Japanische Perspektiven


Die Seiten verzeichnen in den unmittelbar zurück­liegenden Jahren veröffentlichte Monographien sowie Artikel, die in japanischsprachigen wissenschaftlichen Periodika erschienen sind.


Sakai Satoshi 酒井敏
“Mori Ōgai・Kako Tsurudo ōfuku shokan ni miru ‘Supein kaze’: Pandemikku no genba kara” 森鷗外・賀古鶴所往復書簡に見る「スペイン風邪」: パンデミックの現場から (The ‘Spanish Flu’ as described in letters exchanged by Mori Ōgai and Kaku Tsurudo: From the site of the pandemic), Chūkyō Daigaku Bungakubu kiyō 中京大学文学部紀要 58.2 (2024): 135-167.

Tomoda Yoshiyuki 友田義行
“Hatarakanai karada wa tsumi de arō ka: Mori Ōgai ‘Takasebune’ ron” 働かない身体は罪であろうか: 森鷗外 「高瀬舟」 論 (Is the incapacitated body a sin? On Mori Ōgai’s “Takasebune”), Kōnan Daigaku kiyō. Bungakuhen 甲南大學紀要.文学編 174 (2024): 23-32.


Birumachi Yoshio 美留町義雄
“Mori Ōgai to Raiputsihi no josei-tachi: Doitsu fujin-kai to no kanren de“ 森鷗外とライプツィヒの女性たち : 「独逸婦人会」との関連で (Mori Ōgai and the women of Leipzig: On his connection to the German Women’s Association), Ōgai 鷗外 113 (2023): 1-19.

Hara Takako 原貴子
“Mori Ōgai ‘Yōkyō’ ron: Fūkyō seisaku to shite no naniwabushi” 森鴎外「余興」論: 風教政策としての浪花節 (On Mori Ōgai’s “The Entertainment of the Evening”: Naniwabushi [story telling] as moral cultivation politics), Tōhoku Gakuin Daigaku Kyōyō Gakubu ronshū 東北学院大学教養学部論集192 (2023): 68-94.

Naka Naoichi 中直 一
“Mori Ōgai yaku ‘Sensō’ ni tsuite: Hon’yaku teihon to no taihi ni miru Ōgai yaku no tokushitsu” 森鷗外訳「戰僧」について: 翻訳底本との対比に見る鷗外訳の特質 (Mori Ōgai’s translation of “Le Cabecilla” [i.e. “The Military chaplain” by Alphonse Daudet] : The distinctive quality of Ōgai’s translation as evidenced by a comparison with the source text), Gengo bunka kyōdō kenkyū purojekuto 言語文化共同研究プロジェクト (2023): 10-19.

Nakazawa Satoshi 中澤聡
“Mori Ōgai no tōkeiron no gensen: Furiidorihi・Maruchiusu no igaku tōkeiron” 森鷗外の統計論の源泉: フリードリヒ・マルチウスの医学統計論 (The source for Mori Ōgai’s statistics: The medical statistics of Friedrich Martius), Kagakushi kenkyū 科学史研究 61 (2023): 318-331.

Ōtsuka Miho 大塚美保
“Sen’eisei no yurai: Mori Ōgai ‘Onnagata’ no gendaiteki igi to dōjidai bunmyaku (jō) 先鋭性の由来: 森鷗外『女がた』の現代的意義と同時代文脈(上)(The origin of the radical nature: Present significance and historical context of Mori Ōgai’s [play] “Onnagata” (part one), Seishin Joshi Daigaku ronsō 聖心女子大学論叢 142 (2023): 61-90.

Sakai Satoshi 酒井敏
“Aru wasurareta gaka to Mori Ōgai: Yasuda Minoru to no deai to en” ある忘れられた画家と森鴎外: 安田稔との出会いと縁 (A forgotten painter and Mori Ōgai: [His] encounter and relationship with Yasuda Minoru), Chūkyō Daigaku Bungaku Kai ronsō 中京大学文学会論叢 9 (2023): 49-68.

Tanaka Iwao 田中岩男
Ōgai to ‘Fausuto’: Kindai, jikan, nihirizumu 鷗外と『ファウスト』: 近代・時間・ニヒリズム (Ōgai and ‘Faust’: Modernity, time, and nihilism), Chōeisha 鳥影社 2013. 350p.

Yamazaki Kazuhide 山崎一穎
“Hōkoku: Mori Ōgai tanjō 160nen, botsugo 100nen o kaiko shite“ 報告 森鷗外誕生一六〇年、没後一〇〇年を回顧して (Report: The 160th anniversary of Mori Ōgai’s birth and the 100th anniversary of his death in review), Ōgai 鷗外 113 (2023): 76-100.


Akechi Ryōsuke 明地亮輔
“Gendaiban daihyō teki Nihonjin (14): Mori Ōgai. Botsugo hyakunen aratamete chakumoku shitai Mori Ōgai no shōgai to teinen no kangaekata” 現代版代表的日本人 (14): 森鷗外. 没後百年改めて着目したい森鷗外の生涯と諦念の考え方 (Present-day’s representative Japanese (14): Mori Ōgai. Refocusing on his life and his idea of resignation one hundred years after his death), Gekkan karento 月刊カレント 59.10 (2022): 66-69.

Birumachi Yoshio 美留町義雄
“Mori Ōgai to josei undō (Tokushū ima, Ōgai o yomu; Ōgai ni ippo chikazuku)” 森鷗外と女性運動 (特集 いま、鷗外を読む; 鷗外に一歩近づく) (Mori Ōgai and the Women’s Movement (Special Feature: Reading Ōgai now; getting closer to Ōgai now)), Kokugo kyōshitsu  国語教室 118 (2022): 14-17.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan: Kuronikuru 2012-2022. Ōgai seitan 160 nen - botsugo 100 nen - kaikan 10 nen kinen 文京区立森鷗外記念館: クロニクル 2012-2022: 鷗外生誕160年・没後100年・開館10年記念 (Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum of Bunkyō Ward: Chronicle 2012-2022. [Published in] commemoration of the 160th anniversary of Ogai’s birth, the 100th anniversary of his death, and the 10th anniversary of the museum opening), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 2022. 13p.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Kanchōrō no ippin = The gem of kanchoro: Ōgai ni aisareta monotachi: tokubetsu ten 観潮楼の逸品 = The gem of kanchoro: 鷗外に愛されたものたち: 特別展 (The Gems of the Sea View Villa: Things Ōgai treasured. Special exhibition by the Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum of Bunkyō Ward), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 2021. 56p.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Ōgai isan = Ōgai heritage: Chokuhitsu shiryō ga tsutaeru kokoro no kiseki. Ōgai 100 nen no mori e. Ōgai seitan 160 nen - botsugo 100 nen - kaikan 10 shūnen 鷗外遺産 = Ogai heritage: 直筆資料が伝える心の軌跡. 鷗外100年の森へ. 鷗外生誕160年・没後100年・開館10周年 (Ōgai heritage: Traces of Ōgai's mind conveyed by his autographs. Into the Ōgai centennial forest. [Published in] commemoration of the 160th anniversary of Ōgai’s birth, the 100th anniversary of his death, and the 10th anniversary of the museum opening), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 2022. 10p.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Shashin no naka no Ōgai: Jinsei o kizamu kao. Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan tokubetsu ten: Ōgai seitan 160 nen - botsugo 100 nen kinen 写真の中の鷗外: 人生を刻む顔 . 文京区立森鷗外記念館特別展: 鷗外生誕160年・没後100年記念 (Ōgai in Photos: Life Engraved on his face. Special exhibition of Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum of Bunkyō Ward on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of Ōgai’s birth and the 100th anniversary of his death), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 2022. 86p.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Yomitsugareru Ōgai: Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan reiwa 4 nendo (2022) tokubetsu ten. Ōgai seitan 160 nen - botsugo 100 nen kinen jigyō. Zuroku book 1 読み継がれる鷗外: 文京区立森鷗外記念館令和四 (2022) 年度特別展. 鷗外生誕160年・没後100年記念事業. 図録 book 1 (Ōgai Continued to be Read: 2022 Special Exhibition of the Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum of Bunkyo Ward. Commemorative Events for the 160th Anniversary of Ogai’s Birth and the 100th Anniversary of his Death. Catalogue book 1), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 2022. 79p.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Yomitsugareru Ōgai: Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan reiwa 4 nendo (2022) tokubetsu ten. Ōgai seitan 160 nen - botsugo 100 nen kinen jigyō. Zuroku book 2 読み継がれる鷗外: 文京区立森鷗外記念館令和四 (2022) 年度特別展. 鷗外生誕160年・没後100年記念事業. 図録 book 2 (Ōgai Continued to be Read: 2022 Special Exhibition of the Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum of Bunkyo Ward. Commemorative Events for the 160th Anniversary of Ogai’s Birth and the 100th Anniversary of his Death. Catalogue book 2), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 2022. 31p.

Ding Ruosi 丁若思
“Mori Ōgai ‘Gyo Genki’ ron” 森鷗外 『魚玄機』 論 (On Mori Ōgai’s [historical story] “Gyo Genki / Yu Xuan-ji”), Josei Rekishi Bunka Kenkyūjo kiyō 女性歴史文化研究所紀要 31 (2022): 43-55.

Ding Ruosi 丁若思
“Mori Ōgai to Yōmeigaku: “Ōshio Heihachirō” no mondai ken” 森鷗外と陽明学: 『大塩平八郎』の問題圏 (Mori Ōgai and the Yōmeigaku [Scholarship based on the philosophy of Wang Yangming]: Problematic areas in [his story] “Ōshio Heihachirō”), Gengo bunka ronsō 言語文化論叢 16 (2022): 30-54.

Fujita Yasuyuki 藤田保幸
Mori Ōgai shoki hon’yaku sakuhin no kokugogaku teki kenkyū 森鷗外初期翻訳作品の国語学的研究 (A Linguistic study on Mori Ōgai’s early works of translation, Izumi shoin 和泉書院 2022. 381p.

Hayashi Masako 林正子
“Ōgai bungaku ni okeru Haine no eikyō: ‘bunshin’ ni yoru shakai hihyō to bungaku katsudō” 鷗外文学におけるハイネの影響:〈分身〉による社会批評と文学活動 (Heine’s influence on Ōgai’s literature: Social criticism and literary activities through “Doppelganger”), Ōgai 鷗外 110 (2022): 1-21.

Hirano Keiichiro 平野 啓一郎
“Kichō kōen Ōgai o ima yomu koto (Mori Ōgai botsugo 100 nen)” 基調講演 鷗外を今読むこと (森鷗外 没後100年) (Keynote Speech: Reading Ōgai Now (100 years after his death)), Subaru すばる 44.11 (2022): 129-137.

Hirano Kei’ichiro 平野啓一郎, Aoyama Nanae 青山七恵, Hiraide Takashi 平出隆, Robert Campbell
“Paneru disukasshon yomitsugareru Ōgai (Mori Ōgai botsugo 100 nen) パネルディスカッション 読み継がれる鷗外 (森鷗外 没後100年) (Panel discussion: Ōgai continued to be read (100 years after Mori Ōgai’s death), Subaru すばる 44.11 (2022): 138-153.

Iguchi Tessuke 井口鐵介
“Yugyōji no amigō: “Tōtakusan nikkan” to Mori Ōgai ‘Saiki kōi’” 遊行寺の阿弥号 : 『藤沢山日鑑(とうたくさんにっかん)』と森鷗外「細木香以(さいきこうい)」(The Buddhist Name [of the temple] Yugyōji: The temple diary (Tōtakusan nikkan) and Mori Ōgai’s [historical story] “Saiki kōi”), Jishū  kyōgaku nenpō 時宗教学年報 50 (2022): 149-182.

Imagawa Hideko 今川英子
“Botsugo hyakunen: Mori Ōgai to Kokura” 没後一〇〇年: 森鷗外と小倉 (100 Years after his death: Mori Ōgai and Kokura), Nishinihon bunka 西日本文化 503 (2022): 48-51.

Ishii Ikuo 石井郁男
Mori Ōgai Kokura sasen no “nazo” 森鷗外小倉左遷の"謎" (The “Mystery” of Mori Ōgai's Relegation to Kokura), 文芸社 Bungeisha 2022 (Bungeisha serekushon 文芸社セレクション). 149p.

Itō Hiromi, Kumekawa Mario 伊藤比呂美, 粂川麻里生
“Intabyū Itō Hiromi: Mori Ōgai, seppuku suru karada to buntai (Tokushū botsugo hyakunen: iki tsuzukeru Ōgai” インタビュー 伊藤比呂美: 森鷗外、切腹する身体と文体 (特集 没後百年: 生き続ける鷗外) (Interview with Itō Hiromi: Mori Ōgai, body and style committing seppuku (Special feature: 100 years after his death: Ōgai continues to live), Mita bungaku 三田文学 101.151 (2022): 106-118.

Itō Ichirō 伊藤一郎
“Mori Ōgai no Teikoku Hakubutsukan reppin kizō ni tsuite” 森鷗外の帝国博物館列品寄贈について (On Mori Ōgai’s donations to the Imperial Museum), Gengo to bungei 言語と文芸 137 (2022): 128-138.

Itoda Sōichirō 井戸田 総一郎
“Engekijin Mori Ōgai: ‘Mita bungaku’ to Jiyū Gekijō (tokushū botsugo hyakunen: ikitsuzukeru Ōgai) 演劇人 森鷗外: 『三田文学』と自由劇場 (特集 没後百年: 生き続ける鷗外) (Mori Ōgai as theater artist: [The journal] “Mita Bungaku / Literature from Mita” and [the theater company] “Jiyū Gekijō / Free stage” (Special feature: 100 years after his death: Ōgai continues to live), Mita bungaku 三田文学101.151 (2022): 119-124.

Kaidō Takeru 海堂尊
Mori Ōgai 森鷗外, Chikuma Shobō 筑摩書房 2022 (Yomigaeru tensai よみがえる天才; 8). 285p.

Katsumata Hiroshi 勝又浩
“Shōka to kyūsai: ‘Takasebune’ o megutte (Kantō shōtokushū Mori Ōgai botsugo hyakunen)” 昇華と救済: 『高瀬舟』をめぐって (巻頭小特集 森鷗外没後百年) (Sublimation and Salvation: On “The Takase River boat” (Small top feature: 100 years after the death of Mori Ōgai), Kikan bunka 季刊文科 89 (2022) : 12-21.

Kotajima Yōsuke 古田島洋介
“Mori Ōgai no kanshi o megutte: Nihon no gengo bunka ni kansuru ichi kōsatsu (Tokushū ima, Ōgai o yomu; Ōgai ni ippo chikazuku) 森鷗外の漢詩をめぐって: 日本の言語文化に関する一考察 (特集 いま、鷗外を読む; 鷗外に一歩近づく) (On the Chinese poetry of Mori Ōgai: A study of Japanese language and culture (Special Feature: Reading Ōgai now; getting closer to Ōgai now)), Kokugo kyōshitsu 国語教室 118 (2022): 18-21.

Kurose Takahiro 黒瀬貴広
“Mori Ōgai ‘Maihime’ no “kyōzai kachi” o tou: Bungaku kyōiku ga hiraku “kotoba no kyōiku” 森鷗外『舞姫』の〈教材価値〉を問う: 文学教育が拓く〈言葉の教育〉(Exploring the value of Mori Ōgai’s “The Dancing Girl / Maihime” as teaching material: “Language education” opened up by literature education), Yamanashi Daigaku kokugo・kokubun to kokugo kyōiku 山梨大学国語・国文と国語教育 24 (2022): 1-18.

Mainichi Shinbun Gakugeibu 毎日新聞学芸部 (ed.)
Yomigaeru Mori Ōgai よみがえる森鷗外 (Reviving Mori Ōgai), Mainichi Shinbun Shuppan 毎日新聞出版 2022. 239p.

Munakata Kazushige 宗像和重
Ōgai tsuisō 鷗外追想 (Memories of Ōgai), Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店 2022. 487p.

Murakami Yuki 村上祐紀
“Utsukushii me no shisen wa tōi, tōi tokoro ni: Mori Ōgai ‘Yasui fujin’ to Doitsu roman shugi” 美しい目の視線は遠い、遠い所に: 森鷗外「安井夫人」とドイツ・ロマン主義 (The gaze of beautiful eyes is far, far away: Mori Ōgai’s ‘Madame Yasui’ and German Romanticism), Jinbun, shizen, ningen kagaku kenkyū 人文・自然・人間科学研究 / The Journal of Humanities and Sciences 47 (2022): 225–40.

Nagashima Yōichi 長島要一
Mori Ōgai: “Hon’yaku” to iu ikikata 森鷗外:「翻訳」という生き方 (Mori Ōgai: “Translation” as a way of life), Shinyōsha 新曜社 2022. 288p.

Nakagawa Tomohiro 中川智寛
“Mori Ōgai ‘Masui’ ron: Jō to chi no kikkō” 森鷗外「魔睡」論 : 情と智の拮抗 (On Mori Ōgai’s [story] “Hypnosis”: The antagonism of emotion and intellect), Geijutsu shijō shugi bungei 芸術至上主義文芸 48 (2022): 47-54.

Nakagawa Tomohiro 中川 智寛
“Mori Ōgai ‘Vita sekusuarisu’ ron: Shōsetsu no kōzō, sei kagaku gensetsu, reisei (Tokushū ‘yomi’ saikō)” 森鷗外「ヰタ・セクスアリス」論: 小説の構造・性科学言説・霊性 (特集 〈読み〉再考) (Mori Ōgai’s “Vita Sexualis”: Structure of the novel, the discourse of sexology, and spirituality (Special feature: Rethinking “Reading”), Kindai bungaku kenkyū 近代文学研究 33 (2022): 26-39.

Nakajima Kunihiko 中島国彦
Mori Ōgai: Gakugei no sanposha 森鷗外: 学芸の散歩者 (Mori Ōgai: Flaneur between Academia and Arts), Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店 2022. 248p.

Noguchi Takenori 野口武則
“Ōgai ‘Gengōkō’ e no michinori: Shōken ‘Kōtaigō’ mondai o megutte”  鷗外『元号考』への道程: 昭憲「皇太后」問題を巡って (The way to Ōgai’s ‘Study on era names’: Focusing on the issue of the ‘Empress Dowager’ Shōken), Ōgai 鷗外 110 (2022): 66-85.

Nomura Kōichirō 野村幸一郎
“Mori Ōgai rekishi to jitsuzon no ōkan” 森鷗外 歴史と実存の往還 (Mori Ōgai: Traveling between history and existence) (2), Gengo bunka ronsō 言語文化論叢 16 (2022): 13-29.

Nonaka Hirofumi 野中博史
“Takaki Kanehiro no ningenzō o meguru ichi kōsatsu: Kōtoku Shūsui, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Mori Ōgai to no shinpashī no kyōyū” 高木兼寛の人間像をめぐる一考察: 幸徳秋水・福沢諭吉・森鷗外とのシンパシーの共有 (A Study on Takaki Kanehiro’s image of the human being: Sharing Sympathies with Kōtoku Shusui, Fukuzawa Yukichi and Mori Ōgai), Bungaku kenkyū 文学研究 33 (2022): 87-75.

Ogura Hitoshi 小倉斉
Mori Ōgai, sōzō e no michi 森鷗外、創造への道程(みち)(Mori Ōgai, the journey towards creativity), Shunpū Sha 春風社 2022. 528p.

Ōtsuka Miho 大塚美保
“Botsugo hyakunenme no Mori Ōgai” 没後百年目の森鷗外 (Mori Ōgai 100 years after his death), Gakushikai kaihō 学士会会報 4 (2022): 42-46.

Rokusō Ichika 六草いちか
Ōgai “Maihime” tettei kaidoku: subete no nazo ga korede toketa!! 鷗外「舞姫」徹底解読: すべてのナゾがこれで解けた!! (Thorough deciphering of Ogai‘s “The dancing girl”: All the riddles are now solved!!), Taishūkan Shoten 大修館書店 2022. 335p.

Sakai Toshi 酒井敏
Mori Ōgai: Sakuhin to shūhen 森鷗外: 作品と周辺 (Mori Ōgai: Works and contexts), Kanae Shobō 鼎書房 2022. 253p.

Sawada Tōko 澤田瞳子
“Ōgai, kono issaku (3): Mori Ōgai no tenkanten. “Okitsu Yagoemon no isho” no kaikō ni miru Taishō gan’nen” 鷗外、この一作 (3): 森鷗外の転換点. 『興津弥五右衛門の遺書』の改稿に見る大正元年 (This one work by Ōgai (3): Mori Ōgai’s turning point. The first year of the Taisho era as seen in the revision of “Okitsu Yagoemon no isho / The Last Testament of Okitsu Yagoemon”), Tosho 図書 882 (2022): 18-21.

Shimauchi Yūko 島内裕子
“Fushimi renju: Mori Ōgai - Ninagawa Noritane - Nakamura Shinichirō o chūshin ni” 伏見連珠: 森鷗外・蜷川式胤・中村真一郎を中心に (Fushimi [Inari Shrine] poetry: Focusing on Mori Ōgai, Ninagawa Noritane and Nakamura Shinichirō), Ake 朱 65 (2022): 24-32.

Sudō Naoto 須藤直人
“Mori Ōgai ‘Maihime’ no ikon” 森鷗外「舞姫」の遺恨 (Resentment in Mori Ōgai’s “The Dancing Girl”), Ritsumeikan bungaku 立命館文学 679 (2022): 107-121.

Takii Keiko 瀧井敬子
“Ōgai taizaiji no Raiputsihi Shiritsu Gekijō (2): Opera no taiken no hajimari wa Raiputsihi kara” 鷗外滞在時のライプツィヒ市立劇場 (2): オペラの体験のはじまりはライプツィヒから (The Theaters of the city of Leipzig during Ōgai’s stay 2: The experience of opera begins in Leipzig), Ōgai 鷗外 110 (2022): 43-65.

Tanaka Yukiaki 田中幸昭
Mori Ōgai Nisshin-Nichiro sensō jūgunchi kikō 森鷗外日清・日露戦争従軍地紀行 (Mori Ōgai’s diaries during the service in the Sino-Japanese and the Russo-Japanese War), Osaka: Chikurinkan 竹林館 2022. 262p.

Yamada Kiichi 山田喜一
“Konpira kikō (6): Zentsūji to Konzōji. Nogi shōgun to Mori Ōgai”こんぴら紀行 (6) 善通寺と金倉寺: 乃木将軍と森鷗外 (Konpira [Shrine] Travels (6): Zentsūji Temple and Konzōji Temple. General Nogi and  Mori Ōgai), Hōsō 法曹 864 (2022): 21-31.

Yamazaki Kazuhide 山崎一穎
“‘Kenkyū Nōto’: jikusō no kanshi to kanbōin (shinshutsu)”「研究ノート」軸装の漢詩と関防印 (新出) (“Research notes”: Chinese poems and seals on the mounting [of hanging scrolls]; new items), Ōgai 鷗外 110 (2022): 86-97.

Yamazaki Kazuhide 山崎一穎
“Mori Ōgai ni okeru gakumon no jiyū no yukue (Kantō shōtokushū:  Mori Ōgai botsugo hyakunen)” 森鷗外に於ける学問の自由の行方 (巻頭小特集 森鷗外没後百年) (The Development of Mori Ōgai’s [idea of] academic freedom (Small top feature: 100 years after the death of Mori Ōgai)), Kikan bunka 季刊文科 89 (2022): 10-12.

Yamazaki Kuninori 﨑國紀, Asai Makate 朝井まかて
Wakabayashi Yū 山若林悠
“Botsugo hyakunen: Mori Ōgai no ‘bon’nō’” 没後100年 森鷗外の「煩悩」(On the hundredth anniversary of his death: Mori Ōgai’s ‘passions and worries’), Bungei shunjū 文芸春秋 100 (2022): 238-245.

Yanai Shingo 矢内信悟
“Mori Ōgai to Satō Genchō no Senju ni okeru kankei ni tsuite (sono 2): Mori Ōgai to Satō Genchō to Andō Shōeki to” 森鷗外と佐藤元萇の千住に於ける関係について (その2): 森鷗外と佐藤元萇と安藤昌益と (On the relationship between Mori Ōgai and Satō Genchō in Senju (part 2): Mori Ogai, Satō Genchō and Andō Shōeki), Ōgai 鷗外 110 (2022): 22-42.

Yoshinaka Toshiki 吉中俊貴
“Berurin kara Wīn e: Shunitsurā o meguru Mori Ōgai” ベルリンからウィーンへ: シュニッツラーを巡る森鷗外 (From Berlin to Vienna: Mori Ōgai on Schnitzler), Komazawa Daigaku gaikokugo ronshū 駒澤大学外国語論集 33 (2022): 47-70.


Birumachi Yoshio 美留町義雄
“‘Raipuchihi naru Auerubaha no Kō’ ni tsuite: Mori Ōgai to ‘Fausuto’ ni kansuru ichi kōsatsu”「ライプチヒなるアウエルバハの窖」について: 森鷗外と『ファウスト』に関する一考察 (On ‘Auerbach’s Cellar in Leipzig’: A Study of Mori Ōgai and ‘Faust’), Ōgai 鷗外 109 (2021): 45-65.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan shozō Mori Ōgai ate shokanshū 3, U–O= hen: Ueda Bin, Okakura Tenshin, Ozaki Kōyō, Osanai Kaoru, Ochiai Naobumi hoka 文京区立森鷗外記念館所蔵 森鷗外宛書簡集 3〈う-お〉編: 上田敏・岡倉天心・尾崎紅葉・小山内薫・落合直文ほか (Collected letters addressed to Mori Ōgai held by the Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum of Bunkyō Ward, volume 3 U–O: Ueda Bin, Okakura Tenshin, Ozaki Kōyō, Osanai Kaoru, Ochiai Naobumi hoka), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 2021. 150p.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan shozō Mori Ōgai ate shokanshū 4, Ka–Ko= hen: Kawahigashi Hekigotō, Kitahara Hakushū, Kinoshita Mokutarō, Koike Masanao, Kōda Rohan hoka 文京区立森鷗外記念館所蔵 森鷗外宛書簡集 4〈か-こ〉編: 河東碧梧桐・北原白秋・木下杢太郎・小池正直・幸田露伴ほか (Collected letters addressed to Mori Ōgai held by the Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum of Bunkyō Ward, volume 4 Ka–Ko: Kawahigashi Hekigotō, Kitahara Hakushū, Kinoshita Mokutarō, Koike Masanao, Kōda Rohan hoka), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 2021. 143p.

Ding Ruosi 丁若思
“Mori Ōgai ‘Kanzan Jittoku’ ron” 森鷗外『寒山拾得』論 (On Mori Ōgai’s ‘Hanshan and Shide / Kanzan Jittoku’), Gengo bunka ronsō 言語文化論叢 15 (2021): 13-35.

Hamasaki Yōsuke 浜崎洋介
“‘Shi’ o shinjiru to iu koto: Mori Ōgai ni naratte (Tokushū Nihonjin no shiseikan o tou)「死」を信じるということ: 森鷗外に倣って (特集日本人の死生観を問う) (Believing in ‘Death’: Following in the footsteps of Mori Ōgai (Special feature: Examining the Japanese view of life and death), Criterion: Hyōgensha: “Kiki” to taiji suru hoshu shisōshi クライテリオン: 表現者: 「危機」と対峙する保守思想誌 20 (2021): 92-97.

Hara Takako 原貴子
Mori Ōgai no gendai shōsetsu: Fubyōdō no naka no taitō 森鷗外の現代小説: 不平等のなかの対等 (Mori Ogai’s Contemporary novels: The equality in inequality), Kachōsha 花鳥社 2021. 270p.
Review: Kimura Motoko 木村素子, Jōchi Daigaku kokubungaku ronshū 上智大学国文学論集 55 (2021): 55-60.

He Xiaofang 何暁芳
“Kawabata Yasunari ‘Yūgeshiki no kagami’ ni okeru resshanai de no katari: Mori Ōgai ‘Densha no mado’ to Akutagawa Ryūnosuke ‘Mikan’ to no hikaku o chūshin ni (Hoshino Kumiko tsuitōgō)”  川端康成「夕景色の鏡」における列車内での語り: 森鷗外「電車の窓」と芥川龍之介「蜜柑」との比較を中心に (星野久美子追悼号) (Narrating on the train in Kawabata Yasunari's “Mirror of an evening landscape”: A Comparison with Mori Ōgai’s “Densha no mado / A streetcar window” and Akutagawa Ryunosuke’s “Mikan / Mandarin oranges” (Memorial issue for Hoshino Kumiko), Bungei kūkan 文藝空間 / Literary room 13 (2021): 15-23.

Inden Masashi 位田将司
“Mori Ōgai ‘Ka no yō ni’ no Als Ob: Ten’nō(sei) naru mono no invention (Tokushū ideorogī to bungaku)” 森鷗外『かのやうに』のAls Ob: 天皇(制)なるもののinvention (特集 イデオロギーと文学) (The “As If”  in Mori Ogai’s “Ka no yō ni / As if”: The invention of the emperor (system) (Special feature: Ideology and Literature), GWG = ゲー・ヴェー・ゲー 5 (2021): 51-98.

Itoda Sōichirō 井戸田総一郎
“Mori Ōgai no engeki hon’yaku no seisei ni kansuru Nichidoku hikaku buntairon-gengoron teki bunseki” 森鷗外の演劇翻訳の生成に関する日独比較文体論・言語論的分析 (A comparative Japanese-German stylistic and linguistic analysis of the creation of Mori Ogai’s drama translations), Meiji Daigaku Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyūjo kiyō 明治大学人文科学研究所紀要 88 (2021): 2-40.

Kon’no Sumi 今野寿美
“Mori Ōgai to jendā: Haha to iu enkan no soto ni denakatta hito (Mizuhara Shion sekinin henshū josei ga tsukuru “tanka kenkyū”)” 森鷗外とジェンダー: 母という円環の外に出なかった人 (水原紫苑・責任編集 女性が作る「短歌研究」) (Mori Ōgai and Gender: People who never left the circle of mothers; “Tanka Studies” by women issue edited by Mizuhara Shion), Tanka kenkyū 短歌研究 78.8 (2021): 92-95.

Matsumura Shunji 松村俊二
“Doitsu nikki” o yomu: Ōgai no doitsu ryūgaku no zenbō『独逸日記』を読む: 鷗外のドイツ留学の全貌 (Reading the ‘German Diary’: the complete story of Ogai’s studies in Germany), Sōbunsha 叢文社 2021. 401p.

Miyakoshi Tsutomu 宮越勉
“Bungaku to eiga no media mikkusu teki kōsatsu: Mori Ōgai ‘Maihime’ no baai” 文学と映画のメディアミックス的考察: 森鷗外「舞姫」の場合 (A Study on film and literature [from a] media-mix [perspective]: The Case of “The Dancing Girl / Maihime” by Mori Ōgai),  Gunkei 群系 47 (2021): 126-134.

Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Yōrōkan enkaku shiryō: Mori Ōgai Kinenkan kaikan 25 shūnen kinen fukkoku ban 養老舘沿革史料: 森鷗外記念館開館25周年記念 復刻版 (Materials on the History of [the Tsuwano Fief School] Yōrōkan: Reprint on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum’s opening), Tsuwano-chō: Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 森鷗外記念館 2021. 163p.

Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Tsuwano han bunbu kyōikushi: Mori Ōgai Kinenkan kaikan 25 shūnen kinen “Yōrōkan enkaku shiryō” fukkokuban furoku 津和野藩文武教育史: 森鷗外記念館開館25周年記念「養老館沿革史料」復刻版附録 (The History of Education in the Literary and Military arts in the Tsuwano Fief: Appendix to the reprint of “Materials on the History of [the Tsuwano Fief School] Yōrōkan” on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum’s opening), Tsuwano-chō: Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 森鷗外記念館 2021. 46p.

Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Tsuwano kyōiku enkaku ryaku oyobi jinbutsu ryakuden: Mori Ōgai Kinenkan kaikan 25 shūnen kinen “Yōrōkan enkaku shiryō” fukkoku ban furoku 津和野教育沿革略及び人物略傳: 森鷗外記念館開館25周年記念「養老館沿革史料」復刻版附録 (Brief History of Education in Tsuwano and Brief Biographies: Appendix to the reprint of “Materials on the History of [the Tsuwano Fief School] Yōrōkan” on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum’s opening), Tsuwano-chō: Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 森鷗外記念館 2021. 50p.

Munakata Kazushige 宗像和重
“Jihitsubon ‘Kin’niku tsūron’ no kentō: Mori Ōgai saisho no ‘chosaku’ toshite” 自筆本『筋肉通論』の検討: 森鷗外最初の「著作」として (A Study of the Autograph “Outline of Myology”: Mori Ōgai’s “first work”), Ōgai 鷗外 108 (2021): 1-19.

Nakamura Minoru 中村稔
Mori Ōgai ‘Shibue Chūsai’ o yomu 森鷗外『渋江抽斎』を読む (Reading ‘Shibue Chūsai’ by Mori Ōgai), Seidosha 青土社 2021. 262p.

Nihon Kindai Bungakukan 日本近代文学館 (ed.)
Kyōkasho to kindai bungaku: “Rashōmon”, “Sangetsuki”, “Maihime”, “Kokoro” no sekai 教科書と近代文学:「羅生門」「山月記」「舞姫」「こころ」の世界 (Textbooks and Modern Literature: The worlds of “Rashomon”, “The Moon over the Mountain”, “The Dancing Girl” and “Kokoro”), Shūmei Daigaku Shuppan Kai 秀明大学出版会 2021. 135p.

Nishimura Tadashi 西村正
Tatakau Ōgai, saigo no zekkyō 闘ふ鷗外、最後の絶叫 (Fighting Ōgai‘s last scream), Sakuhinsha 作品社 2021. 293p.

Noami Mariko 野網 摩利子
“Gengo to genkei: Mori Ōgai “Takasebune” ni oite (Higashi Ajia ni okeru chi no ōkan: kiroku to kioku) 言語と減刑: 森鷗外『高瀬舟』において (東アジアにおける知の往還: 記録と記憶) (Language and reduction of penalty: The case of “The Takase River boat / Takasebune” by Mori Ōgai (Knowledge flows in East Asia: Records and memory), Ajia yūgaku アジア遊学 255 (2021): 108-118.

Noguchi Takenori 野口武則
“‘Gengōkō’ seiritsu ni tsuite no ichi kōsatsu: ‘Taishō, Shōwa tairei kiroku’ to kunai kanryō Mori Rintarō”『元号考』成立についての一考察: 『大正、昭和大礼記録』と宮内官僚・森林太郎 (Thoughts on the formation process of ‘Study on era names’: The ‘Taishō and Shōwa succession records’ and the Imperial Household Ministry official Mori Rintarō), Ōgai 鷗外 109 (2021): 66-85.

Nomura Kōichirō 野村幸一郎
“Mori Ōgai rekishi to jitsuzon no ōkan” 森鷗外 歴史と実存の往還 (Mori Ōgai: Traveling between history and existence) (1), Gengo bunka ronsō 言語文化論叢 15 (2021): 1-12.

Nozue Akira 野末明
“Hasegawa Izumi no “Mori Ōgai ron” ni tsuite (Tokushū Hasegawa Izumi to Moriyasu Masafumi. Sakuhin to gakumon)” 長谷川泉の「森鷗外論」について (特集 長谷川泉と森安理文 作品と学問) (On Hasegawa Izumi’s ‘Studies on Mori Ōgai’ (Special feature: Hasegawa Izumi and Moriyasu Masafumi. Works and Scholarship), Geijutsu shijō shugi bungei 芸術至上主義文芸 47 (2021): 9-12.

Numakura Nobuyuki 沼倉延幸
“[Kanji] wa ‘Zusho no kami’ ka ‘Tosho no kami’ ka: Ban’nen no Mori Ōgai ga shūnin shita ‘図書頭’ no koshō. ‘Jijitsu’ o kiroku suru tame no oboegaki (3)” 図書頭は「ずしょのかみ」か「としょのかみ」か: 晩年の森鷗外が就任した「図書頭」の称呼.「事実」を記録するための覚書 (3) (‘Zusho no kami’ or ‘Tosho no kami’: The Name of the office that Mori Ōgai held in his later years. Notes recording the “facts”, 3), Ōgai 鷗外 108 (2021): 35-53.

Ogawa Takaya 小川貴也
“Mori Ōgai ‘Maihime’ kō: Katari no shiten to kako no jodōshi to o chūshin ni” 森鷗外『舞姫』考: 語りの視点と過去の助動詞とを中心に (A Study of “The Dancing Girl” by Mori Ōgai: Focusing on the narrative perspective and the verbal suffixes expressing past tense), Kokugakuin zasshi 國學院雜誌 122.7 (2021): 49-58.

Sakai Satoshi 酒井敏
“Mishima Yukio ‘Mori Ōgai’ no kien: ‘Yūkoku’ to ‘Sakai kō jōi shimatsu’, soshite ‘Gan’ (Tokushū Mishima Yukio - ‘sakkaron’)” 三島由紀夫「森鷗外」の奇縁: 『憂国』と『堺港攘夷始末』、そして『雁』 (特集 三島由紀夫・『作家論』) (Mishima Yukio’s affinity to “Mori Ogai”: “Patriotism”, “The Sakai Port Expulsion of Foreigners” and "The Wild Goose” (Special feature: Mishima Yukio - “Author studies”), Mishima Yukio kenkyū 三島由紀夫研究 21 (2021): 5-15.

Sakai Satoshi 酒井敏
Ōshita Tōjirō sankaiki tsuitōkai ni okeru Mori Ōgai: Shin shiryō “Ōshita shi no tsuitōkai e: Zōshigaya to Ueno” (Uzawa Shitei) o yomu 大下藤次郎三回忌追悼会における森鷗外: 新資料「大下氏の追悼会へ: 雑司ケ谷と上野」(鵜澤四丁)を読む (Mori Ōgai at the Memorial Service for Ōshita Tojirō on the third anniversary of his death: Reading the new material “To the Memorial Service for Mr. Ōshita: Zōshigaya and Ueno” by Uzawa Shitei), Chūkyō Daigaku Bungakubu kiyō 中京大学文学部紀要 56.1 (2021): 205-231.

Sakai Shūichi 坂井修一
Mori Ōgai no hyakushu: Tebesu hyakumon no jojō 森鷗外の百首: テエベス百門の抒情 (One Hundred Poems by Mori Ōgai: The lyricism of [the multifaceted writer known as] Thebes with the hundred gates), Furansu Dō ふらんす堂 2021 (Kajin nyūmon 歌人入門; 4). 203p.

Sawada Akiko 澤田章子
“Meisaku o yonde Nihon kingendai shi o manabu (22): Mori Ōgai ‘Chinmoku no tō’ to taigyaku jiken” 名作を読んで日本近現代史を学ぶ (22): 森鷗外「沈黙の塔」と大逆事件 (Learning about modern and contemporary Japanese history by reading masterpieces (22): Mori Ōgai’s “Tower of Silence” and the High Treason Incident), Gakushū no tomo 学習の友 817 (2021): 68-71.

Shōguchi Yasuhiro 将口泰浩
“Bunjin ronkaku kochū no ten (41): Ueno Rengyokuan × Mori Ōgai 文人論客壺中之天 (Vol.41) 上野蓮玉庵×森鷗外 (The world of the literati: [The restaurant] Rengyokuan [in] Ueno and Mori Ōgai), Seiron 正論 594 (2021): 192-194.

Suda Kiyoji 須田 喜代次
“‘Mori Ōgai ate shokan shū’ ga kirihiraku sekai” 『森鷗外宛書簡集』が切り拓く世界 (The World opened up by [the publication] ‘Collected letters to Mori Ōgai’), Nihon kindai bungaku 日本近代文学 105 (2021): 117-122.

Suda Kiyoji 須田喜代次
“‘Nihon kara no tegami taidoku jidai Mori Ōgai ate’ ni miru Mori-ke no hitobito: Kīpāson toshite no Mori Tokujirō shokan o chūshin ni”日本からの手紙 滞独時代森鷗外宛』に見る森家の人々: キーパーソンとしての森篤次郎書簡を中心に (The Mori family in “Letters from Japan addressed to Mori Ōgai during his stay in Germany”: Focusing on the letters of the key person Mori Tokujirō), Nihon kindai bungakukan nenshi 日本近代文学館年誌 16 (2021) : 73-83.

Suzuki Hideko 鈴木 秀子
“Jinsei o terasu kotoba (137): ‘Ano futari wa hedate no nai naka ni reigi ga atte, fūfu ni shitewa, sukoshi enryo o shisugite iru yō da to iu no de atta’.  Mori Ōgai ‘Jīsan bāsan’” 人生を照らす言葉 (137): あの二人は隔てのない中に礼儀があって、夫婦にしては、少し遠慮をし過ぎているようだと云うのであった. 森鷗外『じいさんばあさん』(Words that illuminate life (137): “They said the two observed great courtesy to one another, even though they were unseparable, and for a husband and wife they seemed a little too formal.” Mori Ōgai’s “Jīsan bāsan / The old man and the old woman”), Chichi 致知 547 (2021): 112-114.

Tada Kurahito 多田蔵人
“Kotoba o nakushita otoko: Mori Ōgai ‘Maihime’” 言葉をなくした男: 森鷗外『舞姫』(The Man who lost his speech: Mori Ōgai’s “The Dancing girl”), Nihon kindai bungaku 日本近代文学 105 (2021): 1-15.

Takahashi Yōichi 髙橋陽一
“Ise no Eguchi Jō inchō sunbyō” 伊勢の江口襄院長寸描 (A short sketch of Ise [Hospital] director Eguchi Jō), Ōgai 鷗外 108 (2021) : 20-34.

Takahashi Yōichi 髙橋陽一
“Mori Ōgai no kanshi kaishaku nōto (11): Kyōshi to tōkei ronsō no kanshi” 森鷗外の漢詩解釈ノート (11): 狂詩と統計論争の漢詩 (Notes on the Interpretation of Mori Ōgai’s Chinese Poetry (11): Humorous poetry and Chinese poetry on the [Medical] Statistics Debate), Ōgai 鷗外 109 (2021): 86-104.

Takemura Teruo 竹村照雄
Nara gojisshu o yonda Mori Ōgai o shiru shiryō shū 奈良五十首を詠んだ森鷗外を知る資料集 (Collected materials on Mori Ōgai who composed Fifty poems from Nara), Ikoma: Dokusho Kan 読書館 2021. 77p.

Takii Keiko 瀧井敬子
“Ōgai taizaiji no Raiputsihi Shiritsu Gekijō (1)” 鷗外滞在時のライプツィヒ市立劇場(1) (The Theaters of the city of Leipzig during Ōgai’s stay 1), Ōgai 鷗外 109 (2021): 23-44.

Wang Chenye 王晨野
“Mori Ōgai ‘Futari no tomo’ ron: Geijutsu to gakumon no kankei kara miru Ōgai no gakumonkan” 森鷗外「二人の友」論: 芸術と学問の関係から見る鷗外の学問観 (On Mori Ōgai’s “Two Friends / Futari no tomo”: Ōgai's perception of scholarship within the context of the relationship between art and learning), Nihon bungei kenkyū 日本文藝研究 72.2 (2021): 93-110.

Wang Chenye 王晨野
“Mori Ōgai ‘Gyo Genki’ ron: ‘Shōkajo’ no Gyo Genki” 森鷗外「魚玄機」論: 「倡家女」の魚玄機 (On Mori Ōgai’s ‘Gyo Genki’: Yu Xuanji from the ‘Brothel’), Jinbun ronkyū人文論究 71.2 (2021): 1-22.

Wang Chenye 王晨野
“Mori Ōgai ‘Saigo no ikku’ ron: Ken’ika ni okeru hitobito to sono taiji ni tsuite” 森鷗外「最後の一句」論: 権威下における人々とその対峙について (Mori Ōgai’s “The Last Word / Saigo no ikku”: On people subjected to authority and their way to confront it), Nihon bungei kenkyū 日本文藝研究 73.1 (2021): 83-102.

Wang Yibing 王憶氷
“Mori Ōgai no shoki hihyō to kan bungaku: ‘Meiji 22 nen hihyōka no shigan’ o chūshin ni 森鷗外の初期批評と漢文学:「明治二十二年批評家の詩眼」を中心に (Mori Ōgai’s early critical writing and Chinese literature: Focusing on “Meiji 22 nen hihyōka no shigan / On the evaluation of poetry by critics in the year Meiji 22”), Hikaku Nihon bunkagaku kenkyū 比較日本文化学研究 14 (2021) : 153-167.

Wang Yibing 王憶氷
“Mori Ōgai no shoki hihyō to Shin Dai shikai shōsetsu shū: ‘Ryōsai shii’ o chūshin ni” 森鷗外の初期批評と清代志怪小説集:『聊斎志異』を中心に (Mori Ōgai’s early critical writing and Qing Dynasty collections of supernatural tales: Focusing on “Liaozhai zhiyi”), Kindai bungaku shiron 近代文学試論 59 (2021): 1-12.

Yamazaki Kazuhide 山崎一穎
“‘Ōgai  zenshū’ mishūroku shokan 3 tsū”『鷗外全集』未収録書簡三通 (Three letters not included in the “Collected works of Ōgai”), Ōgai 鷗外 109 (2021): 104-110.

Yamazaki Kazuhide 山崎一穎
“Tsuwano no hito: Mori Ōgai to tomo ni (sōtokushū Anno Mitsumasa: 1926-2020)” 津和野の人: 森鷗外とともに (総特集 安野光雅: 1926-2020) (People of Tsuwano: Together with Mori Ōgai (Special issue: Anno Mitsumasa: 1926-2020)), Yuriika ユリイカ 53.7 (2021): 119-130.

Yauchi Shingo 矢内信悟
“Mori Ōgai to Satō Genchō no Senju ni okeru kankei ni tsuite: Satō Genchō no nikki to Senju kankei shiryō” 森鷗外と佐藤元萇の千住に於ける関係について: 佐藤元萇の日記と千住関係史料 (The relationship between Mori Ōgai and Sato Genchō in Senju: Satō Genchō’s diary and materials related to Senju), Ōgai 鷗外 109 (2021): 1-22.

Yauchi Shingo 矢内信悟
Andō Shōeki kara Satō Genchō, Mori Ōgai e: Senju ni ikitsugu chi no rensa 安藤昌益から佐藤元萇・森鴎外へ: 千住に生き・継ぐ知の連鎖 (From Ando Shōeki to Satō Genchō and Mori Ōgai: The living chain of knowledge passed on in Senju), [Author’s edition] Yauchi Shingo 矢内信悟 2021. 275p.


Aizawa Kunimori 相澤邦衛
Tamura Iyozō to Mori Ōgai: Tairosen o meguru sanbō to gun’i no korabo 田村怡与造と森鷗外: 対露戦を巡る参謀と軍医のコラボ (Tamura Iyozō and Mori Ōgai: The collaboration of a staff officer and a military surgeon regarding the war against Russia), Tokyo: Bungeisha 文芸社 2020. 417p.

Arai Masato 新井正人
Ōgai bungaku no seisei to henyō: Shinrigakuteki kindai no datsukōchiku 鷗外文学の生成と変容: 心理学的近代の脱構築 (The Formation and transformation of Ōgaiʼs literature: A deconstruction of psychological modernity), Chōfu: Shichigatsusha 七月社 2020. 317p.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Mori ke no saijiki: Ōgai to kodomo tachi ga tsuzutta tokidoki no kurashi. Reiwa ni nen tokubetsu ten 森家の歳時記 : 鷗外と子どもたちが綴った時々の暮らし: 令和二 年特別展 (Seasonal almanac of the Mori family: The annual events that interwove Ōgai and his children. Special Exhibition [by the Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum of Bunkyō Ward] 2020), Tokyo: Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 2020. 49p.

Doai Hironori 道合裕基
“Kikuchi Kan ‘Shimabara shinchū’ ni okeru Mori Ōgai, Akutagawa Ryūnosuke kara no eikyō ni tsuite” 菊池寛「島原心中」における森鷗外・芥川龍之介からの影響について (The Influence of Mori Ōgai and Akutagawa Ryūnosukeon Kikuchi Kan’s ‘Shimabara shinchū / Double suicide of Shimabara’), Hikaku bunka kenkyū 比較文化研究 139 (2020): 155-164.

Hirakawa Sukehiro 平川祐弘 (ed.)
Mori Ōgai jiten 森鷗外事典 (The Mori Ōgai encyclopedia), Tokyo: Shinyō Sha 新曜社 2020. IV, 744p.
→ Review: Mochida Nobuko 持田叙子, Mainichi shinbun 毎日新聞, 18 April 2020, morning edition.

Hirakawa Sukehiro 平川祐弘
“Kyodan rensai: Hikaku kenkyūsha (konparatisuto) no jiden (27). Mori Ōgai no yuigon kaishaku o megutte” 巨弾連載: 比較研究者 (コンパラティスト) の自伝 (27). 森鷗外の遺言解釈をめぐって (Long-term serial publication: The autobio­graphy of a comparatist. On the interpretation of Mori Ōgai’s testament), Hanada 54 (2020): 346-361.

Ikezawa Ichirō 池澤一郎
“Mori Ōgai ʻIzawa Rankenʼ: In’yō ni miru kinsei kanshibun no fukayomi” 森鷗外『伊澤蘭軒』: 引用に見る近世漢詩文の深読み (The [Historical biography] ʻIzawa Rankenʼ by Mori Ōgai: A deep reading of quoted classical Chinese poetry and prose), Kokugo to Kokubungaku 国語と国文学 97 (2020): 111-126.

Iwaya Yasuyuki 岩谷泰之
“Mori Ōgai ‘Fushinchū’ ron: ‘Bō daikyōsei no kaita jindai moji’ o tegakari ni” 森鷗外「普請中」論: 「某大教正の書いた神代文字」を手がかりに (A Study on Mori Ōgai’s ‘Fushin chū / Under Reconstruction’: Based on [the quote] ‘characters from the Age of the Gods written by some head-master’), Kaishaku 解釈 66 1.2 (2020): 16-25.

Iwaya Yasuyuki 岩谷泰之
“Mori Ōgai ‘Dokushin’ ron” 森鷗外「独身」論 (On Mori Ōgai’s ‘Dokushin / A Bachelor’), Kokubungaku shiron 国文学試論 29 (2020): 13-25.

Iwaya Yasuyuki 岩谷泰之
“Mori Ōgai ‘Teinen’ tenkyo kō” 森鷗外「諦念」典拠考 (On the sources of Mori Ōgai’s [notion of] “resignation”), Ōgai 鷗外 106 (2020): 32-51.

Kōchi Shigeo 河内重雄
“Mori Ōgai ‘Hebi’ ron: Kindai kagakuteki genjitsu no naka no zenkindaiteki genjitsu” 森鴎外「蛇」論: 近代科学的現実の中の前近代的現実 (On Mori Ōgai’s ‘Hebi / Snake’: The premodern reality within the modern scientific reality), Gobun Kenkyū 語文研究 129 (2020): 27-40.

Komori Yōichi 小森陽一
Futabatei Shimei, Mori Ōgai no daihyōsaku o yominaosu: kindai shōsetsu no shuppatsu, risshin shussei shugi no jidai no shitsugyō to renai:  Futabatei Shimei “Ukigumo”, Mori Ōgai “Maihime” (Yominaoshi bungaku kōza 2) 二葉亭四迷、森鴎外の代表作を読み直す: 近代小説の出発、立身出世主義の時代の失業と恋愛: 二葉亭四迷『浮雲』、森鴎外『舞姫』 (読み直し文学講座 2) (Re-reading representative works by Futabatei Shimei and Mori Ōgai: the departure of the modern novel, unemployment in the age of careerism, and love: Futabatei Shimei’s “The Floating Cloud” and Mori Ogai’s “The Dancing Girl”) (Re-reading literature lecture 2), Kyoto: Kamogawa Shuppan かもがわ出版 2020. 110p.

Murakami Tōru 村上徹
“Saihyōka! Bungakusha ga kakanai Mori Ōgai no anbu no igaku shi: Shiden ni kakusareta bungō Ōgai no hisan” 再評価! 文学者が書かない森鷗外の暗部の医学史: 史伝に隠された文豪・鷗外の悲惨 (Reevaluation! The parts of Mori Ōgaiʼs career as physician that literary scholars do not write about: The tragedy of the literary giant Ōgai hidden in his historical biographies) 5, Gunma Ken Shika Igaku Kai zasshi  群馬県歯科医学会雑誌 24 (2020): 19–48.

Murakami Yuki 村上祐紀
“Fukyū Fukuin Kyōkai to Mori Ōgai ‘Tsui ikka’” 普及福音教会と森鷗外「鎚一下」(The General Evangelical Protestant Missionary Society and Mori Ōgai’s ‘A Hammer Blow’), Takushoku Daigaku ronshū jinbun shizen ningen kagaku kenkyū 拓殖大学論集 人文・自然・人間科学研究 43 (2020): 50-136.

Murakami Yuki 村上祐紀
“Mori Ōgai ‘Resshingu ga koto o shirusu’: Fukyū Fukuin Kyōkai to Kenja Nātan” 森鷗外「レツシングが事を記す」: 普及福音教会と『賢者ナータン』 (Mori Ōgai’s ‘Notes on Lessing’: The General Evangelical Protestant Missionary Society and Nathan the Wise), Ōgai 鷗外107 (2020): 1-20.

Muramatsu Hiroshi 村松洋
Rōto nenpō to zenshū mishū dokubun (jō): kakke – shōroku – heishoku kensa”『ロート年報』と全集未収独文 (上): 脚気・抄録・兵食検査 (Roth’s Annual report [on the military medical service] and German texts by Ōgai not contained in his Collected works (part 1): Beriberi – abstracts – studies on soldiers’ nutrition), Ōgai 鷗外106 (2020): 72-92.

Muramatsu Hiroshi 村松洋
Rōto nenpō to zenshū mishū dokubun (ge): kakke – shōroku – heishoku kensa”『ロート年報』と全集未収独文 (下): 脚気・抄録・兵食検査 (Roth’s Annual report [on the military medical service] and German texts by Ōgai not contained in his Collected works (part 2): Beriberi – abstracts – studies on soldiers’ nutrition), Ōgai 鷗外107 (2020): 21-39.

Nakamura Reiko 中村怜子
“Aruku okoto to matsu onna: Mori Ōgai ‘Gan’” 歩く男と待つ女: 森鷗外「雁」(The strolling man and the waiting woman: Mori Ōgai‘s ‘Gan / The Wild Goose’), Yokohama Kokudai kokugo kenkyū 横浜国大国語研究 38 (2020): 16-29.

Numakura Nobuyuki 沼倉延幸
“Teishitsu Hakubutsukan Sōchō ken Zusho no Kami Mori Ōgai to ‘Kōseki chōsho’: ‘Jijitsu’ o kiroku suru tameno oboegaki” 帝室博物館総長兼図書頭森鷗外と「功績調書」:「事実」を記録するための覚書 (1) (Mori Ōgai, Director General of the Imperial Museums and Director of the Imperial Archive, and the ‘Record of Achievements’: Notes to record the ‘facts’, 1), Ōgai 鷗外 106 (2020): 52-71.

Numakura Nobuyuki 沼倉延幸
“Rekishi kōbunsho kara Mori Ōgai o saguru: Ōgai no shokon to rirekisho. ‘Jijitsu’ o kiroku suru tame no oboegaki” 歴史公文書から森鷗外を探る: 鷗外の初婚と履歴書:「事実」を記録するための覚書 (2) (Reconstructing Mori Ōgai from historical sources: Ōgai’s first marriage and his curriculum vitae. Notes to record the ‘facts’, 2), Ōgai 鷗外 107 (2020): 89-105.

Okamura Takeshi 岡村健
Kakke ronsō no hikari to kage: Rikugun no kakke sangai wa naze fusegenakatta no ka 脚気論争の光と影: 陸軍の脚気惨害はなぜ防げなかったのか (The Bright and dark sides of the beriberi debate: Why was it not possible to prevent the beriberi losses of the Army?), Azusa Shoin 梓書院 2020. 229p.

Oshio Takashi 小塩隆
Mori Ōgai: Zuisō 森鷗外: 随想 (Mori Ōgai: Essays), Tokyo: Seiga Shobō 青娥書房 2020. 175p.

Sugimoto Kanji 杉本完治
Mori Ōgai “Maihime” no zenbō: Gengogaku kenkyū ni motozuku kōsatsu 森鷗外『舞姫』の全貌: 言語学的研究に基づく考察 (Mori Ōgai’s ‘The dancing girl / Maihime’, the complete picture: a study based on linguistic research), Yūbun Shoin 右文書院 2020. 596p.

Takahashi Yōichi 髙橋陽一
“Mori Ōgai no kanshi kaishaku nōto (10): ‘Go hokuyū nichijō’ no rokushu” 森鷗外の漢詩解釈ノート(10)『後北游日乗』の六首 (Notes on the Interpretation of Mori Ōgai’s Chinese Poetry (10): The Six Poems in the “Diary of a Travel to the North”), Ōgai 鷗外 107 (2020): 70-88.

Tomoda Motoko 友田素子
Uta nikki o tabi suru: Ishi – Mori Ōgai kara no messēji『うた日記』を旅する: 医師・森鴎外からのメッセージ (Travelling in the “Verse Diary”: Messages from the surgeon Mori Ōgai), Kumamoto: Kumanichi Shuppan 熊日出版 2020. 159p.

Tsuji Norio 辻憲男
“Mori Ōgai ‘Sanshō Dayū’ shiki: Unmei o kaeru chie” 森鷗外「山椒大夫」私記: 運命を変える知恵 (Mori Ōgai’s personal notes on ‘Sanshō the steward’: Destiny-changing wisdom), Kōbe Shinwa Joshi Daigaku gengo bunka kenkyū 神戸親和女子大学言語文化研究 14 (2020): 41-55.

Wang Chenye 王晨野
“Mori Ōgai ‘Yasui fujin’ ron: Sayo o chūshin ni” 森鷗外「安井夫人」論: 佐代を中心に (On Mori Ōgai’s ‘Madame Yasui’: Focusing on Sayo), Nihon bungeigaku 日本文藝學 56 (2020): 21-39.

Yamada Asako 山田朝子, Mori Tetsutarō 森哲太郎, Yamazaki Kazuhide 山﨑一穎
“Yamada Ke shozō shiryō Yamada Tamaki dō Mari ate Mori Ōgai shokan shū” 山田家所蔵資料 山田珠樹、同茉莉宛 森鷗外書簡集 (Collected letters of Mori Ōgai to Yamada Tamaki and Mori Mari in the possession of the Yamada family), Ōgai 鷗外 106 (2020): 5-31.

Yamazaki Kazuhide 山崎一穎
“[Yoshihisa Shin’nō jiseki] ron tsuiho”『能久親王事蹟』論追補 (Additional notes on ʻYoshihisa Shin’nō jiseki / Traces of Prince Yoshihisaʼ), Ōgai 鷗外 107 (2020): 49-69.


Asano Toshihiko 浅野敏彦
“Mori Ōgai ‘Maihime’ ni mieru hakuwa goi” 森鷗外『舞姫』に見える白話語彙 (Chinese vernacular vocabulary in Mori Ōgai’s ‘Maihime’); “Mori Ōgai ‘Maihime’ no hakuwa goi: ‘Tabemono mise’ o megutte” 森鷗外『舞姫』の白話語彙: 「食店」をめぐって (Chinese vernacular vocabulary in Mori Ōgai’s ‘Maihime’: On [the word] ‘restaurant’), Kindai no naka no kango 近代のなかの漢語 (Chinese loanwords in modernity), Osaka: Izumi Shoten 和泉書店 2019: 171–87; 188–203.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Ichiyō, Akiko, Raichō: Ōgai to josei bungakusha tachi: Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan heisei sanjūichi (2019) nen tokubetsu ten  一葉、晶子、らいてう: 鷗外と女性文学者たち: 文京区立森鷗外記念館平成三十一 (2019) 年特別展 (Ichiyō, Akiko, Raichō: Ōgai and female writers. Special exhibition by the Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum of Bunkyō Ward 2019), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 2019. 55p.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan shozō Mori Ōgai ate shokanshū 2, A–I hen: Aeba Kōson, Ishii Hakutei, Ishikawa Takuboku, Izumi Kyōka, Inoue Michiyasu / Tsūtai hoka 文京区立森鷗外記念館所蔵 森鷗外宛書簡集 2〈あ-い〉編: 饗庭篁村・石井柏亭・石川啄木・泉鏡花・井上通泰ほか (Collected letters addressed to Mori Ōgai held by the Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum of Bunkyō Ward, volume 2 A–I: Aeba Kōson, Ishii Hakutei, Ishikawa Takuboku, Izumi Kyōka, Inoue Michiyasu / Tsūtai hoka), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 2019. 166p.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Nagai Kafū to Ōgai: Kafū seitan 140 nen – botsugo 60 nen kinen: Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan reiwa gan’nen (2019) tokubetsu ten  永井荷風と鷗外: 荷風生誕140年・没後60年記念. 文京区立森鷗外記念館令和元 (2019) 年特別展 (Nagai Kafū and Mori Ōgai: Commemorating the 140th anniversary of Kafū’s birth and the 60th anniversary of his death. Special exhibition by the Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum of Bunkyō Ward 2019), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館2019. 50p.

Fujita Yasuyuki 藤田保幸
“Mori Ōgai yaku ‘Jishinʼ, ‘Akuinnenʼ no bunshō o megutte” 森鷗外訳「地震」「悪因縁」の文章をめぐって (On the literary style of Mori Ōgaiʼs translations of ‘Das Erdbeben in Chiliʼ and ‘Die Verlobung in St. Domingoʼ), Ryūkoku Daigaku Gurōbaru Kyōiku Suishin Sentā kenkyū nenpō 龍谷大学グローバル教育推進センター研究年報 28 (2019): 83–98.

Ichiyanagi Hirotaka 一柳廣孝
Hebi wa soko ni iru: Mori Ōgai ‘Hebi’ ni okeru kaii 蛇はそこにいる: 森鷗外「蛇」における怪異 (The Snake is there: The Mysterious in Mori Ōgai’s ‘Snake’), Bungaku gogaku 文学・語学 225 (2019): 27-37. (Kindai bungaku shōtokushū Posuto shinjitsu no jidai ni yomu Mori Ōgai 近代文学小特集 「ポスト真実」の時代に読む森鷗外 / Small special issue on modern literature: Reading Mori Ōgai in the post factual age).

Inoue Masaru 井上優
“Mori Ōgai  ʻKazuisuchikaʼ ni okeru jitsuzai ron e no toi: Metafā – shizen no fukusūsei – hito to mono” 森鷗外『カズイスチカ』における実在論への問い: メタファー・自然の複数性・人とモノ(Questions regarding the realism in Mori Ōgaiʼs ʻCasuisticaʼ: Metaphors – Plurality of nature – Humans and objects), Kokubungaku kenkyū 国文学研究 189 (2019): 86–99.

Itoda Sōichirō 井戸田総一郎
“ʻEngeki mondai ni tsuiteʼ no kaisetsu”「演劇問題に就いて」の解説  (Commentary on ʻRegarding the Issue of Theatre’), Bungei kenkyū 文芸研究 138 (2019): 15–28 (Tokushū: Mori Ōgai shin shiryō hakken 特集: 森鷗外新資料発見 / Special issue: Discovery of new materials by Mori Ōgai).

Itoda Sōichirō 井戸田 総一郎
“ʻOmokageʼ no kaisetsu”「おもかげ」の解説 (Commentary on ʻVestiges / Omokageʼ),  Bungei kenkyū 文芸研究 138 (2019): 49–61. (Tokushū: Mori Ōgai shin shiryō hakken 特集: 森鴎外新資料発見 / Special issue: Discovery of new materials by Mori Ōgai).

Iwasa Haruna 岩佐春奈
“Ōgai ga Nichiro sensō no sai, Shinbashi Eki o shuppatsu shita hizukeˮ 鷗外が日露戦争の際、新橋駅を出発した日付 (The Date when Ōgai departed from Shinbashi Station, at the time of the Russo-Japanese War), Ōgai 鷗外 104 (2019): 94–96.

Iwaya Yasuyuki 岩谷泰之
Mori Ōgai to bukkyō: Dainippon zokuzōkyō o chushin ni 森鷗外と仏教:『大日本続蔵経』を中心に (Mori Ōgai and Buddhism: A study on The Greater Japanese supplement to the canon of Buddhist scriptures), Bungaku gogaku 文学・語学 225 (2019): 38-52. (Kindai bungaku shōtokushū Posuto shinjitsu no jidai ni yomu Mori Ōgai 近代文学小特集 「ポスト真実」の時代に読む森鷗外 / Small special issue on modern literature: Reading Mori Ōgai in the post factual age).

Iwaya Yasuyuki 岩谷泰之
“Mori Ōgai to bukkyō: ‘Nichiren Shōnin tsuji seppō’ o chūshin ni” 森鷗外と仏教 :「日蓮聖人辻説法」を中心に (Mori Ōgai and Buddhism: A study on ‘A Street sermon of Saint Nichiren’), Kaishaku 解釈 65.7-8 (2019): 13-22.

Kai Yūichi 甲斐雄一
“ʻGekkōʼ kanshi yaku ni tsuite” 「月光」漢詩訳について (About the translation of  “Moonlight” [by Nikolaus Lenau] into Chinese verse), Bungei kenkyū 文芸研究 138 (2019): 71–75. (Tokushū: Mori Ōgai shin shiryō hakken 特集: 森鴎外新資料発見 / Special issue: Discovery of new materials by Mori Ōgai).

Kamiyama Akira 神山彰
“Mori Ōgai no naka no Yoda Gakkai to Suematsu Kenchō: Mada minu ʻengekiʼ o motomete” 森鷗外のなかの依田学海と末松謙澄: まだ見ぬ「演劇」を求めて (Mori Ōgaiʼs common ground with [the theater reformers] Yoda Gakkai and Suematsu Kenchō: In search of the future “drama”), Bungei kenkyū 文芸研究 138 (2019): 29-40. (Tokushū: Mori Ōgai shin shiryō hakken 特集: 森鷗外新資料発見 / Special issue: Discovery of new materials by Mori Ōgai).

Kaneko Sachiyo 金子幸代
Mori Ōgai no Seiyō hyakka jiten: “Mukudori Tsūshin” kenkyū 森鷗外の西洋百科事典:『椋鳥通信』研究 (Mori Ōgaiʼs encyclopedia of the West: Studies on “News of a Grey Starling”), Kamome Shuppan 鷗出版 2019. 233p.

Kitamura Takashi 北村隆志
“Meisaku o yonde Nihon no kin-gendai shi o manabu 8: Kokka to kojin no mujun o ikita Mori Ōgai ‘Maihime’” 名作を読んで日本の近現代史をまなぶ (8): 国家と個人の矛盾を生きた森鷗外「舞姫」(Learning about Japan’s modern and contemporary history by reading literary masterpieces, 8: “The Dancing Girl” by Mori Ōgai who experienced the contradictions between state and individual), Gakushū no tomo 学習の友 786 (2019): 80–83.

Kon’no Sumi 今野寿美
Mori Ōgai: Tanka to iu shikei ni shōgai aijō o mochi tsuzuketa bungō 森鷗外: 短歌という詩型に生涯愛情を持ち続けた文豪 (Mori Ōgai: The literary giant, who continued to love the verse form of tanka throughout his life), Kasama Shoin 笠間書院 2019. 152p. (Korekushon Nihon kajin senコレクション日本歌人選 / Collected Works of Japanese Poets 67).

Mizunuma Jirō 水沼二郎
“‘Yoshihisa Shinnō jisekiʼ henshū no keii hokaˮ『能久親王事蹟』編纂の経緯ほか (Circumstances concerning the compilation of ‘Historical Traces of Prince Yoshihisaʼ), Ōgai 鷗外 105 (2019): 54–60.

Mori Ōgai 森鷗外
Gengō tsūran 元号通覧 (Overview of era names), Kōdansha 講談社 2019. 336p.

Mori Ōgai 森鷗外, Ogihara Yūichi 荻原雄一 (Translation into modern Japanese)
Ōgai Doitsu seishun nikki 鷗外・ドイツ青春日記 (Diary of Ōgai’s youth in Germany), Michitani 未知谷 2019. 228p.

Mori Tetsutarō 森哲太郎, Yamazaki Kazuhide 山崎一穎
“Tsuma Shige ate Ōgai mihappyō shokan: ‘Ōgai Zenshūʼ shūroku ni saishi, ichibu shōryaku shita bubun no fukugen o fukumuˮ 妻志げ宛鷗外未発表書簡: 『鷗外全集』収録に際し、一部省略した部分の復元を含む (Unpublished letters from Ōgai to his wife Shige: Including the reconstruction of passages omitted during the compilation of ‘Ōgai. Collected Worksʼ), Ōgai 鷗外 105 (2019): 2-22.

Murakami Tōru 村上徹
“Saihyōka! Bungakusha ga kakanai Mori Ōgai no anbu no igaku shi: Shiden ni kakusareta bungō Ōgai no hisan” 再評価! 文学者が書かない森鷗外の暗部の医学史: 史伝に隠された文豪・鷗外の悲惨 (Reevaluation! The parts of Mori Ōgaiʼs career as physician that literary scholars do not write about: The tragedy of the literary giant Ōgai hidden in his historical biographies) 4, Gunma Ken Shika Igaku Kai zasshi  群馬県歯科医学会雑誌 23 (2019): 17–37.

Muramatsu Hiroshi 村松洋
“Ōgai ryūgaku jidai shiryō no sai kentō (jō): Jihitsu nōto to Tōkyō iji shinshi” 鷗外留学時代資料の再検討 (上): 自筆ノートと東京医事新誌 (Reexamination of materials concerning Ōgai’s period of overseas studies I: Personal notes and the New Tokyo Medical Journal), Ōgai 鷗外 104 (2019): 21-37.

Muramatsu Hiroshi 村松洋
“Ōgai ryūgaku jidai shiryō no sai kentō (ge): Jihitsu nōto to Tōkyō iji shinshi” 鷗外留学時代資料の再検討 (下): 自筆ノートと東京医事新誌 (Reexamination of materials concerning Ōgai’s period of overseas studies (II): Personal notes and the New Tokyo Medical Journal), Ōgai 鷗外 105 (2019): 23-39.

Numakura Nobuyuki 沼倉延幸
“Mori Ōgai no shiden ʻShibue Chūsaiʼ o meguru nika no kojin shiryōgun:  ʻEdo Seikichi korekushonʼ to ʻTonosaki Kaku kankei shiryōʼ” 森鷗外の史伝『渋江抽斎』をめぐる二家の個人資料群: 「江戸清吉コレクション」と「外崎覚関係資料」(Two family collections of personal materials related to Mori Ōgaiʼs historical biography ʻShibue Chūsaiʼ: The ʻEdo Seikichi Collection  and the ʻTonosaki Kaku materialsʼ), Ōgai 鷗外 104 (2019): 1-20.

Ōtsuka Miho 大塚美保
“Dokusha o makikomu tekusuto: Mori Ōgai ʻHyakka monogatariʼ” 読者を巻き込むテクスト: 森鷗外『百物語』(Texts which engage the reader: Mori Ōgaiʼs ʻGhost storiesʼ), Kokugo to koku bungaku 国語と国文学 1153 (2019): 53–69.

Sakai Satoshi 酒井敏
“Shohyō: Murakami Yūki cho ʻMori Ōgai no rekishi chizuʼ” 書評: 村上祐紀著『森鷗外の歴史地図』(Review: ʻMori Ōgaiʼs concept of historyʼ by Murakami Yūki), Nihon Kindai Bungaku 日本近代文学 100 (2019): 119–122.

Sasaki Teru 佐々木央
Mori Ōgai to Murayama Kaita no “Moya” 森鷗外と村山槐多の〈もや〉(The “nebulous” [relationship] of Mori Ōgai and Murayama Kaita), Kanagawa Shinbunsha 神奈川新聞社 2019. 139p.

Takahashi Masao 高橋正雄
“Seishin ryōhō to byōsekigaku: Saishūhō Doitsu bungaku to Mori Ōgai” 精神療法と病跡学: 最終報 ドイツ文学と森鴎外 (Psychotherapy and pathography: A Final report on German literature and Mori Ōgai), Seishin ryōhō 精神療法 45.4 / 233 (2019): 572-577.

Takahashi Yōichi 髙橋陽一
“Mori Ōgai no kanshi kaishaku nōto (11): Kyōshi to Tōkei ronsō no kanshi” 森鷗外の漢詩解釈ノート (11) 狂詩と統計論争の漢詩 (Notes on the Interpretation of Mori Ōgai's Chinese Poetry (11): Humorous Poetry and chinese poetry of the Statistical Controversy), Ōgai 鷗外 109 (2021): 86-104.

Tayama Taizō 田山泰三
“Natsume Sōseki to Nagao Uzan – Mori Ōgai to Kuroki Kindōˮ 夏目漱石と長尾雨山・森鷗外と黒木欽堂 (Natsume Sōseki and Nagao Uzan – Mori Ōgai and Kuroki Kindō), Shoron 書論 45 (2019): 75–80.

Tsuchiyama Gen 土山 玄
“Mori Ōgai no buntai teki tokuchō no henka ni kan suru keiryō teki na kōsatsu” 森鷗外の文体的特徴の変化に関する計量的な考察 (A quantitative study regarding the changing characteristics of Mori Ōgaiʼs style), Jinbun shizen kenkyū 人文・自然研究 13 (2019): 107–115. [English abstract]

Watanabe Masahiko 渡邉正彦
“Futatsu no jikan: Tayama Katai ‘Toki wa sugiyuku’ to Mori Ōgai ‘Shibue Chūsai’ nado 1ˮ 二つの時間: 田山花袋『時は過ぎゆく』と森鷗外『澁江抽斎』など 1 (Two types of time: Tayama Katai’s ‘Time passes’ and Mori Ōgai’s ‘Shibue Chūsai’), Gunma Kenritsu Joshi Daigaku kokubungaku kenkyū 群馬県立女子大学国文学研究 39 (2019): 104-124.

Watanabe Masahiko 渡邉正彦
“Kōen yōshi: Futatsu no toki: Mori Ōgai ‘Shibue Chūsaiʼ to Tayama Katai ‘Toki wa sugiyukuʼˮ 講演要旨: 二つの時: 森鷗外『澁江抽斎』と田山花袋『時は過ぎゆく』(Lecture abstract: Two types of time: Tayama Katai’s ‘Time passes’ and Mori Ōgai’s ‘Shibue Chūsai’), Katai Kenkyū Gakkai kaishi 花袋研究学会々誌 38 (2019): 38-40.

Yamamoto Akira 山本晶
“Mori Ōgai to Nagura Kōsaku: Shinshutsu no Ōgai waka oyobi Kōsaku no rireki o shōkai suru” 森鷗外と名倉幸作: 新出の鷗外和歌および幸作の履歴を紹介する (Mori Ōgai and Nagura Kōsaku: Introducing newly discovered waka by Ōgai and the biography of Kōsaku), Mita bungaku 三田文学 138 (2019): 148-154.

Yamazaki Kazuhide 山崎一穎
ʻFeikuʼ to ʻFakutoʼ o ronji, ʻYoshihisa Shin’nō jisekiʼ ni oyobu”「偽(フェイク)」と「事実(ファクト)」を論じ、『能久親王事蹟』に及ぶ  (Discussing fake” and fact” regarding ʻTraces of Prince Yoshihisaʼ)”, Bungaku gogaku 文学・語学 225 (2019): 38-52. (Kindai bungaku shōtokushū ‘Posuto shinjitsu’ no jidai ni yomu Mori Ōgai 近代文学小特集 「ポスト真実」の時代に読む森鷗外 / Small special issue on modern literature: Reading Mori Ōgai in the post factual age).


Birumachi Yoshio 美留町義雄
Gunfuku o nuida Ōgai: Seinen Mori Rintarō no Myunhen 軍服を脱いだ : 青年森林太郎のミュンヘン (Ōgai without his uniform: Mori Rintarō’s [experience in] Munich), Taishūkan Shoten 大修館書店 2018. 255 p.
→ Review: Hayashi Masako 林正子, Hikaku bungaku 比較文学 61 (2018): 158-65.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Nihon kara no tegami: Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan shozō taidoku jidai Mori Ōgai ate, 1884-1886 日本からの手紙 : 文京区立森鷗外記念館所蔵滞独時代森鷗外宛 1884-1886 (Letters from Japan addressed to Mori Ōgai held by the Mori Ōgai Memorial Hall of Bunkyō Ward, 1884-1886), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 2018. 11, 339p.

Iwaya Yasuyuki 岩谷泰之
“Mori Ōgai to bukkyō: ‘Satoimo no me to Fudō no me’ o chūshin ni” 森鷗外と仏教 : 「里芋の芽と不動の目」を中心に (Mori Ōgai and Buddhism: A Study on ‘Taro Sprouts and the Eyes of Fudō’), Kaishaku 解釈 64.1-2 (2018): 2-10.

Murakami Tōru 村上徹
“Saihyōka! Bungakusha ga kakanai Mori Ōgai no anbu no igaku shi: Shiden ni kakusareta bungō Ōgai no hisan” 再評価! 文学者が書かない森鷗外の暗部の医学史: 史伝に隠された文豪・鷗外の悲惨 (Reevaluation! The parts of Mori Ōgaiʼs career as physician that literary scholars do not write about: The tragedy of the literary giant Ōgai hidden in his historical biographies) 3, Gunma Ken Shika Igaku Kai zasshi  群馬県歯科医学会雑誌 22 (2018): 47–87.

Murakami Yūki 村上祐紀
Mori Ōgai no rekishi chizu 森鷗外の歴史地図 (Mori Ōgai’s Concept of History), Kanrin Shobō 翰林書房 2018. 239p.
→ Review: Sakai Satoshi 酒井敏, Nihon kindai bungaku 日本近代文学 100 (2019): 119-122.

Ōnishi Yuki 大西由紀
Nihongo opera no tanjō: Ōgai, Shōyō kara Asakusa opera made 日本語オペラの誕生: 鷗外・逍遙から浅草オペラまで (The Birth of Japanese-language opera: From Ōgai and  Shōyō to Asakusa opera), Shinwa Sha 森話社 2018. 543p.


Araki Hajime 荒木肇
Kakke to guntai: Riku-Kaigun idan no tairitsu 脚気と軍隊 : 陸海軍医団の対立 (Beriberi and the military: The confrontation between army and navy doctors), Namiki Shobō 並木書房 2017. 326p.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan文京区立森鷗外記念館 (ed.)
Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan shozō Mori Ōgai ate shokanshū 1: Kako Tsurudo 文京区立森鷗外記念館所蔵 森鷗外宛書簡集 1: 賀古鶴所 (Collected letters addressed to Mori Ōgai held by the Mori Ōgai Memorial Museum of Bunkyō Ward, volume 1: Kako Tsurudo), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館 2017. 144p.

Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区立森鷗外記念館
Ōgai no ‘niwa’ ni saku kusabana: Makino Tomitarō no shokubutsu zu to tomo ni 鷗外の「庭」に咲く草花 : 牧野富太郎の植物図とともに (The flowering plants blossoming in Ōgai’s ‘garden’: With botanical illustrations by Makino Tomitarō), Bunkyō Kuritsu Mori Ōgai Kinenkan 文京区森鷗外記念館 2017.

Fujita Yasuyuki 藤田保幸
“Mori Ōgai ga Meiji nijūni nen ni arawashita desu masu tai ni yoru eiseigaku kankei no chojutsu no bunshō ni tsuite” 森鴎外が明治二二年に著したデス・マス体による衛生学関係の著述の文章について (On the texts in polite colloquial form regarding hygienics publications authored by Mori Ōgai in 1889), Nihon gengo bunka kenkyū 日本言語文化研究 (Journal of Japanese Language and Culture) 21 (January 2017): 32-52.

Iwaya Yasuyuki 岩谷泰之
“Mori Ōgai to Meiji no sōshiki: Ru parunasu anburan o chūshin ni” 森鷗外と明治の葬式 :「ル・パルナス・アンビュラン」を中心に (Mori Ogai and funerals in the Meiji era: A study on Le Parnasse ambulant), Kaishaku 解釈 (Interpretation) 63 (January-February 2017): 2-10.

Mastrangelo, Matilde
“Kindai bungaku e no shuppatsu: Mori Ōgai to tabi” 近代文学への出発 : 森鷗外と旅 (Departure towards modern literature: Mori Ōgai and travelling), Kokugakuin zasshi 國學院雜誌 (The Journal of Kokugakuin University) 118 (January 2017): 1-17.

Murakami Tōru 村上徹
“Saihyōka! Bungakusha ga kakanai Mori Ōgai no anbu no igaku shi: Shiden ni kakusareta bungō Ōgai no hisan” 再評価! 文学者が書かない森鷗外の暗部の医学史: 史伝に隠された文豪・鷗外の悲惨 (Reevaluation! The parts of Mori Ōgaiʼs career as physician that literary scholars do not write about: The tragedy of the literary giant Ōgai hidden in his historical biographies) 2, Gunma Ken Shika Igaku Kai zasshi  群馬県歯科医学会雑誌 21 (2017): 41–79.

Tarashima Satoshi 田良島哲
“Taishō ki no Shōsōin haiken shikaku no kakudai to Teishitsu Hakubutsukan Sōchō Mori Ōgai” 大正期の正倉院拝観資格の拡大と帝室博物館総長森鷗外 (Expansion of permissions to access the Shōsōin Treasure House in the Taisho Era and [the function of] Mori Ōgai as Director of the Imperial Household Museum), Museum 666 (2017.2): 29-46.

Yanai Yoshihito 柳井良仁
Ōgai sakuhin to sono shokubutsu 鷗外作品とその植物 (The plants in Ōgai’s works), Hōfu: Tōyō Tosho Shuppan 東洋図書出版. 215p.