
Chronologie der Veröffentlichungen

Auf diesen Seiten entsteht ein chronologisch angeordnetes Ver­zeichnis aller Texte Moris, die im Zeitraum von 1881 bis 1922 veröffentlicht wurden. Auch Texte, die sich nicht in den Gesamtausgaben finden, werden berücksichtigt. Die bibliogra­phischen Daten der japanischen Originale werden verzeichnet und transkribiert. Zudem sind die Titel der Veröffentlichungen mit Übersetzungen in das Englische versehen.

Das Verzeichnis ist in Lebensphasen unterteilt. Sie können zusammen und separat aufgerufen werden.

Auf die bibliographischen Daten folgen:
Angaben zum Verfassernamen, unter dem die Veröffentlichung erfolgte.
Hinweise auf den Ort in der maßgeblichen Gesamtausgabe des Verlags Iwanami (Ōgai zenshū, 1971-75) sowie auf digitale Ausgaben des Texts.

Studienjahre, 1881–88



  • “Kawazu Kinsen kun ni tadasu” 河津金線君に質す (Questions to Kawazu Kinsen), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 17 September 1881, morning edition: 3–4.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 38: 116 


  • “Organisation [des Militär-Sanitätswesens]: Japan” (Organization of military sanitation: Japan). Aufgezeichnet von Wilhelm Roth, Jahresbericht über die Leistungen und Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete des Militär-Sanitätswesens 11 (1885): 29–37.
    ⊂ Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 578–90  Wellcome Library (digital copy of republication)


  • “Tōkyōkō” 盗侠行 (Chivalrous thieveries), Tōyō gakugei zasshi 東洋学芸雜誌 (Journal of Oriental Sciences and Arts) 40 (25 January 1885): 282–84. [Partial translation of Die Karawane (The Caravan) by Wilhelm Hauff].
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎 → Ōgai zenshū 19: 64–66



  • “Nihon heishoku ron taii” 日本兵食論大意 (Synopsis of ‘On Japanese soldiers’ diet’), Iji shinbun 医事新聞 (Medical Newspaper) 192 (1886).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 11–18


  • “Über die Kost der niponischen Soldaten” (On Japanese soldiers’ diet), Archiv für Hygiene 5 (1886): 333–52.
    ⊂ Dr. Rintaro Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 560–77  Wellcome Library (digital copy of republication: “Japanische Soldatenkost vom Voit’schen Standpuncte”)


  • “Die Wahrheit über Nipon” (The truth about Japan), Allgemeine Zeitung, 360 (29 December 1886): 5307–5309.
    ⊂ Dr. med. Rintarō Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 611–20  digiPress - Bayerische Staatsbibliothek



  • “Noch einmal die Wahrheit über Nipon” (The truth about Japan revisited), Allgemeine Zeitung, 1 February 1887: 458–59.
    ⊂ Dr. Rintarō Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 605–10  digiPress - Bayerische Staatsbibliothek


  • “Doitsu ryūgaku Mori ittō gun’i yori Ishiguro gun’ikan e okureru shukan” 独逸留学森一等医ヨリ石黒軍医監ヘ送レル手翰 (A letter by Army Surgeon, First Class, Mori, studying abroad in Germany, to Surgeon Major-General Ishiguro), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi 陸軍軍医学会雑誌 (The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association) 12 (1887).
    ⊂ Mori Ittō Gun’i 森一等軍醫  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 19–21


  • “Über die diuretische Wirkung des Bieres” (On the diuretic effect of beer), Archiv für Hygiene 7 (1887): 354–404.
    ⊂ Dr. Rintaro Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 505–53  Wellcome Library (digital copy of republication: “Ueber die diuretische Wirkung des Biers”)


  • “Beriberi und Cholera in Japan” (Beriberi and Cholera in Japan), Deutsche Medicinische Wochenschrift 52 (29 December 1887): 1134–35.
    ⊂ Rintaro Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 499–504  Wellcome Library (digital copy of republication)
  • “Zur Nahrungsfrage in Japan” (On the issue of food in Japan), Katalog der für das Lesezimmer des VI. Internationalen Congresses für Hygiene und Demographie zu Wien 1887 eingesendeten Werke. Heft 33, Nachtrag: 6.
    ⊂ Rintaro Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 554–59



  • “Doitsu Koku ryūgaku Mori Rintarō kun no kisho” 独逸国留学森林太郎君ノ奇書 (A contribution [on the use of groundwater] by Mori Rintarō studying abroad in Germany), Dai Nippon Shiritsu Eisei Kai zasshi 大日本私立衛生会雑誌 (Journal of the Greater Japanese Private Association of Hygiene) 57 (1888).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → See Ōgai zenshū 28: 36–40


  • “Ueber pathogene Bacterien im Canalwasser” (On pathogenic bacteria in sewage water), Zeitschrift für Hygiene 4 (1888): 47–66.
    ⊂ Dr. Rintaro Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 491–8  Wellcome Library (digital copy of republication)


  • “Ethnographisch-hygienische Studie über Wohnhäuser in Japan” (Ethnographic-hygienical study on residential homes in Japan), Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 1888 (Sitzung vom 26. Mai 1888): 232–46. [issued in “Zeitschrift für Ethnologie” 20 (1888) with separate title page and pagination]
    ⊂ Dr. Rintaro Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 471–90  Wellcome Library (digital copy of republ-ication)  ↓ see also January 1889
  • “Zai Berurin Mori ittō gun’i hōkoku” 在伯林森一等軍醫報告 (A Report by Army Surgeon, First Class, Mori residing in Berlin), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi 陸軍軍医学会雑誌 (The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association) 21 (1888).
    ⊂ Mori Ittō Gun’i 森一等軍醫  →  Ōgai zenshū 28: 49

Furor scribendi, 1888–94



  • “Bettenkōferu shi no shokan” 別天過俠氏の書簡 (On a letter by [Max von] Pettenkofer), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 558 (1888).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎 → Ōgai zenshū 28: 76–77
  • “Densenbyō bunrui zu” 伝染病分類図 (Classification chart of contagious diseases), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 561 (1888).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 126–28
  • “Doresuden ni fushōsha unpan enshū o miru no ki” 徳停府ニ負傷者運搬演習(Krankenträger-Übung)ヲ観ルノ記 (An account of observing the training manoeuvres in Dresden for the evacuation of battle wounded), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi 陸軍軍医学会雑誌 (The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association) 24 (1888).
    ⊂ Rikugun Ittō Gun’i Mori Rintarō 陸軍一等軍醫 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 3–9
  • “Gun’i gaku shincho no yōryō” 軍医学新著の要領 (Essentials of some new publications on military medicine), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi 陸軍軍医学会雑誌 (The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association) 24 (1888).
    ⊂ Rikugun Ittō Gun’i Mori Rintarō 陸軍一等軍醫 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 22–35
  • Hi Nihon shoku ron wa masa ni sono konkyo o ushinawan to su 非日本食論ハ将ニ其根拠ヲ失ハントス (The arguments against Japanese food will soon lose their foundation), Kissei Dō 橘井堂 1888.
     Mori Rintarō 森林太郎   Ōgai zenshū 28: 78–89  National Diet Library Digital Collections 
  • “Makkenjī no kaitō o yomu” マツケンジーノ解嘲ヲ読ム (Reading [Sir Morell] Mackenzie’s justifications), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 559 (1888). [The renowned British laryngologist had diagnosed German Emperor Frederick III’s illness (laryngeal cancer) as a benign tumor.]
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 103–5
  • “Nihon kaoku setsu jishō” 日本家屋説自抄 (Excerpts of my text ‘Explanations on Japanese residential homes’), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 5 and 6 December 1888.
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 42–48
  • “Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi kōseisha fuki” 陸軍軍医学会雑誌校正者附記 (Errata and addenda to [various issues of] The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi 陸軍軍医学会雑誌 (The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association), 25–27 (December 1888 – April 1889).
    ⊂ Rikugun Ittō Gun’i Mori Rintarō 陸軍一等軍醫 森林太郎 [authored or recorded by him] → Ōgai zenshū 28: 111–15
  • “Shōdoku no jikkō” 消毒ノ実行 (The practice of disinfection), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi 陸軍軍医学会雑誌 (The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association), 25–26 (December 1888 – January 1889).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 116–25
  • “Shōrai no danshitsuro” 将来の煖室炉 (Future space heaters), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 560–61 (1888).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 106–9
  • “Taimu nikki” 隊務日記 (Diary of my military service), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi furoku 陸軍軍医学会雑誌附録 (Supplement to The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association) 24 (1888).
    ⊂ Rikugun Ittō Gun’i Mori Rintarō 陸軍一等軍醫 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 35: 193–218



  • “Baierun Ōkoku Rikugun Eiseibu sho sōchi no ryakki” 拝焉王国陸軍衛生部諸装置ノ略記 (A brief account of various devices used in the Hygiene Department of the Bavarian Army), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi 陸軍軍医学会雑誌 (The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association) 26–27 (January 1889 – April 1889).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 175–84
  • “Emiru dyu Boa Rēmon no den” エミル・ドユ・ボア・レーモンノ伝 (A biography of Emil [Heinrich] du Bois-Reymond), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 562–82 (January 1889 – May 1889). [Translation of text(s) on “Emil [Heinrich] du Bois-Reymond” by Adolph Kohut].
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 151–66
  • “Ethnographisch-hygienische Studie über Wohnhäuser der Japaner”, Von West nach Ost. Eine Zeitschrift zur Beförderung der Pflege der deutschen Sprache in Japan 1 (January 1889): 5–7; 2 (February 1889): 15–17; 3 (March 1889): 33–36. [the serial publication continued in the following issues which are not extant]
    ⊂ Dr. Rintaro Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 471–90  Wellcome Library (digital copy of republication)
  • “Hairō yobōhō no ichian” 肺労予防法之一案 (Proposing a method for preventing pulmonary tuberculosis), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 562 (1889).
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 148–50
  • “Keikudoku Shusetsu In o hiraku no ki” 瘈狗毒種接院ヲ開クノ記 (On the inauguration of the Anti-Rabies Inoculation Institute [in Paris, i.e. Institut Pasteur, 14 November 1888]), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 563 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 167–68
  • “Koike gakushi no Chūgai Iji Shinpō sha’in ni atauru sho o yomu” 小池学士ノ中外医事新報社員二与フル書ヲ読ム (Reading the letter by Koike [Masanao] to the employees of the National and International Medical News Company), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 565 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 171–74
  • “Nihon igaku no mirai o toku” 日本医学の未来を説く (On the future of Japanese medical science), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 564 (1889).
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 169–70
  • “Shiku kaisei wa hatashite eisei jō no mondai ni arazaru ka” 市区改正ハ果シテ衛生上ノ問題ニ非サルカ (Isn’t city improvement in actual fact a public health issue?), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 562 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 129–44
  • “Shirabe wa takashi gitarura no hitofushi” 音調高洋箏一曲 (A noble guitar melody), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 3 January – 14 February 1889. [Translation of El alcalde de Zalamea (The Mayor of Zalamea) by Don Pedro Calderón de la Barca; published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 1–92
  • “Shōsetsu ron” 小説論 (On the novel), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 3 January 1889, supplement: 1. [In 1896 republished as “Igaku no setsu ni idetaru shōsetsu ron” 医学の説より出でたる小説論 (An approach to fictional writing based on medical science) in Tsukigusa.]
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫博士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 38: 451–52
  • “Suntetsu gakushi” 寸鉄学士 (The astute scholar [Kitasato Shibasaburō]), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 562 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 145–47


  • “Bettenkōferu shi no nanajū tanshin” ベツテンコーフエル師ノ七十誕辰 (Prof. [Max von] Pettenkofer’s 70th birthday), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 568 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 204–6
  • “Gunjin ryūkōbyō oyobi sono ta no densenbyō o kōgeki suru no hōsaku” 軍陣流行病及ビ其他ノ伝染病ヲ攻撃スルノ方策 (Measures to fight epidemics and other infectious diseases in military camps), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 567–576 (February 1888 – April 1889). [Partial translation of speeches and presentations by Robert Koch].
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 189–203
  • “Igaku tōkei ron no daigen” 医学統計論ノ題言 (A preface to the “Medical Statistics” debate), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 569 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 217–21
  • “Itsuonkei” 逸温計 (The thermopheugoskop [A device used to measure skin heat dissipation] by F. Arnheim), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 566 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 185
  • “Mizugasu no gai ni tsuite” 水瓦斯ノ害ニ就テ (On the potential harm of water gas = translation of an article in Gesundheitsingenieur 23, 1888), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 568 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 216
  • “Ryokuyō no nageki” 緑葉の歎 (Mourning over [the wreath of] green leaves [symbolizing chastity]), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 22 February 1889, supplement: 1. [Translation of Kadour et Katel (Kadour and Katel) by Alphonse Daudet; published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 93–100
  • “Sanka ran’yō” 産科攬要 (Review of ‘Compendium of obstetrics’ [Compendium der Geburtshilfe] by Julius Hermann Haake, transl. by Shimodaira Yōsai), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 566 (1889).
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 186–87
  • “Senzai no ichigū” 千載ノ一遇 (A unique opportunity [On Japan’s medical science and the role and duties of the ‘New Tokyo Medical Journal’]), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 567 (1889).
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 188


  • “Baishō no rigai” 売笑の利害 (Arguments for and against prostitution [referring to W. O. Focke]), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 1 (1889).
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 15–18
  • “Dokudoku hi Nihon shoku ron wa masa ni sono konkyo o ushinawan to su” 読々非日本食論将失其根拠論 (Re-reading: The argument against Japanese food will soon lose its foundation), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 574 (1889).
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 90–91
  • “Eisei shinshi no majime” 衛生新誌の真面目 (The true intention of the 'New Hygiene Journal'), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 1 (1889): 1–6.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 1–6
  • “Fukunyū no chūi” 服乳の注意 ([Hygienic] precautions when drinking milk), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 1 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 7–14
  • “Kohho shi Indo kikō shō” コツホ師印度紀行抄 (Excerpts from Koch’s India travelogue), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 570–603 (March 1889 – October 1889) / Iji shinron 医事新論 (New Medicine) 1–7 (December 1889 – July 1890).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎 (parts published in Tōkyō iji shinshi 570–603 (except 591) / Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 (parts Tōkyō iji shinshi 591 and in Iji shinron  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 279–303
  • “Pettenkōferu no itsuji” ペツテンコーフエルノ逸事 (Anecdotes of [Max von] Pettenkofer), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 570–572 (March 1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 207–15
  • Rikugun eisei kyōtei 陸軍衛生教程 (Army manual of hygiene), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkō 陸軍軍医学校 1889.
    ⊂ Rikugun Ittō Gun’i Igakushi Mori Rintarō 陸軍一等軍醫 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 305–75  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • “Rūsō ga shōji no yamai o shin su” ルーソーガ少時ノ病ヲ診ス (Examining [Jean-Jacques] Rousseau’s childhood disease), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 574–575 (March 1889 – April 1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 20–26
  • “Sensō” 戦僧 (Military chaplain), Shōnen en 少年園 (Boy’s Garden) 1.10 (1889): 13–17. [Translation of Le Cabecilla by Alphonse Daudet from a German version titled “Der Feldprediger”].
    ⊂ Ōgai Mori Rintarō 鷗外森林太郎  → See Ōgai zenshū 1: 157–63
  • “Shingaku shinron” 鍼学新論 (New perspectives on acupuncture), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 570 (1889).
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 276–77
  • “Tama o idaite tsumi ari” 玉を懐いて罪あり (Opportunity makes the thief), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 5 March – 21 July 1889. [Translation of Das Fräulein von Scuderi (Mademoiselle de Scuderi) by E.T.A. Hoffmann; published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史   → Ōgai zenshū 1: 101–55
  • “Tetsu no shin teiryōhō” 鉄ノ新定量法 (A new method to determine the quantity of ferrum), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 571 (1889) [Translation and summary of an article published in Archiv für Hygiene 8.4, 1888].
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  →  Ōgai zenshū 28: 278
  • “Tōkei ni tsuite” 統計ニ就テ (On statistics), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 573 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  →  Ōgai zenshū 28: 222–26
  • “Über eine neue Richtung der japanischen Literatur”, Von West nach Ost. Eine Zeitschrift zur Beförderung der Pflege der deutschen Sprache in Japan 1.3 (30 March 1889): 23–25.
    ⊂ Dr. Rintaro Mori → not in Ōgai zenshū  Japanstudien (DIJ Tokyo)


  • “Shin sekai no Urashima” 新世界の浦島 (Urashima of the new world), Shōnen en 少年園 (Boy’s Garden) 2.13–2.20 (May 1889 – August 1889). [Translation of Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 165–86
  • “‘Bungaku to shizen’ o yomu” 「文学ト自然」ヲ読ム (On Reading “Literature and Nature”), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友 (The Nation’s Friend) 50 (1889): 18–22. [Reply to an article by Iwamoto Yoshiharu]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 38: 458–63
  • “Kutsu? Geta?” 靴?屐? (Shoes? Geta?), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 5 (1889): 1–12.
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 141–53


  • “Tōkei ni tsuite no bunso” 統計ニ就テノ分疏 (A vindication of statistics), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 584 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 227–42


  • “Daigaku no jiyū o ron zu” 大学ノ自由ヲ論ズ (On academic freedom), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友 (The Nation’s Friend) 57 (1889): 16–22.
    ⊂ Dairoku Gakunin 臺麓學人  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 19–22
  • “Shori no setsu” 書痢ノ説 (On textual diarrhea), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 591 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 203–5


  • “Omokage” 於母影 (Shadow images), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友附録 (Supplement to The Nation’s Friend) 58 (1889).
    ⊂ S.S.S. [pen-name of the “Society of New Voices” 新声社 (Shin Sei Sha) that centered upon Mori]  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 1–66


  • “Über das Duellwesen in Japan”, Von West nach Ost. Eine Zeitschrift zur Beförderung der Pflege der deutschen Sprache in Japan 1.9 (30 September 1889).
    ⊂ Dr. Rintaro Mori [Signature suggested by other publications of Mori in this journal] → Ōgai zenshū 26: 592–95 Wellcome Library (digital copy of republication)
  • “Über die Giftigkeit und die Entgiftung des Samen von Agrostemma Githago (Konrade)”, Archiv für Hygiene 9 (1889): 257–70. [Published in collaboration with K. B. Lehmann].
    ⊂ Dr. R. Mori → Ōgai zenshū 28: 453–64  Wellcome Library (digital copy of republication: Ueber die Giftigkeit und die Entgiftung der Samen von Agrostemma Githago, Kornrade)
  • “Seijin no kyoji, ware o futei su” 西人ノ虚辞、我ヲ誣詆ス (The untrue assertions of the Western Europeans degrade us), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 599 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 23–26
  • “Nihon Igakkai ron” 日本医学会論 (On the Japanese Medical Society), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 600 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎   → Ōgai zenshū 29: 247–61


  • “Engeki kairyō ronja no henken ni odoroku” 演劇改良論者の偏見に驚く (Surprised by the prejudice of theater reformers), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 1 (1889): 4–8.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 30–34 / Later republished in Tsukikusa 月草 (1896) National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • “Kōzui” 洪水 (Deluge), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 1–6 (October 1889 – March 1890). [Translation of High Water Mark by Bret Harte].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 187–98
  • “Oribara” 折薔薇 (The Broken rose), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 1–33 (October 1889 – June 1892). [Translation of Emilia Galotti by G. Ephraim Lessing; published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 199–315


  • “Onna kabuki Misao no Hitosashi” 女歌舞伎操一舞 (A [play for] women’s kabuki: Dance of Faithfullness), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 5 November 1889, morning edition: 2. [fragment]
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi, Miki Takeji dōkō 鷗外漁史・三木竹二 同稿 [i.e. published with his younger brother Mori Tokujirō] → Ōgai zenshū 1: 317–22
  • “Suitchuru kan ni uta o kiku” 瑞西館に歌を聴く (Listening to a song in a Swiss inn), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 6 November – 29 November 1889. [Translation of Luzern [Lucerne] by Leo Tolstoy].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 323–60
  • “Denki Tōnī” 伝奇トーニー (The adventures of Toni), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 25 November – 3 December 1889. [Translation of Toni - Ein Drama in drei Aufzügen (Toni) by Carl Theodor Körner; published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 361–78
  • “Gendai shoka no shōsetsuron o yomu” 現代諸家の小説論を読む (On reading theories of the novel by various contemporary authors [such as Paul Heyse]), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 2 (1889): 4–22.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 → Ōgai zenshū 22: 65–82 / Later republished as “Ima no shoka no shōsetsuron o yomite” 今の諸家の小説論を読みて (On reading theories of the novel by various authors of the day) in Tsukikusa 月草 (1896) National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Aete tenka no ishi ni tsugu” 敢て天下の医士に告ぐ (A message to all doctors!), Iji shinron 医事新論 (New Medicine) 1 (1889): 1–3.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 333–36
  • “Futatabi geki o ronjite yo no hyōka ni kotau” 再び劇を論じて世の評家に答ふ (Another contribution to [the discussion of] theater [reform] in reply to various critics), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 3 (1889): 13–29. [see also October, 1889]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 35–53



  • “Futayo” ふた夜 (Two nights), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 1 January – 26 February 1890. [Translation of Zwei Nächte (Two nights) by Friedrich Wilhelm Hackländer].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 379–421
  • “Maihime” 舞姫 (The dancing girl), Kokumin no tomo furoku 国民之友附録 (Supplement to The Nation’s Friend) 6.69 (1890): 1–17.
    ⊂ Ōgai Mori Rintarō 鷗外森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 423–47
  • “Baka na otoko” 馬鹿な男 (A foolish man), Nihon no bunka 日本之文華 (Belles-lettres in Japan) 1.2 (1890). [Translation of The Fool by Ivan Turgenev].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 449–52
  • S.S.S.: “Meiji nijūninen no hihyōka no shigan” 明治二十二年批評家の詩眼 (On the evaluation of poetry by critics in the year Meiji 22, i.e. 1887), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 4 (1890): 1–27.
    ⊂ S.S.S. (Shin Sei Sha)  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 89–102 (「今の批評家の詩眼」)
  • “Kōshōhai go no saku ikan” 公娼廃後の策奈何 (On the best policy after public prostitution has been abolished), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 12–13 (January 1890).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 350–73


  • “Engeki jōri no shijin” 演劇場裏の詩人 (The poet behind the stage), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 5 (1890): 1–19.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 104–19


  • “Jishin” 地震 (Earthquake), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞 (The nation’s newspaper), 17 March – 26 March 1890. [Translation of Das Erdbeben in Chili (The Earthquake in Chile) by Heinrich von Kleist].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 453–72


  • “Akuinnen” 悪因縁 (Evil karma), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友 (The Nation’s Friend) 6.80–7.89 (April 1890 – July 1890). [Translation of Die Verlobung in St. Domingo (Betrothal in St. Domingo) by Heinrich von Kleist].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史 → Ōgai zenshū 1: 473–511
  • “Kidori Hannojō ni atauru sho” 気取半之丞に与ふる書 (A letter addressed to Kidori Hannojō, i.e. Ishibashi Ningetsu), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 7 (1890): 20–27.
    ⊂ Aizawa Kenkichi 相澤謙吉  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 158–72
  • “Umoregi” 埋れ木 (Fossil wood), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 7–31 (April 1890 – April 1892). [Translation of Die Geschichte eines Genies: Die Galbrizzi (The story of a genius) by Ossip Schubin, i.e. Aloisia Kirschner].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 513–607


  • “Toyama Shōichi shi no garon o baku su” 外山正一氏の画論を駁す (Refuting the art theories of Mr. Toyama Shōichi), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 8 (1890): 14–50.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 175–207


  • “Rōma” 羅馬 (Rome), Tōkyō chū shinbun 東京中新聞, 1 June 1890. [Partial translation of Prizraki (Phantoms) by Ivan Turgenev].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史 → See Ōgai zenshū 1: 609–14
  • “Okusei shingi” 屋制新議 (Current discussion of a building ordinance), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 22 (1890): 1–8.
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 440–48
  • “Kaishin roku” 会心録 (Satisfaction record), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 23–28 (September 1890).
    ⊂ Konju Koji 紺珠居士  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 468–83
  • “Shōzō ni soete Kokumin Shinbun Sha ni yo suru sho” 肖像に添へて国民新聞社に寄する書 (A letter with [my] portrait sent to the People’s Newspaper Company), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞, 23 June 1890.
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  →  Ōgai zenshū 22: 231–34
  • “Sohō sensei ni kotauru sho” 蘇峰先生に答ふる書 (A letter in reply to Master [Tokutomi] Sohō), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞, 24 June 1890.
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  →  Ōgai zenshū 22: 235–36


  • “Kōshū eisei ryakusetsu” 公衆衛生略説 (An outline of public health), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 25 (1890): 14–18.
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 514–28


  • “Michi no ki” みちの記 (Travelogue), Tōkyō shinpō 東京新報, 22 August 1890.
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 243–50
  • “Ukiyo no nami” うきよの波 (Waves of the floating world), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友 (The People’s Friend) 7.92–7.99 (August 1890 – November 1890) . [Translation of Die Flut des Lebens (Flood of life) by Adolf Stern].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 615–37
  • “Utakata no ki” うたかたの記 (A Record of Foam on the Waves), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 11 (1890): 1–16.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 1–25


  • “Daijukkai Kokusai I Gakkai” 第十回国際医学会 (The X. International Medical Congress [in Berlin]), Eisei ryōbyōshi 衛生療病志 (Journal of Hygiene and Therapy) 11–14 (October 1890 – February 1891).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 30: 1–24


  • “Ningetsu yūgen o ronzuru ni kotauru sho” 答忍月論幽玄書 (A letter in reply to [Ishibashi] Ningetsu’s essay on yūgen, i.e. profundity), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 14 (1890): 4–12.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 286–95


  • “Ningetsu ga futatabi ware ni kotauru sho o mite” 忍月が再び我に答ふる書を見て (Taking a look at [Ishibashi] Ningetsu’s reaction to my reply), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 15 (1890): 34–37.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 295–99



  • “Fumizukai” 文づかひ (The Courier), in: Shincho hyakushu 新著百種 (Anthology of new literary works), vol. 12, Yoshioka Shosekiten 吉岡書籍店 1891.
     ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 27–47  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Ningetsu koji ni atau” 忍月居士に与ふ (To Ningetsu [On ‘The Courier’]), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞, 16 February 1891.
     ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 310–11


  • “Ōjūshō” 黄緩章 (The medal with a yellow ribbon), Tōkyō Nichinichi shinbun 東京日日新聞, 8 March – 14 March 1891. [Translation of “In eine Dachkammer wird eine Schlafgängerin gesucht und daselbst ist eine Kinderbettlade zu verkaufen (in: Geschichten einer Wetterfahne, 1856) by Friedrich Wilhelm Hackländer].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 49–62
  • “Zangeki” 懺悔記 (The Confessions), Rikken jiyū shinbun 立憲自由新聞, 18 March – 1 May 1891. [Partial translation of Les Confessions (The Confessions) by Jean-Jacques Rousseau].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 63–115
  • “Rōdokuhō ni tsukite no arasoi” 朗読法につきての争 (A dispute over methods of recital), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 18 (1891): 1–7.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 351–58


  • “Mikuzu” みくづ (Rubbish in the water), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 21 (1891): 28–31. [Translation of Un teneur de livres (A Book-keeper) by Alphonse Daudet from a German version titled “Aus der Kanzlei des Todes”].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 117–23
  • “Resshingu ga koto o shirusu” レツシングが事を記す (Notes on Lessing), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 21–24 (June – September 1891).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 371–86


  • “Okushiki ryakusetsu” 屋式略説 (An outline of building style), Eisei ryōbyōshi 衛生療病志 (Journal of Hygiene and Therapy) 19 (1891): 17–20.
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → See Ōgai zenshū 29: 449–53


  • “Mori Rintarō shi rireki no gairyaku” 森林太郎氏履歴の概略 (A résumé of Mori Rintarō’s life), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal), 710 (1891).
    ⊂ Sakai Tametsugu 坂井為次  → Ōgai zenshū 30: 194–98
  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Shōyō Shi no shinsaku jūni ban chū sude ni hatsu yon ban gōhyō…’” 山房論文「逍遥子の新作十二番中既発四番合評・・・」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘A joint review of [already published] four out of twelve new works by Shōyō Shi’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 24 (1891): 1–28.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 3–16


  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Bimyō Sai shujin ga inbun ron’” 山房論文「美妙斎主人が韻文論」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘Bimyō Sai Shujin’s [Yamada Bimyō] discussion of poetry’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 25 (1891): 1–19.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 90–105


  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Waseda bungaku no botsurisō’” 山房論文「早稲田文学の没理想」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘The Submerged Ideals of [the journal] Waseda literature’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 27 (1891): 1–9.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 17–24



  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Emile Zola ga botsurisō’” 山房論文「エミル、ゾラが没理想」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘Émile Zola’s submerged ideals’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 28 (1892): 21–24.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 84–87


  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Shiken koji ga mimi no shibai me no shibai’” 山房論文「思軒居士が耳の芝居目の芝居」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘[Morita] Shiken’s theater of the ears and theater of the eyes’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 29 (1892): 3–21.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 162–78


  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Waseda bungaku no bokkyaku risō’” 山房論文「早稲田文学の没却理想」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘The effaced ideals of [the journal] Waseda literature’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 30 (1892): 1–9.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 25–32


  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Waseda bungaku no kō botsurisō’” 山房論文「早稲田文学の後没理想」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘The overcome ideals of [the journal] Waseda literature’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 33 (1892): 1–26.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 56–84


  • Minawa shū 水沫集 (Spray Water Anthology), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1892.
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  National Diet Library (digital copy of the republication of earlier literary works and translations)


  • “Jojōfu” 女丈夫 (A heroine), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友 (The People’s Friend) 163 (1892). [Translation of Charlotte Corday by Karl Frenzel].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 125–50
  • “Kanchōrō gūki” 観潮楼偶記 (Rare records from the Sea View Villa), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 35, (1892): 1–6.
    Unclear → Ōgai zenshū 22: 237; 528–31 and Ōgai zenshū 23: 195–98


  • “Toriko” 俘 (The captive), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 36–46 (September 1892 – July 1893). [Translation of Philotas by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing; published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 151–88


  • “Shinbiron” 審美論 (On Aesthetics), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 37–45 (October 1892 – June 1893). [Translation of Philosophie des Schönen (Philosophy of the Beautiful) by E. v. Hartmann].
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 21: 1–57
  • “Nukeuri” ぬけうり (Smuggling), Gakushū Hojin In Kai zasshi 学習院輔仁会雑誌 (Journal of the Society of the Friends of the Peers School) 18 (1892). [Translation of the novella “Taman” from Geroy nashego vremeni (A Hero of our time) by Mikhail Lermontov].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 189–207


  • “Sokkyō shijin” 即興詩人 (The Improvisatore), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 38 – 59 / Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 14 – 49 (November 1892 – February 1901). [Translation of The Improvisatore (Improvisatoren) by Hans Christian Andersen]
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史 (in Shigarami zōshi volume 38 to 51 and 53 to 57) / Kanchōrō Shujin 観潮楼主人 (in Shigarami zōshi 52 and 58 to 59 and most parts in Mezamashi gusa; 11 parts without signature)  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 209–596



  • “Bōkan kikan” 傍観機関 (The Functions of the spectator), Eisei ryōbyōshi 衛生療病志 (Journal of Hygiene and Therapy) 41–56 (May 1893 – August 1894).
    ⊂ Kanchōrō Shujin 観潮楼主人  →  Ōgai zenshū 30: 459–592



  • “Aru hyōgekisha ni kotauru sho” 答評劇者某書 (A letter in reply to a certain theater critic), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 57 (1894): 1–6.
    ⊂ Kanchōrō Shujin 観潮楼主人  → Tsukikusa 月草 (1896, as: 答評劇者某論夢幻劇書) → Ōgai zenshū 23: 231–35

Zwischen den Kriegen, 1894–1906



  • “Shigi no hanegaki” 鷸翮掻 (The snipe’s wing beat), Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 1–6 (January – June 1896).
    ⊂ Kikyū An 帰休庵  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 325–457


  • “Sannin jōgo” 三人冗語 (Idle talk among three people), Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 3–7 (March 1896 – July 1896). [Published in collaboration with Dattenshi (Kōda Rohan) and Tōsenbō (Saitō Ryoku’u)].
    ⊂ Shōrei Sha 鍾禮舎  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 459–522


  • “Indo shinbi setsu” 印度審美説 (On Indian aesthetics), Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 4 (1896): 1–6. [Published in collaboration with Ōmura Seigai].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 21: 59–66


  • “Unchūgo” 雲中語 (Words [uttered] among the clouds), Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 8–31 (September 1896 – September 1898). [Critiques of various literary works; published in collaboration with Saitō Ryokuu, Kōda Rohan, Yoda Gakkai, Aeba Kōson and Ozaki Kōyō]
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 24: 1–435


  • Tsukikusa 月草 (Moon grass), Shun’yō Dō 春陽堂 1896.[Collection of critical essays on art and literature published since the 1880s]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • Eisei Shinpen dai issatsu 衛生新篇第一冊 (New compendium of Hygiene: Volume 1), Nankōdō Shoten 南江堂書店, Matsuzaki Sōkyūdō 松崎蒼虬堂 1896. 494p. [First edition, published in two separate volumes and in collaboration with Koike Masanao 小池正直]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → See Ōgai zenshū 31, 32 National Diet Library (digital copy)



  • “Hage atama” はげあたま (A bald head), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 2.1 (1897). [Translation of Ein Carnevalfest auf Ischia (Carnival on Ischia) by August Kopisch].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 1–31
  • “Kōshū iji chogen” 公衆医事緒言 (Preface to [Mori’s new journal] “Public Health Affairs”), Kōshū iji 公衆医事 (Public Health Affairs) 1.1 (1897): 2.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 33: 159–60


  • Kagekusa かげ草 (Shade grass), Shun’yō Dō 春陽堂 1897. [Republication of translations in collaboration with Koganei Kimiko.]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library
  • “Hyōshin ryōi roku: ‘Murai Chōan Takumi no Yaburegasa’” 標新領異録「 村井長庵巧破傘」 (Records of new [conversations] on original works: ‘[The kabuki play] Murai Chōan Takumi no yaburegasa), Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 17 (May 1897): 1–32.
    [The column records conversations with Aeba Kōson, Kōda Rohan, Miki Takeji, Ozaki Kōyō, Saitō Ryoku’u, and Yoda Gakkai. They are noted for their contribution to literary criticism in Japan. The kabuki play by Kawatake Mokuami on the villain Murai Chōan is also known as Kanzen chōaku nozoki karakuri 勧善懲悪覗機関, or “A Viewing device to promote the good and to reprimand the bad”.]
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 24: 473–96


  • Eisei Shinpen dai nisatsu 衛生新篇第二冊 (New compendium of Hygiene: Volume 2), Nankōdō Shoten 南江堂書店, Matsuzaki Sōkyūdō 松崎蒼虬堂 1897. 447p. [First edition, published in two separate volumes and in collaboration with Koike Masanao].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → See Ōgai zenshū 31, 32  National Diet Library (digital copy)  
  • Eisei Shinpen 衛生新篇 (New compendium of Hygiene), Nankōdō Shoten 南江堂書店, Matsuzaki Sōkyūdō 松崎蒼虬堂 1897. 942p. [First edition, published in one volume and in collaboration with Koike Masanao].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → See Ōgai zenshū 31, 32
  • “Gekijō no ōkisa” 劇場の大さ (The size of theaters), Shinsaku bunko 新作文庫 (Library of new works) 2–3 (June 1897 – July 1897).
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 24: 623–35


  • “Hyōshin ryōi roku: ‘Kōshoku Ichidai Onna’” 標新領異録「好色一代女」 (Records of [conversations] on new and original works: ‘The Life of an Amorous Woman’ [by Ihara Saikaku]), Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 19 (July 1897).
    ⊂ Unclear → Ōgai zenshū 24: 496–525


  • “Somechigae” そめちがへ (A Multicoloured [fabric pattern]), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 2.9 (1897).
    ⊂ Ōgai おうぐわい  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 33–43


  • “Ōgai Gyoshi ga ‘Utakata no ki’, ‘Maihime’, ‘Fumizukai’ no yurai oyobi itsuwa” 鷗外漁史が「うたかたの記」「舞姫」「文つかい」の由来及び逸話 (Backgrounds and anecdotes regarding ‘A Record of Foam on the Waves’, ‘The Dancing Girl’, and ‘The Courier’ by Ōgai Gyoshi), Shincho gekkan 新著月刊 (Monthly Review of New Literary Works) 8 (November 1897): 214–21.
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 38: 152–55



  • “Shinbi shinsetsu” 審美新説 (A New Interpretation of Aesthetics), Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 26–39 (February 1898 – September 1899). [Translation of Ästhetische Zeitfragen (Current Questions in Aesthetics) by J. Volkelt].
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 21: 67–142


  • “Chiebukuro” 智恵袋 (A Bag of wisdom), Jiji shinpō 時事新報 (Current news), 9 August – 5 October 1898. [Partial translation and adaptation of Über den Umgang mit Menschen (On human relations) by Adolph Freiherr von Knigge]
    ⊂ Kanchōrō Shujin 観潮楼主人 [first part] / Ōgai 鷗外 [following parts] → Ōgai zenshū 25: 1–53


  • Nishi Amane den 西周伝 (Biography of Nishi Amane), Nishi Shinrokurō 西紳六郎 [Publishing] 1898. 172p.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 45–136  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • Yōga tebiki gusa 洋画手引草 (Handbook of western painting), Gahō Sha 画報社 1898. [Published in collaboration with Ōmura Seigai, Kume Keiichirō and Iwamura Tōru].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 21: 143–210  National Diet Library (digital copy)



  • Eisei Shinpen 衛生新篇 (New compendium of Hygiene). Second Edition, Nankōdō Shoten 南江堂書店, Sōkyūdō Shoten 蒼虬堂書店 1899. 956p. [Second edition, published in one volume and in collaboration with Koike Masanao 小池正直]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → See Ōgai zenshū 31, 32 


  • Shinbi kōryō 審美綱領 (Outline of aesthetics), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1899. [Summary of Philosophie des Schönen (Philosophy of the beautiful) by E. v. Hartmann; published in two separate volumes and in collaboration with Ōmura Seigai 大村西崖].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 → Ōgai zenshū 21: 211–350  → National Diet Library: Volume 1 & Volume 2 (digital copy)


  • “Shinbi kōryō no hihyō ni tai suru Mori Ōgai shi no shokan” 審美綱領の批評に対する森鷗外氏の書簡 (A letter from Mori Ōgai concerning reviews of “Outline of aesthetics”), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞 1 September – 2 September 1899.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 21: 351–53
  • “Shinbi kōryō no hihyō ni tai suru Mori Ōgai shi no dai ni sho” 審美綱領の批評に対する森鷗外氏の第二書 (The second letter from Mori Ōgai concerning reviews of “Outline of aesthetics”), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞 10 September 1899.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 21: 354–55
  • “Ware o shite Kyūshū no fujin tarashimeba” 我をして九州の富人たらしめば (If I were a person of means in Kyūshū), Fukuoka Nichinichi shinbun 福岡日日新聞, 16 September 1899.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 25: 93–98



  • “Ōgai Gyoshi to wa tare zo?” 鷗外漁史とは誰ぞ (Who is Ōgai Gyoshi?), Fukuoka Nichinichi shinbun 福岡日日新聞, 1 January 1900.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 25: 122–28
  • “Ōgai meiwa: Harada Naojirō shi” 甌外茗話 原田直次郎氏 (On Harada Naojirō), Tōkyō Nichinichi shinbun 東京日日新聞, 11 January – 14 January 1900.
    ⊂ Shinobi Nagashi 隠流 → Ōgai zenshū 25: 129–135


  • “Shintō go” 心頭語 (Words of the heart), Niroku shinpō ニ六新報 (Meiji 26 Times), 1 February 1900 – 18 February 1901. [Partial translation and adaptation of Über den Umgang mit Menschen (On human relations) by Adolph Freiherr von Knigge]
    ⊂ Senhachi 千八  → Ōgai zenshū 25: 136–209
  • Shinbi shinsetsu 審美新説 (A New interpretation of aesthetics), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1900. [Republication of the translation of Ästhetische Zeitfragen (Current Questions in Aesthetics) by J. Volkelt].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 21: 67–142  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Rōkyū roku” 潦休録 (A record of “Resting during heavy rainfall”), Kabuki 歌舞伎 4 (1900).
    ⊂ Shinobi Nagashi 隠流  → Ōgai zenshū 25: 218–25
  • “Futsū kyōiku no gunjin seishin ni oyobosu eikyō” 普通教育の軍人精神に及ぼす影響 (The influence of universal education on the martial spirit), Fukuoka Nichinichi shinbun 福岡日日新聞, 26 July – 30 July 1900.
    ⊂ Rikugun Gun’i Kan Mori Rintarō 陸軍軍医監 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 33: 698–705



  • “Shinbi kyokuchi ron” 審美極致論 (On the highest in aesthetics), Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 49–54 (February 1901 – October 1901). [Translation of “Das ästhetische Ideal” (The aesthetic ideal) from Zur Analysis der Wirklichkeit. Eine Erörterung der Grundprobleme der Philosophie (On the Analysis of Reality: A Discussion of the Basic Problems of Philosophy) by Otto Liebmann archive.org].
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 21: 385–464


  • “Jinshu saku” 人主策 (Politics of the lord), Niroku shinpō ニ六新報 (Meiji 26 Times), 12 May – 21 June 1901. [Summary of Macchiavelli’s Il Principe.]
    ⊂ Mumeishi 無名氏  → Ōgai zenshū 25: 255–66


  • Senron 戦論 (On war), [printed by the Command of the XII. Division in Kokura,] 1901. [Translation of the first two chapters of Vom Kriege (On war) by Carl von Clausewitz].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 34: 1–158


  • “Mizu no setsu” 水の説 (Theories [of the quality] of water), Kōshū iji 公衆医事 (Public Health Affairs) 5.9 (1901): 102–14.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 34: 169–79


  • “Shinbi kashō ron” 審美仮象論 (On aesthetic appearance), Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 55–56 (December 1901 – February 1902) / Geibun 芸文 (Arts and Literature) 1. [Partial translation of Einleitung in die Aesthetik (Introduction to aesthetics) by Karl Groos. The parts in Mezamashi gusa are unsigned; the part in Geibun is signed “Mori Sei”].
    ⊂ Mori Sei 森生 → Ōgai zenshū 21: 465–96



  • “Sokuhi nenpu” 即非年譜 (A Chronological record of Sokuhi [Nyoichi's life]), Fukuoka Nichinichi shinbun 福岡日日新聞, 1 January 1902.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 20: 1–9


  • Shinbi kyokuchi ron 審美極致論 (On the highest in aesthetics), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1902. [Translation of Zur Analyse der Wirklichkeit. Eine Erörterung der Grundprobleme der Philosophy (On the Analysis of Reality: An Articulation of the Basic Problems of Philosophie) by. Otto Liebmann].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 21: 385–464


  • “Jōgaku wa mote kagaku to shite rissuru ni taru ka” 情学は以て科学として立するに足るか (Can aesthetics be established as a science?), Bungei Kai 文芸界 (The World of Literature and Arts) 1 (1902).
    [Translation of “Ist Aesthetik als Wissenschaft möglich?” (Can aesthetics become science?) by Heinrich von Stein, from: Vorlesungen über Ästhetik, 1897].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 21: 497–501


  • “Hokushin jiken ichimen no kansatsu” 北清事件の一面の観察 (Observations of an aspect of the North China Incident, i.e. the Boxer Rebellion), Kōshū iji 公衆医事 (Public Health Affairs) 6.3 (1902): 22–27.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 34: 216–20


  • “Yōgaku no seisui o ron zu” 洋学の盛衰を論ず (On the rise and fall of western learning), Kōshū iji 公衆医事 (Public Health Affairs) 6.4–6.5 (June 1902 – July 1902).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 34: 221–28
  • “Yamahiko” やまひこ, Geibun 芸文 (Arts and Literature) 1–2 (June 1902 – August 1902). [Translation of Die Geschichte einer Liebe (A Love Story) by Hildegard von Hippel].
    ⊂ Rintarō りんたらう  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 137–75


  • Sokkyō shijin 即興詩人 (The Improvisatore), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1902. 618p. [Republication of the translation of Improvisatoren (The Improvisatore) by Hans Christian Andersen, serially published in Shigarami zōshi and Mezamashi gusa].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 209–596  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • Anonymous: “Mannen gusa daiji” 万年艸題辞 (Preface to [the journal] Mannen gusa), Mannen gusa 万年艸 (Eternal Grass) 1 (1902).
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 25: 335


  • “Seiyoku zassetsu” 性欲雑説 (Various theories on sexual desire), Kōshū iji 公衆医事 (Public Health Affairs) 6.9 (1902): 70–78.
    ⊂ Kyōsho Sei 挾書生  → Ōgai zenshū 32: 103–8


  • “Tamakushige futari Urashima” 玉篋両浦嶼 (The Jeweled Casket and the Two Urashimas), Kabuki 歌舞伎 36 (1902).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 177–217



  • “‘Shin shakai’ gappyō” 新社会合評 (A joint review of [Yano Ryūkei’s] ‘New Society’), Mannengusa 万年艸 (Eternal Grass) 4 (1903).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 25: 418–36


  • “Keigo” 慧語 (Wise words), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 8.3–9.2 (March 1903 – February 1904).
    ⊂ Chijin 痴人  → Ōgai zenshū 25: 457–69


  • “Makushiimu Gorukii” マクシイム・ゴルキイ (Maxim Gorki), Mannengusa 万年艸 (Eternal Grass) 5 (1903).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 25: 470–73


  •  “Eisei dan” 衛生談 (A talk on hygienics), Kōshū iji 公衆医事 (Public Medical Practice) 7.2 (1903).

    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 → Ōgai zenshū 34: 245–52.


  • “Maaterurinku no kyakuhon” マアテルリンクの脚本 (A drama by [Maurice] Maeterlinck), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 6.6 (1903): 1–19 / Kabuki 歌舞伎 39 – 43 (August – December 1903).
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 25: 287–303
  • “Bokushi” 牧師 (The pastor), Mannengusa 万年艸 (Eternal Grass) 6–8 (June 1903 – September 1903). [Translation of Brand by Henrik Ibsen].
    ⊂ Mumeishi 無名氏  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 219–65


  • “Haru no ashita / aki no yū” 春朝秋夕 (Spring morning and autumn evening), Tōyō gahō 東洋画報 (Oriental Graphic) 1.5 (1903). [On two plays by D'Annunzio]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 20–21


  • Geiyō kaibōgaku 芸用解剖学 (Artistic anatomy), Gaho Sha 画報社 1903. [Published in collaboration with Kume Kei’ichirō].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 33: 327–568  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • Chōsokabe Nobuchika 長宗我部信親, Kokkō Sha 国光社 1903. [A play on the sengoku daimyō Chōsokabe Nobuchika, 1539–99]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 69–99  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • Jinshu tetsugaku kōgai 人種哲学梗概 (Summary of racial philosophy), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1903.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 25: 501–33  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • “Mōgo” 妄語 (Lie(s)), Mannengusa 万年艸 (Eternal Grass) 9 – Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 11.2 (February 1907).
    ⊂ Mōjin 妄人  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 10–20


  • Taisen gakuri 大戦学理 (Great Theory of War), Gunji Kyōiku Kai 軍事教育会 1903. [Translation of Vom Kriege by Carl von Clausewitz. Chapter 1 and 2 translated by Mori Ôgai, the following chapters by members of the Military Academy].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 34: 1–158



  • “Gūkan nishu” 偶感二首 (Two poems evolved from random thoughts), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1904.1 (1904): 1.
    ⊂ Yume Miru Hito ゆめみるひと  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 508


  • “Nichiren shōnin tsuji seppō” 日蓮聖人辻説法 (A Street Sermon of Saint Nichiren), Kabuki 歌舞伎 47 (1904).
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 267–81]


  • “Ōgai Gyoshi no kinsaku” 鷗外漁史の近作 (A recent poem by Ōgai Gyoshi), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 24 April 1904, morning edition 1.
    ⊂ Mori Takayasu 森高湛  → Republished: Yume Miru hito ゆめみるひと: “Shashin” (Photograph), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 8.3 (June 1904)  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 317–18


  • “Dai rei gun no uta” 第〇軍の歌 (Marching song of division x), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 8.2 (1904): 22–23.
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 107–9
  • Kōka ron kōgai 黄禍論梗概 (Summary of [the Western debate on the] yellow peril), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1904.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 25: 535–68  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • Eisei Shinpen 衛生新篇 (New compendium of Hygiene), Nankōdō Shoten 南江堂書店, Sōkyūdō Shoten 蒼虬堂書店 1904. 1022p. [Third edition, published in one volume and in collaboration with Koike Masanao].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 → See Ōgai zenshū 31, 32  National Diet Library (digital copy)  


  • “Yume” ゆめ (Dream), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 8.8 (1904): 43.
    ⊂ Yume Miru Hito ゆめみるひと  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 298


  • “Taishiga no hotori yori” 太子河の辺より (From the vicinity of the Taizi river), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 8.9 (1904): 31–32.
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 36: 182–83



  • “Jinchū shukan” 陣中手柬 (A Letter from the front), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 9.1 (1905): 4.
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 36: 187–88


  • “Inu no koe” 犬の声 (The barking of a dog), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 9.2 (1905): 29.
    ⊂ Yume Miru Hito 夢みるひと  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 210–11


  • “Ehagaki” 画はがき (A picture postcard), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1905.3 (1905): 69.
    ⊂ Yume Miru Hito 夢みるひと  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 511


  • “Jinchū shukan” 陣中手柬 (A Letter from the front), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 9.4 (1905): 31.
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 36: 212–13


  • “Senchi yori” 戦地より (From the battlefield), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 9.5 (1905): 63.
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 36: 216


  • “Senchi yori” 戦地より (From the battlefield), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 9.6 (1905): 57.
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 224


  • Mori Ōgai 森鷗外: “Shintaishi oyobi tanka” 新体詩及短歌 (A poem in the new style and a tanka), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 9.7 (1905): 71.
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 221


  • “Senchi yori” 戦地より (From the battlefield), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 9.9 (1905): 43.
    ⊂ Minamoto no Takashizu (or: Takayasu) 源高湛  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 167
  • “Mandara ka / no uta” 曼陀羅歌 (Mandala song), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1905.9: 39–40.
    ⊂ Yume Miru Hito ゆめみるひと  → Ōgai zenshū 36: 236–37


  • “Amanogawa” 天の川 (The Milky Way), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 9.11 (1905): 27.
    ⊂ Kikyū An 帰休庵  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 173

Beobachter der Moderne, 1906–1912



  • “Tekishū” 敵襲 (Enemy attack), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 10.2 (1906): 14.
    ⊂ Yume Miru Hito 夢みる人  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 130–31


  • “Shizuku” 雫 (Drops), Geien 芸苑 (Garden of Art) 5 (1906).
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 420–21
  • “Geruharuto Hauputoman” ゲルハルト、ハウプトマン (Gerhart Hauptmann), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 10.5 (1906): 1–26.
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 38: 479–96


  • “Kusakabe nite” 日下部にて (In Kusakabe), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 1.3 (1906).
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 418


  • “Sara” 沙羅 (The Sala Tree), Bungeikai 文芸界 (The World of Literature and Arts) 5.9 (1906).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 417–46


  • “Ushirokage” 後影 (A retreating figure), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1906.10: 29.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 432
  • Geruharuto Hauputoman ゲルハルト・ハウプトマン (Gerhart Hauptmann), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1906.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 51–138  National Diet Library (digital copy) 


  • “Asane” 朝寐 (Sleeping in), Kokoro no hana furoku 心の花附録 (Supplement to Blossoms of the Heart) 10.11 (1906): 1–8.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 283–92


  • “Hi / Kamome” 火 / 鷗 (Fire / The sea-gulls), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1906.12 (1906): 1.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 474–76



  • “Yūrakumon” 有楽門 (The Yūraku Gate), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 11.1 (1907): 1–4.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 293–98
  • “Kariya no nagori” かりやのなごり (Remains of the battlefield), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1907.1: 115.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 156–57


  • “Shukumeiron sha” 宿命論者 (The fatalist), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1907.2: 14–21. [Translation of “Fatalist” from A Hero of our time (Geroy nashego vremeni) by Mikhail Lermontov].
    ⊂ Nanigashi なにがし  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 299–312


  • “Kōryan no hanashi” 高粱の話 (A tale of Kaoliang), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 11.3 (1907): 25–27.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 243–45


  • “Utsuro” 空洞 (The Cave), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1907.4: 1.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 435–37]


  • “Shisaku donguri” 試作団栗 (Trial growing of acorn), Shijin 詩人 (The Poet) 2 (1907).
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 479–80
  • Eiseigaku taii 衛生学大意 (An outline of hygiene), Hakubun Kan 博文館 1907.
    ⊂ Igaku Hakase Mori Rintarō 醫學博士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 30: 156–87  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Chokugen” 直言 (Plain talk), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1907.8: 112–13.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 445–46
  • “Hitogata” 人形 (Puppet(s)), Shijin 詩人 (The Poet) 3 (1907).
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 438


  • Uta nikki うた日記 (Verse Diary), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1907.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 101–340  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • “Hikari no yoi” 光の酔 (Brilliant intoxication), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 11.9 (1907). [Translation of “Glanzrausch” (Brilliant intoxication) by Paul Scheerbart]
    ⊂ Mumeishi 無名氏  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 494–97


  • “Kyakuhon ‘Main Fyurusuto’ no yaku” 脚本「マイン、フユルスト」の訳 (Translation of the Drama “Mein Fürst”), Kabuki 歌舞伎 90 (1907). [Translation of Mein Fürst! (My lord) by Wilhelm von Scholz].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 313–39
  • “Issetsuna” 一刹那 (One instant), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1907.10: 16–18.
    ⊂ Yume Miru Hito ゆめみるひと  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 513–14


  • “‘Tanken o mochitaru onna’ no yaku” 「短剣を持ちたる女」の訳 (Translation of ‘The Lady with the Dagger’), Kabuki 歌舞伎 91–92 (November 1907 – December 1907). [Translation of Die Frau mit dem Dolche (The Lady with the Dagger) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 341–72



  • “Sokurateesu no shi” ソクラテエスの死 (The death of Socrates), Kokoro no hana furoku 心の花附録 (Supplement to Blossoms of the Heart) 12.1 (1908): 1–6. [Translation of “Sokrates Tod” (The Death of Socrates) by Timm Kröger].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 373–81
  • “Andoreasu Taamaieru ga isho” アンドレアス・タアマイエルが遺書 (Andreas Thameyers’ Last will), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.1: 1–6. [Translation of Andreas Thameyers letzter Brief (Andreas Thameyers’ Last Will) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 383–92
  • “Maiōgi” 舞扇 (The dancing fan), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.1: 43–44.
    ⊂ Yume Miru Hito ゆめみるひと  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 515–16
  • “Shuppatsu zenhan jikan” 出発前半時間 (Half an hour before departing), Kabuki 歌舞伎 93–95 (January 1908 – June 1908). [Translation of Der Kammersänger (The Court-Singer) by Frank Wedekind].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 393–451


  • “Chichi” 父 (Father), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.2: 30–33. [Translation of “Der Vater” (Father) by Wilhelm Schäfer.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 453–59


  • Eisei Shinpen 衛生新篇 (New compendium of Hygiene), Nankōdō Shoten 南江堂書店, Sōkyūdō Shoten 蒼虬堂書店 1908. 1032p. [Fourth edition, published in one volume and in collaboration with Koike Masanao].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 → See Ōgai zenshū 31, 32


  • “Itsu no hi ka kimi wa kaerimasu” いつの日か君は帰ります (Someday you will return), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.4: 1–5. [Translation of “Der treue Johnie” (Loyal Johnny) by Anna Croissant-Rust].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 461–69


  • “Ōgonhai” 黄金杯 (A Golden Cup), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.5–1908.6. [Translation of “Sara Malcolm by Jacob Wassermann].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 471–96


  • Yoshihisa Shinnō jiseki 能久親王事蹟 (Historical traces of Prince Yoshihisa), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1908.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 497–620  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Okusoko” 奥底 (The inmost depth), Kabuki 歌舞伎 96–97 (July 1908 – August 1908). [Translation of Die tiefe Natur (Deep nature) by Hermann Bahr].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 1–41


  • “Shio no ne” 潮の音 (Sound of the ocean), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.8: 59–60.
    ⊂ Yume Miru Hito ゆめみるひと  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 517–18


  • “Hanataba” 花束 (The bouquet), Kabuki 歌舞伎 98–99 (September 1908 – October 1908). [Translation of “Margot” by Hermann Sudermann].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 43–82


  • “Bokushi” 牧師 (The Pastor), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 12.10 (1908): 1–10. [Translation of “Prästen (The Pastor) by Selma Lagerlöf].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 83–96


  • “Mosa” 猛者 (A man of valor), Kabuki 100 歌舞伎 (1908). [Translation of Der tapfere Cassian (Gallant Cassian) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 97–125
  • “Wakare” わかれ (A Parting), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.11: 1–7. [Translation of Ein Abschied (A Parting) by Arno Holz].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 127–39


  • “Chijin to shi to” 痴人と死と (The fool and the death), Kabuki 歌舞伎 101 (1908). [Translation of Der Tor und der Tod (Death and the Fool) by Hugo von Hofmannsthal].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 141–59
  • “Yonaka ni omotta koto” 夜なかに思つた事 (Midnight thoughts), Kōfū 光風 (Gentle Breeze) 4.2 (1908).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 298–301



  • “Kao” 顔 (The face), Kokoro no hana furoku 心の花附録 (Supplement to Blossoms of the Heart) 13.1 (1909): 1–8. [Translation of Das Gesicht (The Face) by Richard Dehmel].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 161–75
  • “Yaso Kōtansai no kaiire” 耶蘇降誕祭の買入 (Christmas Shopping), Shin tenchi 新天地 (New World) 2.1 (1909). [Translation of “Weihnachtseinkäufe (Christmas Shopping) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 177–97
  • “Purumūra” プルムウラ (Purumula), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.1 (1909): 1–27. [A play that presents the story of an Indian princess]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 345–75
  • “Sōbō mu” 僧房夢 (A dream of the monastery), Kabuki 歌舞伎 102–104 (January 1909 – March 1909). [Translation of Elga by Gerhart Hauptmann].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 377–455
  • A’iku ō jiseki 阿育王事蹟 (Records of King Asoka), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1909. [Published in collaboration with Ōmura Seigai].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 199–344  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Konton” 混沌 (Chaos), Zai Tōkyō Tsuwano Shōgakkō sōkai kaihō 在東京津和野小学校窓会会報 (Bulletin of the Association of the Tsuwano Primary School Alumni in Tokyo) 6 (1909).
    ⊂ Anonymous → Ōgai zenshū 26: 319–23
  • “Hannichi” 半日 (Half a day), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.3 (1909): 38–61.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 457–82
  • “Mukudori tsūshin” 椋鳥通信 (News of a Grey Starling), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.3–5.12 (March 1909 – December 1913).
    ⊂ Mumeishi 無名氏. Part six is signed “Mumeishi” 无名氏; part 38 was not signed. → Ōgai zenshū 27: 1–840


  • “Kamen” 仮面 (Masks), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.4 (1909): 1–32.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 483–507
  • “Nennē hatago” ねんねえ旅籠 (Bed-time hotel), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 13.4 (1909): 1–13. [Translation of Da Baby skulde paa Hotel (As the toddler should’ve gone to the hotel) by Gustav Wied from a German version].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 509–26
  • “Kiseki” 奇蹟 (The miracle), Kabuki 歌舞伎 105–106 (April 1904 – May 1909). [Translation of Le miracle de saint Antoine (The Miracle of Saint Anthony) by Maurice Maeterlinck from a German version.]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 527–74
  • “Umi no omina” 海のをみな (Woman of the sea), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 4.4 (1909).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  →Ōgai zenshū 19: 439–44


  • “Tsuina” 追儺 (Exorcising demons), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 4.5 (1909).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 585–94
  • “Waga hyakushu” 我百首 (My hundred tanka), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.5 (1909): 1–9.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 447–56
  • “Ōmu’ishi” 鸚鵡石 (Echo stone), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.5 (1909): 62–74.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 328–37
  • “Konshin kai” 懇親会 (A social gathering), Bijutsu no Nihon 美術之日本 (Artistic Japan) 1 (1909).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 575–84


  • “Masui” 魔睡 (Hypnosis), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.6 (1909): 4–25.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 595–618]
  • “Dai hakken” 大発見 (Great discoveries), Kokoro no hana furoku 心の花附録 (Supplement to Blossoms of the Heart) 13.6 (1909): 1–12.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 619–33
  • “Saiki” 債鬼 (Cruel Creditors), Kabuki 歌舞伎 106–109 (June 1909 – August 1909). [Translation of Fordringsägare (Creditors) by August Strindberg from a German version].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 1–81
  • Hitomaku mono 一幕物 (One-act plays), Ekifū Sha 1909. [Collected translations of European one-act plays]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 


  • “Shurenteru no Borukuman hyō” シユレンテルのボルクマン評 (Schlenther’s critique of Borkman), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞, 1 July – 4 July 1890.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 316–26
  • “Wita sekusuarisu” ヰタ・セクスアリス (Vita sexualis), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.7 (1909): 1–94.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 83–179
  • “Tōryū hikaku gengogaku” 当流比較言語学 (Contemporary comparative linguistics), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 4.7 (1909).
    ⊂ Igaku Hakase Mori Rintarō 醫學博士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 338–42
  • “Jon Gaburieru Borukuman” ジヨン・ガブリエル・ボルクマン (John Gabriel Borkman), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞, 6 July – 7 September 1909.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 181–326
  • Kenchikushi 建築師 (The master builder), Ekifū Sha 易風社 1909. [Preface to Chiba Kikukō’s Translation of Bygmester Solness (The Master Builder) by Henrik Ibsen].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 361–66  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Niwatori” 鶏 (Chickens), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.6 (1909): 10–39.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 327–59
  • “Hasegawa Tatsunosuke” 長谷川辰之助 in: Tsubouchi Shōyō 坪内逍遥 and Uchida Roan 内田魯庵 (eds.): Futabatei Shimei 二葉亭四迷, Ekifū Sha 易風社 1909.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 343–50
  • Tōkyō hōganzu 東京方眼図 (Tokyo grid map), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1909.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Kinka” 金貨 (The gold coin), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.7 (1909): 10–23.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 367–92
  • “Dangozaka” 団子坂 (Dumpling Hill), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 4.9 (1909).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 393–400
  • “Sarome” サロメ (Salomé), Kabuki 歌舞伎 110–111 (September 1909 – October 1909). [Translation of Salomé by Oscar Wilde].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 401–54
  • “Watakushi ga jūshigo sai no toki” 私が十四五歳の時 (When I was fourteen), Shōnen sekai 少年世界 (The Youth’s world) 15.12 (1909).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 326–27


  • “Kajō chahan” 家常茶飯 (Everyday life), Taiyō 太陽 (The Sun) 15.13 (1909): 97–122. [Translation of Das tägliche Leben (Everyday life) by Rainer Maria Rilke].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 455–508
  • “Gendai shisō” 現代思想 (Contemporary thought), Taiyō 太陽 (The Sun) 15.13 (1909): 122–26.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 509–17
  • “Konpira” 金毘羅 (The deity Kompira), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.10 (1909): 164–210.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 519–67
  • “Waga kimi” 我君 (My lord), Kabuki 歌舞伎 90. [Translation of Mein Fürst! (My lord) by Wilhelm von Scholz].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 313–39


  • “Shizuka” 静 (The dancer Shizuka), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.11 (1909): 1–23. [A historical play on the consort of Minamoto no Yoshitsune]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 569–87
  • “Shūseki mu” 秋夕夢 (The dream of an autumn evening), Kabuki 歌舞伎 112–113 (November 1909 – December 1909). [Translation of Il sogno d’un tramonto d’autunno (The dream of an autumn sunset) by Gabriele D’Annunzio from a German version].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 601–45
  •  Jon Gaburieru Borukuman ジヨン・ガブリエル・ボルクマン (John Gabriel Borkman), Gahō Sha 画報社 1909. 359p. [Translation of John Gabriel Borkman by Henrik Ibsen from a German version].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 181–315  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • “Harada Naojirō kun no kinenkai ni tsuite” 原田直次郎君の記念会に就いて (On the memorial service for Harada Naojirō), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞, 27 November 1909.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 380–82


  • “Kage to katachi” 影と形 (Shape and form), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.12 (1909): 99–107. [Also published as a foreword in Morita Sōhei’s Baien 煤煙 (Smoke), Volume 1, 1910].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 589–99
  • “Yo ga tachiba” 予が立場 (My point of view), Shinchō 新潮 (New Tide) 11.6 (1909): 19–21.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 391–93



  • “Maketaru hito” 負けたる人 (The Defeated), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 15.1 (1910). [Translation of Der Besiegte. Mystisches Drama in einem Aufzuge (The Defeated) by Wilhelm von Scholz].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 1–38
  • “Gogo jūichi ji” 午後十一時 (11 o'clock at night), Taiyō 太陽 (The Sun) 16.1 (1910): 113–26. [Translation of In elfter Stunde by Gustav Wied].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 39–61
  • “Dokushin” 独身 (A Bachelor), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 2.1 (1910): 1–16.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 63–80
  • “Sakazuki” 杯 (Cups), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 25.1 (250, 1910): 193–200.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 81–89
  • “Shiro” 白 (White), Shumi 趣味 (Taste) 5.1 (1910). [Translation of Weißes Glück (White happiness) by Rainer Maria Rilke].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 91–100
  • “Tsuri” 釣 (Fishing), Joshi bundan 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 6.1 (1910). [Translation of “Zwölf(Twelve) from the collection of literary sketches “See-Ufer” (Lakeshore) by Peter Altenberg].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 101–5
  • “Gyūnabe” 牛鍋 (Beef stew), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 14.1 (1910): 8–10.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 107–12
  • “Densha no mado” 電車の窓 (A streetcar window), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 5.1 (1910).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 113–22
  • “Hito no isshō” 人の一生 (The Life of man), Kabuki 歌舞伎 114–119 (January 1910 – May 1910). [Translation of Zhizn chelovieka (The life of man) by Leonid Andreyev from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 135–240
  • Ōgonhai 黄金杯 (A golden cup), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1910. 233p. [Republication of translations including Sara Malcolm, Der treue Johnie, Der Vater, Die Geschichte einer Liebe, Das Gesicht, Sokrates Tod, Ein Abschied, Weihnachtseinkäufe, Kussaka, and Prästen].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Institute of Japanese Literature (digital copy)
  • “Inu” 犬 (Dog), in: Ōgonhai (A golden cup), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1910. [Translation of Kussaka by Leonid Andreyev from a German version; first publication unclear].
    Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 123–33 National Institute of Japanese Literature (digital copy)
  • Zoku hitomaku mono 続一幕物 (One-act plays. Continued), Ekifū Sha 易風社 1910. 412p. [Republication of translations of European plays, including Salomé, Le miracle de saint Antoine, Fordringsägare, Da Baby skulde paa Hotel, l sogno d’un tramonto d’autunno, and Das tägliche Leben].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外
  • “Kodama” 木精 (Echo), Tōkyō Asahi shinbun 東京朝日新聞, 16 January – 17 January 1910.
    ⊂ Tsuwabuki Yajin 槖吾野人  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 241–48
  • “Harada Naojirō nenpu” 原田直次郎年譜 (Harada Naojirō chronicle) in: Harada sensei kinenchō 原田先生記念帖 (Memorial book of Harada Naojirō), Harada Naojirō Shi Kinen Kai 原田直次郎氏記念会 1910.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 20: 10–12


  • “Satoimo no me to Fudō no me” 里芋の芽と不動の目 (Taro sprouts and the eyes of Fudō), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 2.2 (1910): 14–21.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 249–58


  • “Karasu” 鴉 (Crows), Teikoku bungaku 帝国文学 (Imperial Literature) 16.3 (1910): 1–14. [Translation of Krähen (Crows) by Wilhelm Schmidtbonn].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 259–71 
  • “Seinen” 青年 (Youth), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 2.3–3.8 (March 1910 – August 1911).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 273–471
  • “Shitsū” 歯痛 (Toothache), Shumi 趣味 (Taste) 5.3 (1910). [Translation of Ben-Towit by Leonid Andreyev from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 473–81


  • “Ikutagawa” 生田川 (The Ikuta river), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 25.4 (253, 1910): 61–74.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 483–500


  • “Sanbashi” 桟橋 (The pier), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 1.1 (1910): 1–8.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 501–8
  • “Sei Jurian” 聖ジユリアン (St. Julian), Taiyō 太陽 (The Sun) 16.6–16.10 (May 1910 – July 1910). [Translation of La Légende de Saint Julien l’Hospitalier (The Legend of St. Julian, the Hospitaller) by Gustave Flaubert from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 509–552
  • “Zainin” 罪人 (The criminal), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 5.5 (1910). [Translation of Ein Verbrechen (The crime) by Mikhail Artsybashev].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 553–67


  • “Fushinchū” 普請中 (Under reconstruction), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 1.2 (1910): 1–10.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 1–11
  • “Ru Parunasu Anbyuran” ル・パルナス・アンビユラン (Le parnasse ambulant), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 25.6 (1910): 131–48.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 13–31
  • “Hikōki” 飛行機 (Airplane), Kabuki 歌舞伎 120–123 (June 1910 – September 1910). [Translation of Myrrha by Eduard Stucken].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 33–185


  • “Hanako” 花子, Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 1.3 (1910): 118–28.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 187–97


  • “Uzushio” うづしほ (Maelstrom), Bungei kurabu 文芸倶楽部 (Literary Club) 16.11 (1910): 1–32. [Translation of A Descent into the Maelström by Edgar Allan Poe from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 199–230
  • “Asobi” あそび (Play), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 1.4 (1910): 8–29.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 231–49


  • “Shi” 死 (Death), Gakusei bungei 学生文芸 (Student’s Literature and Fine Arts) 1.2 (1910): 2–28. [Translation of Smert’ Lande (The Death of Ivan Lande) by Mikhail Artsybashev from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 251–80
  • “Shō” 笑 (Laughter), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 5.9 (1910). [Translation of Smekh (Laughter) by Mikhail Artsybashev].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 281–302
  • “Fasuchesu” フアスチエス (Fasces), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 1.5 (1910): 131–45.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 303–19


  • “Umadorobō” 馬盗坊 (The horse-thief), Kabuki 歌舞伎 124–126 (October 1910 – December 1910). [Translation of The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet: A Sermon in Crude Melodrama by George Bernard Shaw from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 321–79
  • Gendai shōhin 現代小品 (Contemporary short literary works), Kōgakukan Shoten 弘学館書店 1910. 246p. [Republication of collected translations of short stories including Krähen, Weißes Glück, Andreas Thameyers letzter Brief, Zwölf, In elfter Stunde, La Légende de Saint Julien l’Hospitalier, Ben-Towit, Ein Verbrechen, and Der Besiegte].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 
  • Kenteki 涓滴 (Water drops), Shinchō Sha 新潮社 1910. 250p. [Republication of stories including Sakazuki, Hanako, Dokushin, Sanbashi, Asobi, Fushinchū, Kodama, Dai hakken, Densha no mado, Tsuina, Konshinkai, Gyūnabe, and Le parnasse ambulant].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外


  • “Chinmoku no tō” 沈黙の塔 (Tower of silence), Mita bungaku furoku 三田文学附録 (Supplement to Mita Literature) 1.7 (1910): 46–56.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 381–93
  • “Mi no ue banashi” 身上話 (Life story), Shinchō 新潮 (New Tide) 13.5 (1910): 40–54.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 395–409


  • “Shokudō” 食堂 (The dining room), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 1.8 (1910): 140–52.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 411–22



  • “Hebi” 蛇 (Snake), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 26.1 (271, 1911): 155–72.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 423–42
  • “Hitori butai” 一人舞台 (Playing alone), Joshi bundan 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 7.1 (1911). [Translation of Den starkare (The Stronger) by August Strindberg from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 443–54
  • “Pariasu” 首陀羅 (Paria), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 16.1 (1911). [Translation of Paria by August Strindberg from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 455–83
  • “Jinryoku ijō” 人力以上 (Beyond powers), Kabuki 歌舞伎 127–131 (January 1911 – May 1911). [Translation of Over Ævne (Beyond Powers) by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 485–571
  •  “Ni dokuro” 二髑髏 (Two skulls), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 6.1 (1911). [Translation of “El Ramusan Tir” by Hugo Andresen-Wörishöffer].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 573–84
  • “Eri” 襟 (Collars), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.1 (1911): 218–30. [Translation of “Berlin und meine Kragen” (Berlin and my collars) by Ossip Isidorowitsch Dymow, i.e. O. I. Perelman)].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 585–96
  • “Ippiki no inu ga nihiki ni naru hanashi” 一疋の犬が二疋になる話 (A tale of a single dog becoming two), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 15.1 (1911): 14–23. [Translation of Monsieur Bonichon mène perdre son chien (How Mr. Bonichon lost his dog) by Marcel Berger from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 597–607
  • Hito no isshō / Hikōki 人の一生 / 飛行機 (A man’s life / Airplane), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1911. 376p. [Republication of translations: Zhizn chelovieka (The life of man) by Leonid Andreyev and Myrrha by Eduard Stucken]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 National Institute of Japanese Literature (digital copy)


  • “Kazuisuchika” カズイスチカ (Casuistica), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.2 (1911): 131–49.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 1–17
  • Enjin 烟塵 (Ashes), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1911. [Republication of Chinmoku no tō, Fasuchesu, Kinga, Konpira, Mi no ue banashi, Niwatori, and Somechigae]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • “Sabishiki hitobito” 寂しき人々 (Lonely people), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 16 February – 25 April 1911. [Translation of Einsame Menschen (Lonely people) by Gerhart Hauptmann].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 19–182


  • “Saezuri” さへづり (Chirping), Mitsukoshi 三越 1.1 (1911).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 183–94
  • “Mōzō” 妄想 (Delusion), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.3–2.4 (March 1911 – April 1911).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 195–217
  • Japan und seine Gesundheitspflege. Rikugun Shō Imu Kyoku 陸軍省医務局 1911. [Edited by Rikugun Shō Imu Kyoku (Medical Affairs Bureau of the Army Ministry)].
    ⊂ Rintaro Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 588–622  Wellcome Library (digital copy)
  • “‘Yamatokwai’. Zwei Reden” (‘Yamatokwai’. Two speeches), in: Japan und seine Gesundheitspflege, Rikugun Shō Imu Kyoku 陸軍省医務局 1911. [Speeches delivered on 2 January and 30 June of 1888 to the Japanese Club in Berlin].
    ⊂ Rintaro Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 596–604  Wellcome Library (digital copy)


  • “Teiken sensei” 鼎軒先生 (Master Teiken, i.e. Taguchi Ukichi 田口卯吉), Tōkyō keizaizasshi 東京経済雑誌 (Tokyo Journal of Economics) 63.1591 (1911).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 421–23


  • “Fujidomoe” 藤鞆絵 (The Wisteria crest), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.5–2.6 (May 1911 – June 1911).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 219–37
  • “Chimata no ko” 街の子 (Child of the Streets), Kabuki 歌舞伎 131–136 (May 1911 – October 1911). [Translation of Mutter Landstraße, das Ende einer Jugend (Mother Road, the End of a Youth) by Wilhelm Schmidtbonn].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 239–330
  • “Robinson Kurūsō – jo ni kauru kaiwa” ロビンソン・クルーソー 序に代ふる会話 (Robinson Crusoe. A conversation in place of a preface), in: Takahashi Gorō and Katō Kyōei (transl.) Hyōryū monogatari Robinson Kurūsō 漂流物語 ロビンソン・クルーソー (The Story of the castaway Robinson Crusoe), Tomita Bunyō Dō 富田文陽堂 1911.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 331–41


  • “Tō no ue no niwatori” 塔の上の鶏 (The Rooster on the spire), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 6.6 (1911). [Translation of Der Turmhahn (The Spire rooster) by Herbert Eulenberg].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 343–54
  • “Sekai manyū” 世界漫遊 (World tour), Teikoku bungaku 帝国文学 (Imperial Literature) 17.6 (1911): 1–21. [Translation of Die Weltreise des Kleinen Tyrnauer (The World tour of a common man from Trnava) by Jakob Julius David].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 355–73


  • “Kusanchisu” クサンチス (Xanthis), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 16.7 (1911). [Translation of Xanthis by Albert Samain].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 375–93
  • “Bara” 薔薇 (Roses), Joshi bundan 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 7.8 (1911). [Translation of a text from Circus Mundi by Gustav Wied].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 395–407
  • “Ryūkō” 流行 (Fashion), Mitsukoshi 三越 1.5 (1911).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 409–21
  • “Itabasami” 板ばさみ (A dilemma), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.7 (1911): 143–77. [Translation of an unknown text by Evgenii Nikolaevich Chirikov from the German version titled “Der Zensor” (The Censor)].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 423–52
  • “Tokuriji” 得利寺 (The [battle of] Telissu), Yamato shinbun やまと新聞, 17 July 1911.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 246–47
  • Sabishiki hitobito 寂しき人々 (Lonely people), Kaneo Bun’en Dō 金尾文淵堂 1911. [Republication of Mori’s translation of Einsame Menschen (Lonely people) by Gerhart Hauptmann].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Nanoriso” なのりそ (Without introductions), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.8–2.9 (August 1911 – September 1911).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 453–72
  • “Shinjū” 心中 (Double [love] suicide), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 26.8 (269, 1911): 137–50.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 473–88


  • “Gan” 雁 (The wild goose), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 3.9–5.5 (September 1911 – May 1913).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 489–603


  • “Hyaku monogatari” 百物語 (Ghost stories), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 26.10 (271, 1911): 165–84.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 127–46
  • “Kaijin” 灰燼 (The ashes of destruction), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.10–3.12 (October 1911 - December 1912).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 147–234


  • “Tebukuro” 手袋 (A Gauntlet), Kabuki 歌舞伎 137–141 (November 1911 – March 1912). [Translation of En Hanske (A Gauntlet) by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 235–341


  • Yūrei 幽霊 (Ghosts), Kinyō Dō 金葉堂 1911. [Translation of Gengangere (Ghosts) by Henrik Ibsen].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 1–125  National Diet Library (digital copy)



  • “Miren” みれん (Regrets), Tōkyō Nichinichi shinbun 東京日日新聞, 1 January – 10 March 1912. [Translation of Sterben (Dying) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 343–485
  • “Karafuto datsugoku ki” 樺太脱獄記 (A record of an escape from prison in Sakhalin), Bungei kurabu 文芸倶楽部 (Literary Club) 18.1 (1912). [Translation of Sokolinets (Sakhalin Fugitive) by Vladimir Korolenko from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 487–560
  • “Ore no toburai” 己の葬 (My burial), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 4.1 (1912): 3–19. [Translation of Mein Begräbnis (My burial) by Hans Heinz Ewers].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 1–17
  • “Fuyu no ō” 冬の王 (The King of Winter), Teikoku bungaku 帝国文学 (Imperial Literature) 18.1 (1912): 1–15. [Translation of Erling by Hans Land, i.e. Hugo Landsberger].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 19–32
  • “Rōsōchō” 老曹長 (The old sergeant), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 7.1 (1912). [Translation of Der alte Wachtmeister vom Dragonerregiment Anspach-Bayreuth (The old sergeant of the dragoon regiment Anspach-Bayreuth) by Detlev von Liliencron].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 33–41
  • “Ka no yō ni” かのやうに (As if), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 27.1 (274, 1912): 223–56.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 43–78
  • “Fushigi na kagami” 不思議な鏡 (A strange mirror), Bunshō sekai 文章世界 (The World of Writing) 7.1 (1912).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 121–36
  • “Sōin” 僧院 (The Cloister), Kabuki 歌舞伎 139–171 (January 1912 – September 1914). [Translation of Le cloître (The Cloister) by Emile Verhaeren].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外 / Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 137–202 [all parts are signed “Mori Ōgai” except volumes 142 and 145–48].
  • “Kisha kaji” 汽車火事 (The train fire), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 3.1 (1912): 244–57. [Translation of an unknown text by Hans Kyser].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 203–14.
  • “Saijitsu” 祭日 (A Celebration day), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 16.1 (1912). [Translation of Das Familienfest (The family celebration) by Rainer Maria Rilke].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 215–28
  • “Kakeochi” 駆落 (The Escape), Joshi bundan 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 8.1 (1912). [Translation of Die Flucht (The Escape) by Rainer Maria Rilke].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 229–38


  • “Chichi to imōto” 父と妹 (Father and younger sister), 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 8.4 (1912). [Translation of “Der Amerikawillm” (William from America) by Wilhelm Schäfer].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 239–49
  • “Nezumizaka” 鼠坂 (Rat Hill), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 27.4 (277, 1912): 111–23.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 251–64
  • “Diogenesu no yūwaku” ヂオゲネスの誘惑 (The Temptation of Diogenes), Engei kurabu 演芸倶楽部 (Performance Arts Club) 1.1 (1912). [Translation of Die Versuchung des Diogenes (The Temptation of Diogenes) by Wilhelm Schmidtbonn].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 265–97
  • “Ren’ai zanmai” 恋愛三味 (Absorbed in love), Kabuki 歌舞伎 142–147 (April 1912 – September 1912). [Translation of Liebelei (Playing with love) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 299–401


  • “Shakkuri” 吃逆 (Hiccup), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 27.5 (278, 1912): 1–13.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 79–92
  • “Fukasetsu” 不可説 (The Inexplicable), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 4.5 (1912): 3–11. [Translation of “L’inexplicable” (The Inexplicable) by Henri de Régnier].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 403–12
  • “Wani” 鱷 (The Crocodile), Shin Nihon 新日本 (New Japan) 2.5–2.6 (May 1912 – June 1912). [Translation of Krokodil by Fyodor Dostoyevsky].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 413–76


  • Ōgai 鷗外: “Shōtai” 正体 (His true object of veneration), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 3.6–3.8 (June 1912 – August 1912). [Translation of Die Geliebte (The Beloved) by Karl Vollmoeller].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 477–517
  • “Fujidana” 藤棚 (The Wisteria trellis), Taiyō 太陽 (The Sun) 18.9 (1912): 316–24.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 93–106

Zuwendung zur Geschichte, 1912–17



  • Miren みれん (Regrets), Momiyama Shoten 籾山書店 1912. 381p. [Translation of Sterben (Dying) by Arthur Schnitzler]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 343–485  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Hatori Chihiro” 羽鳥千尋, Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 27.8 (281, 1912): 37–58. [Biography]
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 519–41
  • “Gorotsuki no shōten” 破落戸の昇天 (The Ascension of the scoundrel), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 4.8 (1912): 107–119. [Translation of the short story Altatómese (Lullaby Tale) by Ferenc Molnár from the German version Himmelfahrt des Strolchs (The Ascension of the scoundrel). The play Liliom is based on this story.]
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 557–70
  • Waga hitomakumono 我一幕物 (My one-act plays), Momiyama Shoten 籾山書店 1912. 258p. [Republication of the plays Purumūra, Tamakushige futari Urashima, Ikutagawa, Shizuka, Nichiren shōnin tsuji seppō, Kamen, Nanoriso, the literary conversations Dangozaka, Saezuri, KageKenchikushi, and the epic Chōsokabe Nobuchika]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Dengaku tōfu” 田楽豆腐 (Grilled tofu with miso sauce), Mitsukoshi 三越2.10 (1912).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 543–55


  • “Okitsu Yagoemon no isho” 興津弥五右衛門の遺書 (The last testament of Okitsu Yagoemon), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 27.10 (283, 1912): 21–28.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 571–83
  • “Jūsan ji” 十三時 (Thirteen o’clock), Shumi 趣味 (Taste) 6.4 (1910). [Translation of The devil in the belfry by Edgar Allan Poe from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 585–98
  • Ōgai 鷗外: “Inaka” 田舎 (Countryside), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 4.10–4.12 (October 1912 – December 1912). [Translation of an unknown text by Marcel Prévost from a German version titled “Provinz” (Countryside).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 281–308
  • “Gyottsu” ギヨツツ (Götz), Kabuki 歌舞伎 148–165 (October 1912 – March 1914). [Translation of Götz von Berlichingen mit der eisernen Hand (Götz of the Iron Hand) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 1–215


  • “Ōshita Tōjirō nenpu” 大下藤次郎年譜 (A Chronicle of Ōshita Tōjirō’s life) in: Ōshita Tōjirō isakushū 大下藤次郎遺作集 (Collected posthumous works by Ōshita Tōjirō), Shunchō Kai 春鳥会 1912.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 → Ōgai zenshū 20: 13–17  National Diet Library (digital copy)



  • “Abe ichizoku” 阿部一族 (The Abe Clan), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 28.1 (286, 1913): 81–121.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 309–51
  • “Nagashi” ながし (Back Scrubbing), Taiyō furoku 太陽附録 (Supplement to The Sun) 19.1 (1913): 2–17.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 353–73
  • “Rōjin” 老人 (Old men), Teikoku bungaku 帝国文学 (Imperial Literature) 19.1 (1913): 39–43. [Translation of Greise (Old men) by Rainer Maria Rilke].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 375–80
  • “Yoru no futaba” 夜の二場 (Two scenes at night), Taishō engei 大正演芸 (Taishō Performing Arts) 1.1 (1913). [Translation of an unknown text by Frida Stéenhoff].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 381–91
  • “Seigan” 請願 (The Petition), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 17.1 (1913): 1–7. [Translation of “Die Petition” (The Petition) by Hans Heinz Ewers].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 393–402
  • “Hitorimono no shi” 一人者の死 (The Bachelor’s death), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 8.1 (1913). [Translation of Der Tod des Junggesellen (The Bachelor’s death) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 403–21
  • “Batei” 馬丁 (Stableman), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 5.1–5.7 (January 1913 – July 1913). [Translation of an unknown text by Tolstoy from a German version titled “Archip”].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 423–62
  • “Fukushū” 復讎 (Revenge), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.1–4.4 (January 1913 – April 1913). [Translation of La courte vie de Balthazar Aldramin, vénitien (The court life of Balthazar Aldramin, Venetian) by Henri de Régnier from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 463–96
  • Fausuto. Dai ichi bu フアウスト 第一部 (Faust: The First Part [of the Tragedy]), Fuzan Bō 冨山房 1913. 507p. [Translation of Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil (Faust: The First Part of the Tragedy) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 12: 1–355  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • Seinen 青年 (Youth), Momiyama Shoten 籾山書店 1913. 317p. [Republication].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • Ren’ai zanmai 恋愛三昧 (Absorbed in love), Gendai Sha 現代社 1913 (Kindai kyakuhon sōsho 近代脚本叢書 Modern drama series: 1). 254p. [Translation of Liebelei (Playing with love) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Saru” 猿 (Monkey), Shin Nihon 新日本 (New Japan) 3.3 (1913). [Translation of a an unknown story by Jules Claretie (i.e. Arsène Arnaud) from a German version titled “Affenpsyche”, i.e. Monkey’s mind].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 497–506
  • Jūgo daigen shichisoku 銃後題言七則 (Preface to [the novel] “Behind the Battle Line” in seven paragraphs) in Sakurai Tadayoshi 櫻井忠温: Jūgo 銃後 (Behind the Battle Line), Teibi Shuppan Sha 丁未出版社 1913.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 38: 265–66  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • Shin hitomakumono 新一幕物 (New one-act plays), Momiyama Shoten 籾山書店 1913. 410p. [Collected translations of dramas: Beyond human strength (Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson), Paria (August Strindberg); Playing alone (August Strindberg), Two scenes at night (Frida Stéenhoff), The temptation of Diogenes (Wilhelm Schmidtbonn) and The horse-thief (George Bernard Shaw)].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • Fausuto. Dai ni bu フアウスト 第二部 (Faust: The Second Part [of the Tragedy]), Fuzan Bō 冨山房 1913. [Translation of Faust. Der Tragödie zweiter Teil (Faust: The Second Part of the Tragedy) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 12: 357–873  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Sahashi Jingorō” 佐橋甚五郎, Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 28.5 (290, 1913): 199–209.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 507–18


  • “Saishū no gogo” 最終の午後 (The Last afternoon), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.5 (1913): 171–80. [Translation of a story by Molnár Ferenc from a German version titeld Der letzte Nachmittag, i.e. The Last afternoon].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 519–28
  • Jūnin jūwa 十人十話 (Ten people, ten stories), Jitsugyō no Nihon Sha 実業之日本社 1913. 290p. [Collected translations of stories including The World tour of a common man from Trnava (Jakob Julius David), The Bachelor’s death (Arthur Schnitzler), Erling (Hans Land), William from America (Wilhelm Schäfer), The Spire rooster (Herbert Eulenberg), The Petition (Hans Heinz Ewers), Train Fire (Hans Kyser), El Ramusan Tir (Hugo Andresen-Wörishöffer), Work (Karl Schoenherr), and The old sergeant of the dragoon regiment Anspach-Bayreuth (Detlev von Liliencron)].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外
  • “Rōdō” 労働 (Work) in: Jūnin jūwa 十人十話 (Ten people, ten stories), Jitsugyō no Nihon Sha 実業之日本社 1913. [Translation of Arbeit (Work) by Karl Schoenherr].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 529–39
  • “Yakuhon Fausuto ni tsuite” 訳本フアウストに就いて (On the translation of “Faust”), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 17.5 (1913).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 12: 875–81


  • “Byōin yokochō no satsujin han” 病院横町の殺人犯 (The murders in the hospital side streets), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 18.6 (1913). [Translation of The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 541–86
  • Ōgai 鷗外: “Tsuji basha” 辻馬車 (Hansom cap), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.6 (1913): 148–60. [Translation of a story by Ferenc Molnár from a German version titled “Der Wagen” (The Car)].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 14: 207–18
  • Iji 意地 (Pride), Momiyama Shoten 籾山書店 1913. [Collection of historical works: Abe ichizoku, Okitsu Yagoemon no isho (second version), and Sahashi Jingorō].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Tsui ikka” 鎚一下 (A hammer blow), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 28.9 (294, 1913): 29–39.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 107–20
  • “Furoresu to zoku to” フロルスと賊と (Florus and the bandit), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.7 (1913): 147–62. [Translation of Flor i razboinik (Florus and the bandit) by Mikhail Alekseevich Kuzmin].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 14: 219–33
  • Sōmatō 走馬灯 (Caleidoscope), Momiyama Shoten 籾山書店 1913. [Republication of stories including Fujidomoe, Hebi, Shinjū, Nezumizaka, Hatori Chihiro, Hyaku monogatari, and Nagashi]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Institute of Japanese Literature (digital copy)
  • Bunshin 分身 (Doppelganger), Momiyama Shoten 籾山書店 1913. [Republication of stories including MōzōKazuisuchika, Ryūkō, Fushigi na kagami, Shokudō, and Dengaku tōfu]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • Makubesu マクベス (Macbeth), Keiseisha Shoten 警醒社書店 1913. 277p. [Translation of Macbeth by William Shakespeare from a German version].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 14: 1–206  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Senzamani” センツアマニ, Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.8 (1913): 128–40. [Translation of Senzamani (Those without hands) by Maxim Gorky from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 14: 267–78
  • Ōgai 鷗外: “Shiraku” 刺絡 (Bloodletting), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 5.8–5.10 (August 1913 – October 1913). [Translation of “Das Aderlaßmännchen (i.e. the figure of a man in old European calendars which shows the days on which it is good to let blood) by Karl Hans Strobl].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 14: 279–309


  • “Shukke (Pāteru Serugiusu)” 出家 (パアテル・セルギウス) (A priest – Father Sergius), Bungei kurabu 文芸倶楽部 (Literary Club) 19.12 (1913). [Translation of Otets Sergiy (Father Sergius) by Leo Tolstoy].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 14: 311–93
  • “Fu kushindan” 不苦心談 (Account of the difficulties which failed to appear [when translating Faust]), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 8.5 (1913).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 12: 882–87
  • “Gyōte nenpu” ギヨオテ年譜 (A Chronicle of Goethe’s life), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.9 (1913): 142–68.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 13: 547–72


  • “Onnagata” 女がた (Female impersonator), Mitsukoshi 三越 3.10 (1913).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 14: 235–66
  • “Hashi no shita” 橋の下 (Under the bridge), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.10 (1913): 142–68. [Translation of “Sous le pont” (Under the bridge) by Frédéric Boutet].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 14: 395–402
  • “Gojiingahara no katakiuchi” 護持院原の敵討 (The Revenge at Gojiingahara), Hototogisu ホトトギス (The Cuckoo) 17.1 (1913).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 14: 403–39


  • “Nora kaidai” ノラ解題 (An introduction to “Nora”), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 5.11 (1913): 167–177.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 14: 443–450
  • “Sei Nikorausu no yo” 聖ニコラウスの夜 (The Night of Saint Nicholas), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 4.11–4.12 (November 1913 – December 1913). [Translation of “La Saint-Nicolas du batelier” (The Christmas of the bargeman) from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 14: 587–611
  • “Itō Sachio nenpu kō” 伊藤佐千夫年譜稿 (A Draft for a chronicle of Itō Sachio’s life), Araragi アララギ (Yew Tree) 6.10 (1913).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 20: 18–25
  • Nora ノラ, Keiseisha Shoten 警醒社書店 1913. [Translation of Et dukkehjem (A Doll’s House) by Henrik Ibsen from a German version].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 14: 441–586 National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • Fausuto kō フアウスト考 (A study on “Faust”), Fuzan Bō 冨山房 1913.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 13: 1–245  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • Gyōte den ギヨオテ伝 (Goethe. A Biography), Fuzan Bō 冨山房 1913.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 13: 247–572  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Bōkasen” 防火栓 (Fire hydrant), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 5.12 (1913): 8–15. [Translation of “Das große Vergnügen” (Great Amusement) by Georg Hirschfeld].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 14: 613–20



  • “Ōshio Heihachirō” 大塩平八郎, Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 29.1 (300, 1914): 378–434. [Historical biography]
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 1–58
  • “Ōshio Heihachirō furoku” 大塩平八郎附録 (Supplement to Ōshio Heihachirō), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 5.1 (1914): 313–39.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 59–79
  • “Inazuma” 稲妻 (Lightning), Kabuki 歌舞伎 163–167 (January 1914 – May 1914). [Translation of Oväder (Storm) by August Strindberg from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 81–153  [the parts in the volumes 163 and 167 are signed Mori Ōgai 森鷗外]
  • “Ama” 尼 (Nuns), Warera 我等 (We) 1.1 (1914). [Translation of “Kyddet” (Flesh) by Gustav Wied].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 155–67


  • “Sakai jiken” 堺事件 (The incident at Sakai), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 19.2 (1914).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 169–99
  • “Gyottsu kō” ギヨツツ考 (A Study on “Götz [of the Iron Hand]”), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 5.2–5.8 (February 1914 – August 1914).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 217–80


  • “Soga kyōdai” 曽我兄弟 (The Soga brothers), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 19.3 (1914). [One-act play]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 201–35
  • “Butō” 舞踏 (Dance), Shin shichō 新思潮 (New currents of thought) 1.2 (1914). [Translation of a text by Anatole France from a German version titled “Aufzeichnungen” (Records)].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  →  Ōgai zenshū 15: 253–61
  • “Safuran” サフラン (Saffron), Safuran 番紅花 (Saffron) 1.1 (1914).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 459–62


  • “Yasui fujin” 安井夫人 (Madam Yasui), Taiyō furoku 太陽附録 (Supplement to The Sun) 20.4 (1914): 160–79.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 545–70
  • “Gōkō” 毫光 (Halo), Safuran 番紅花 (Saffron) 1.2 (1914). [Translation of a text by Melchior Lengyel from a German version titled “Die Glorie” (The Glory)].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 571–79
  • “Kyūgeki no mirai” 旧劇の未来 (The future of old-school drama), Warera 我等 (We) 1.4 (1914).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 236–48
  • Ka no yō ni かのやうに (As if), Momiyama Shoten 籾山書店 1914. [Republication of the stories Fujidana, Ka no yō ni, Shakkuri, and Tsui ikka]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • Tenpō monogatari 天保物語 (Tales of the Tenpō Era), Hōmei Sha 鳳鳴社 1914. [Republication of Gojiʼingahara no katakiuchi and Ōshio Heihachirō]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • Nazo 謎 (A mystery), Gendai Sha 現代社 1914. 384p. [Translation of the play Ödipus und die Sphinx (Oedipus and the Sphinx) by Hugo von Hofmannsthal].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  →  Ōgai zenshū 15: 263–543  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Wasurete kita shiruku hatto” 忘れて来たシルクハット (The Lost Silk Hat), Safuran 番紅花 (Saffron) 1.5 (1914). [Translation of The Lost Silk Hat by Lord Dunsany (Edward Plunkett) from a German version].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 581–98
  • “Narubonnu no kaeru” ナルボンヌの蛙 (The Frog of Narbonne), Warera 我等 (We) 1.7 (1914). [Translation of La grenouille de Narbonne (The Frog of Narbonne) by Frédéric Mistral from a German version].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 599–605


  • “Chichi no ada” 父の讎 (Father’s revenge), Warera 我等 (We) 1.8 (1914). [Translation of Fyrstinde Monguschko (Princess Monguschko) by Aage Madelung from a German version].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 607–21


  • “Kuriyama Daizen” 栗山大膳, Taiyō furoku 太陽附録 (Supplement to The Sun) 20.11 (1914): 175–99. [Historical story]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 623–50
  • Eisei Shinpen 衛生新篇 (New compendium of Hygiene), Nankōdō Shoten 南江堂書店, Sōkyūdō Shoten 蒼虬堂書店, 2 vls., 1914. 1830p. [Fifth edition, published in collaboration with Koike Masanao].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library: Volume 1 & Volume 2 (digital copy)


  • Sakai jiken 堺事件 (The incident at Sakai), Suzuki Miekichi 鈴木三重吉 [Publishing] 1914. (Gendai meisaku shū 現代名作集 – Collected masterpieces of contemporary literature. Vol. 2). 105p. [Republication of the historical story].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外 National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Kyūgeki o ikan subeki ka” 旧劇を奈何すべきか (What to do with old school drama?), Kabuki 歌舞伎 173 (1914).
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外 → Ōgai zenshū 15: 249–52



  • “Sanshō Dayū” 山椒大夫 (Sanshō the steward), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 30.1 (313, 1915): 113–46. [Historical story]
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 15: 651–87
  • “Kanteinin” 鑑定人 (A Connoisseur), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 20.1 (1915). [Translation of L’expert (A Connoisseur) by Paul Bourget].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 1–25
  • “Rekishi sono mama to rekishi banare” 歴史其儘と歴史離れ (History as it is and history ignored), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 19.1 (1915): 9–13.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 508–11
  • Shokoku monogatari 諸国物語 ([Strange] Tales from various countries), Kokumin Bunko Kankō Kai 国民文庫刊行会 1915. 942p. [Republication of translations from the years 1910 to 1914: KyddetCircus Mundi, Xanthis, Sous le pontCountryside, La courte vie de Balthazar Aldramin, vénitien, L’inexplicable, Monkey’s mind, Monsieur Bonichon mène perdre son chien, La Saint-Nicolas du batelier, Das große Vergnügen, Mein Begräbnis, Das Aderlaßmännchen, Andreas Thameyers letzter Brief, Die Geliebte, Das Familienfest, Greise, Two scenes at nightDie Flucht, Der AmerikawillmAltatómeseDer WagenDer letzte Nachmittag, Berlin und meine KragenOtets SergiySokolinets, Krokodil, Senzamani, The Censor, Smekh, Smert’ Lande, Flor i razboinik, Archip A Descent into the Maelström, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, and The Devil in the belfry].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  National Institute of Japanese Literature (digital copy of third edition, 1916)


  • Mōjin mōgo 妄人妄語 (Confusing words of a confused person), Shiseidō Shoten 至誠堂書店 1915. 451p. [Republication of essays on literature, theater, and the arts, and autobiographical texts].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Tsuge Shirōzaemon” 津下四郎左衛門, Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 30.4 (316, 1915): 1–23. [Historical story]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 27–61
  • “Tenchō” 天寵 (Blessings from heaven), Arusu アルス (Art) 1.1 (1915).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 63–79


  • Gan 雁 (The wild goose), Momiyama Shoten 籾山書店 1915. 288p. [Republication]. [See Ōgai zenshū 8: 489–603]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Futari no tomo” 二人の友 (Two friends), Arusu アルス (Art) 1.3 (1915).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 81–100


  • “Gyo Genki” 魚玄機 (Yu Xuan-ji), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 30.7 (319, 1915): 259–71. [Historical story]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 101–19


  • “Yokyō” 余興 (Entertainments), Arusu アルス (Art) 1.5 (1915).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 121–29


  • “Jīsan bāsan” ぢいさんばあさん (The Old man and the old woman), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 20.9 (1915).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 131–41
  • Sara no ki 沙羅の木 (The Sal tree), Oranda Shobō 阿蘭陀書房 1915. 234p. [Collection of poetry]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 341–456  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Saigo no ikku” 最後の一句 (The last phrase), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 30.11 (323, 1915): 62–76.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 159–75
  • Inazuma 稲妻 (Lightning), Tsūitsu Sha 通一舎 1915 (Senda Sanbō sōsho 千朶山房叢書 Senda Sanbō series). 319p. [Republication of translations of the plays Oväder (Storm) by August Strindberg and Le cloître (The Cloister) by Emile Verhaeren].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Seigi shiki” 盛儀私記 (Private record of the grand [coronation] ceremony [of Taishō Tennō]), Tōkyō Nichinichi 東京日日, 12 November – 22 November 1915 / Ōsaka Mainichi shinbun 大阪毎日新聞, 12 November – 22 November 1915.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 521–32


  • Chiri hiji 塵泥 (Dust and dirt), Senshō Kan 千章館 1915. 192p. [Republication of Utakata no ki, Fumizukai, Maihime and Somechigae].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  National Institute of Japanese Literature (digital copy)



  • “Hakui no fujin umibe ni okeru ichiba” 白衣の夫人 海辺に於ける一場 (The lady in white, a scene by the sea), Engei gahō 演芸画報 (Performance Arts Illustrated) 3.1 (1916). [Translation of Die weisse Fürstin. Eine Szene am Meer (The white princess. A scene by the sea), by Rainer Maria Rilke].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 177–206
  • “Suginohara Shina” 椙原品, Tōkyō Nichinichi 東京日日, 1 January – 8 January 1916 / Ōsaka Mainichi shinbun 大阪毎日新聞, 1 January – 8 January 1916. [Historical story]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 207–20
  • “Takasebune” 高瀬舟 (The Takase River boat), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 31.1 (326, 1916): 158–70. [Historical story]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 221–35
  • “Fu Takasebune engi” 附高瀬舟縁起 (The origin of The Takase River boat), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 20.1 (1916): 89–92.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 236–37
  • “Kanzan Jittoku” 寒山拾得 (Han-shan and Shih-te), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 21.1 (1916).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 239–53
  • “Yakushi goshu (Gusutaafu, Fuaruke)” 訳詩五首 (グスタアフ、フアルケ) (Five translated poems by Gustav Falke), Jiji shinpō 時事新報 (Current News) 1 – 3 January 1916.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 488–93
  • “Shibue Chūsai” 澀江抽斎, Tōkyō Nichinichi 東京日日, 13 January – 30 May 1916 / Ōsaka Mainichi shinbun 大阪毎日新聞, 13 January – 30 May 1916. [Historical biography]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 255–516

Späte Werke, 1917–22



  • Gyottsu ギヨツツ (Götz), Mita Bungaku Kai 三田文学会 1916. 368p. [Republication of the translation of Götz von Berlichingen mit der eisernen Hand. Ein Schauspiel. 1773 (Götz of the Iron Hand) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 1–215  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • “Juami no tegami” 寿阿弥の手紙 (Juami’s letter), Tōkyō Nichinichi 東京日日, 21 May – 24 June 1916 / Ōsaka Mainichi shinbun 大阪毎日新聞, 21 May – 24 June 1916.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 16: 517–83


  • “Izawa Ranken” 伊沢蘭軒, Tōkyō Nichinichi 東京日日, 25 June 1916 – 5 September 1917 / Ōsaka Mainichi shinbun 大阪毎日新聞, 25 June 1916 – 4 September 1917. [Historical biography]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 17: 1–787


  • “Munaguruma” 空車 (An idle cart), Tōkyō Nichinichi 東京日日, 6 July – 7 July 1916 / Ōsaka Mainichi shinbun 大阪毎日新聞, 6 July – 7 July 1916.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 539–42



  • “Tokō Tahei” 都甲太兵衛, Tōkyō Nichinichi 東京日日, 1 January – 7 January / Ōsaka Mainichi shinbun 大阪毎日新聞, 1 January – 7 January 1917. [Historical biography]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 18: 1–17


  • Kankon roku 還魂録 (A Record of returning souls), Shunyōdō 春陽堂 1917. 236p. [Republication of earlier fictional works: Sakazuki, Hanako, Dokushin, Sanbashi, Asobi, Fushinchū, Kodama, Dai hakken, Densha no mado, Tsuina, Konshinkai, Gyūnabe, Satoimo no me to Fudō no me, and Ru Parunasu Anbyuran]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Nakajikiri” なかじきり (Settling the accounts), Shiron 斯論 (Discourses) 1.5 (1917).
    ⊂ Igaku Hakase Bungaku Hakase Mori Rintarō 醫學博士 文學博士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 543–45
  • “Suzuki Tōkichirō” 鈴木藤吉郎, Tōkyō Nichinichi 東京日日, 6 September – 18 September / Ōsaka Mainichi shinbun 大阪毎日新聞, 6 September – 18 September 1917. [Historical biography]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 18: 19–63
  • “Saiki Kōi” 細木香以, Tōkyō Nichinichi 東京日日, 19 September – 13 October / Ōsaka Mainichi shinbun 大阪毎日新聞, 19 September – 13 October 1917. [Historical biography]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 18: 65–104


  • “Kojima Hōso” 小嶋宝素, Tōkyō Nichinichi 東京日日, 14 October – 28 October / Ōsaka Mainichi shinbun 大阪毎日新聞, 16 October – 28 October 1917. [Historical biography]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 18: 105–134
  • “Hōjō Katei” 北条霞亭, Tōkyō Nichinichi 東京日日, 30 October – 26 December / Ōsaka Mainichi shinbun 大阪毎日新聞, 29 October – 26 December 1917 / Teikoku bungaku 帝国文学 (Imperial Literature) 24.2 – 26.1 (February 1918 – January 1920). [Historical biography]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 18: 135–513



  • “Reigi kogoto” 礼儀小言 (Grumblings about social propriety), Tōkyō Nichinichi 東京日日, 1 January – 10 January 1918 / Ōsaka Mainichi shinbun 大阪毎日新聞, 5 January – 14 January 1918. [Essay on Japanese social life]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 552–67


  • Takasebune 高瀬舟 (The Takase River boat), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1918. 337p. [Republication of fictional works: Takasebune, Jīsan bāsan, Saigo no ikkuSanshō DayūKanzan Jittoku, Gyo Genki, Futari no tomo, Tenchō, and Yokyō, and the plays Soga kyōdai, and Onnagata]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)



  • Kaeru 蛙 (Frog), Gembunsha Shuppanbu 玄文社出版部 1919. 431p. [Republication of collected translations: Le grenouille de Narbonne, Records, L’expert, Fryrstinde MonguschkoHaloOnna no kettōMutter Landstraße, das Ende einer JugendDie weisse Fürstin. Eine Szene am MeerThe Lost Silk HatA Gauntlet, Poems by Gustav Falke, and Glanzrausch]
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  National Institute of Japanese Literature (digital copy)


  • Sanbō sakki 山房札記 (Historical biographies from the mountain villa, i.e. the study), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1919. 386p. [Republication of Kuriyama Daizen, Suginohara Shina, Tokō Tahei, Juami no tegami, Suzuki Tōkichirō, Saiki Kōi, and Tsuge Shirōzaemon]
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外 National Diet Library (digital copy)



  • “Perikan” ペリカン (The Pelican), Shirakaba furoku 白樺附録 (Supplement to White birch) 11.1 (1920). [Translation of Pelikanen (The Pelican) by August Strindberg from a German version].
    ⊂ Minamoto no Takashizu (Takayasu) 源高湛  → Ōgai zenshū 18: 589–655


  • “Katei shōgai no sue ichinen” 霞亭生涯の末一年 (The Last year in the life of [Hōjō] Katei), Araragi アララギ (Yew Tree) 13.10–14.11 (October 1920 – November 1921).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 18: 515–87



  • Teishi kō 帝謚考 (Study of the posthumous names of the emperors), Zushoryō 図書寮 1921.
    ⊂ Zusho no kami Mori Rintarō 圖書頭森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 20: 27–162  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • Perikan ペリカン (Pelikan), Zenbun Sha 善文社 1921. [Translation of Pelikanen (The Pelican) by August Strindberg].
    ⊂ Bungaku Hakase Igaku Hakase Mori Rintarō 醫學博士 文學博士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 18: 589–655  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • Mori Rintarō yakubun shū. Kan ichi: Doitsu shingeki hen 森林太郎訳文集 巻一 独逸新劇篇 (Collected translations of Mori Rintaro. First volume: Modern drama from Germany), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1921.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō  森林太郎


  • “Furui techō kara” 古手帳から (From an old notebook), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1.1–2.2 (November 1921 – July 1922).
    ⊂ M.R.  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 573–86



  • “Nara gojisshu” 奈良五十首 (Fifty poems from Nara), Myōjō 明星 1.3 (Morning Star) (1922).
    ⊂ M.R.  → See Ōgai zenshū 19: 523–26

Posthumous Publications


  • Mori Rintarō yakubun shū. Kan ni: Ōsutoria geki hen 森林太郎訳文集 巻二 墺太利劇編 (Collected translations of Mori Rintarō. Second volume: Austrian drama), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1922.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō  森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)



  • Mori Rintarō sōsaku shū. Kan ichi: Izawa Ranken 森林太郎創作集 巻一 伊沢欄軒 (Collected works by Mori Rintarō. First volume - Izawa Ranken), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1923.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō  森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Gengō kō” 元号考 (Study on the Era Names), Ōgai zenshū 鷗外全集 (Ōgai. Collected works), vol. 6, Ōgai Zenshū Kankō Kai 1926: 719-.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō  森林太郎



  • “Honke bunke” 本家分家 (Main house, branch house), in: Ōgai zenshū 鷗外全集 (Collected works of Ōgai), Vol. 3, Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店 1937.
    Ōgai zenshū 16: 143–57
  • “Doitsu nikki” 独逸日記 (German diary), in: Ōgai zenshū 鷗外全集 (Collected works of Ōgai), Vol. 20, Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店 1937.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 35: 85–191


  • “Jiki zairyō” 自紀材料 (Materials for a chronicle of my life), in: Ōgai zenshū. Chosaku hen 鷗外全集 著作編 (Collected works of Ōgai. Literary works), Additional vol. 1, Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店 1955: 1–136.
    Ōgai zenshū 35: 1–71


  • “Hokuyū nichijō” 北游日乗 (Account of a journey to the north), in: Ōgai zenshū 鷗外全集 (Collected works of Ōgai), vol. 35, Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店 1975: 61–65.
    Ōgai zenshū 35: 61–65

Date of First Publication Unclear

  • “Onna no kettō” 女の決闘 (A Women’s duel). Republished in: Kaeru 蛙 (Frog), Gembunsha Shuppanbu 玄文社出版部 1919. [Translation of “Ein Frauenzweikampf” von Herbert Eulenberg].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 561–76
  • Mori Ōgai 森鷗外: “Rōdō” 労働 (Labor). Republished in: Jūnin jūwa 十人十話 (Ten persons, ten stories), Jitsugyō no Nihon Sha 実業之日本社 1913. [Translation of “Arbeit” by Karl Schoenherr].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 11: 529–39