • Weihnachtseinkäufe (Christmas Shopping). Translated as: “Yaso Kōtansai no kaiire” 耶蘇降誕祭の買入 (Christmas Shopping), Shin tenchi 新天地 (New World) 2.1 (1909).
  • Sterben (Dying). Translated as: “Miren” みれん (Regrets), Tōkyō Nichinichi shinbun 東京日日新聞, 1 January – 10 March 1912.
  • Liebelei (Playing with love). Translated as: “Ren’ai zanmai” 恋愛三味 (Absorbed in Love), Kabuki 歌舞伎 142–147 (April 1912 – September 1912).
  • Der Tod des Junggesellen (The Bachelor’s death). Translated as: “Hitorimono no shi” 一人者の死 (The Bachelor’s death), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 8.1 (1913).

Scholz, Wilhelm von

  • Der Besiegte. Mystisches Drama in einem Aufzuge (The Deafeated). Translated as: “Maketaru hito” 負けたる人 (The Defeated), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 15.1 (1910).

Schoenherr, Karl

  • Arbeit (Work). Translated as: “Rōdō” 労働 (Labor), in: Jūnin jūwa 十人十話 (Ten people, ten stories), Jitsugyō no Nihon Sha 実業之日本社.

Schubin, Ossip [i.e. Aloisia Kirschner]

  • Die Geschichte eines Genies: Die Galbrizzi (The story of a genius). Translated as: “Umoregi” 埋れ木 (Fossil wood), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 7–31 (April 1890 – April 1892).

Shakespeare, William

  • Macbeth. Translated as: Makubesu マクベス (Macbeth), Keiseisha Shoten 警醒社書店 1913.

Shaw, George Bernard

  • The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet: A Sermon in Crude Melodrama. Translated as: “Umadorobō” 馬盗坊 (The horse-thief), Kabuki 歌舞伎 124–126 (October 1910 – December 1910).

Stéenhoff, Frida

  • Unknown text. Translated as: “Yoru no futaba” 夜の二場 (Two scenes at night), Taishō engei 大正演芸 (Taishō Performing Arts) 1.1 (1913).

Stein, Heinrich von

  • Ist Aesthetik als Wissenschaft möglich? (Can aesthetics become science?). Translated as: “Jōgaku wa mote kagaku to shite rissuru ni taru ka” 情学は以て科学として立するに足るか (Can aesthetics be established as a science?), Bungeikai 文芸界 (The World of Literature and Arts) 1 (1902).

Stern, Adolf

  • Die Flut des Lebens (Flood of life). Translated as: “Ukiyo no nami” うきよの波 (Waves of the floating world), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友 (The People’s Friend) 7.92–7.99 (August 1890 – November 1890).

Strindberg, August

  • Fordringsägare (Creditors). Translated as: “Saiki” 債鬼 (Cruel Creditors), Kabuki 歌舞伎 106–109 (June 1909 – August 1909).
  • Den starkare (The Stronger). Translated as: “Hitori butai” 一人舞台 (Playing alone), Joshi bundan 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 7.1 (1911).
  • Paria. Translated as: “Pariasu” 首陀羅 (Paria), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 16.1 (1911).
  • Oväder (Storm). Translated as: “Inazuma” 稲妻 (Lightning), Kabuki 歌舞伎 163–167 (January 1914 – May 1914).
  • Pelikanen (The Pelican). Translated as: “Perikan” ペリカン (The Pelican), Shirakaba furoku 白樺附録 (Supplement to Betula platyphylla) 11.1 (1920).

Strobl, Karl Hans

  • Das Aderlaßmännchen (i.e. the figure of a man in old European calendars which shows the days on which it is good to let blood). Translated as: “Shiraku” 刺絡 (Bloodletting), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 5.8–5.10 (August 1913 – October 1913).

Stucken, Eduard

  • Myrrha. Translated as: “Hikōki” 飛行機 (Airplane), Kabuki 歌舞伎 120–123 (June 1910 – September 1910).

Sudermann, Hermann

  • Margot. Translated as: “Hanataba” 花束 (The bouquet), Kabuki 歌舞伎 98–99 (September 1908 – October 1908).


Tolstoy, Leo

  • Luzern [Lucerne]. Translated as: “Suitchuru kan ni uta o kiku” 瑞西館に歌を聴く (Listening to a song in a Swiss inn), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 6 November – 29 November 1889.
  • Unknown text: “Batei” 馬丁 (Groom), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 5.1–5.7 (January 1913 – July 1913).
  • Otets Sergiy (Father Sergius). Translated as: “Shukke (Pāteru Serugiusu)” 出家 (パアテル・セルギウス) (A priest – Father Sergius), Bungei kurabu 文芸倶楽部 (Literary Club) 19.12 (1913).

Turgenev, Ivan

  • Durak (The Fool). Translated as: “Baka na otoko” 馬鹿な男 (A foolish man), Nihon no bunka 日本之文華 (Belles-lettres in Japan) 1.2 (1890).
  • Prizraki (Phantoms). Translated as: “Rōma” 羅馬 (Rome), Tōkyōchū shinbun 東京中新聞, 1 June 1890.


Verhaeren, Emile

  • Le cloître (The Cloister). Translated as: “Sōin” 僧院 (The Cloister), Kabuki 歌舞伎 139–171 (January 1912 – September 1914).

Volkelt, Johannes

  • Ästhetische Zeitfragen (Current Questions in Aesthetics). Translated as: “Shinbi shinsetsu” 審美新説 (A New Interpretation of Aesthetics), Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 26–39 (February 1898 – September 1899).

Vollmoeller, Karl

  • Die Geliebte (The Beloved). Translated as: “Shōtai” 正体 (His true object of veneration), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 3.6–3.8 (June 1912 – August 1912).


Wassermann, Jacob

  • Sara Malcolm. Translated as: “Ōgonhai” 黄金杯 (A Golden Cup), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.5–1908.6 (May 1908 – June 1908).

Wedekind, Frank

  • Der Kammersänger (The Court-Singer). Translated as: “Shuppatsu zenhan jikan” 出発前半時間 (Half an hour before departing), Kabuki 歌舞伎 93–95 (January 1908 – June 1908).

Wied, Gustav

  • Da Baby skulde paa Hotel (As the toddler should’ve gone to the hotel). Translated as: “Nennē hatago” ねんねえ旅籠 (Bed-time hotel), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 13.4 (1909): 1–13.
  • In elfter Stunde. Translated as: “Gogo jūichi ji” 午後十一時 (Eleven in the afternoon), Taiyō 太陽 (The Sun) 16.1 (1910): 113–26.
  • Unknown text from Circus Mundi. Translated as: “Bara” 薔薇 (Roses), Joshi bundan 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 7.8 (1911).
  • Kyddet (Flesh). Translated as: “Ama” 尼 (Nuns), Warera 我等 (We) 1.1 (1914).

Wilde, Oscar

  • Salomé. Translated as: “Sarome” サロメ (Salomé), Kabuki 歌舞伎 110–111 (September 1909 – October 1909).