International Ōgai Studies


These pages record academic publications on Ōgai’s life and works published in Western languages. The bibliographical data is arranged in alphabetical order.


Lamarre, Thomas
“Science, History and Culture in the Late Meiji Period: Mori Rintarō’s Experiments”, in: Helen Hardacre with Adam L. Kern (eds.): New Directions in the Study of Meiji Japan, Leiden et al.: Brill 1997: 60–89.

Lamarre, Thomas
“Bacterial Cultures and Linguistic Colonies: Mori Rintaro’s Experiments with History, Science, and Language”, Positions. East Asia Cultures Critiques 6.3 (Winter 1998): 597–635.

Lee Sang-Kyong
“Tsubouchi Shōyō und die Reformbewegung des modernen japanischen Theaters”, in: Sepp Linhart (ed.): Japan. Sprache, Kultur, Gesellschaft. Festschrift zum 85. Geburtstag von Univ. Prof. Dr. Alexander Slawik und zum 20-jährigen Bestehen des Instituts für Japanologie der Universität Wien, Wien: Literas-Universitätsverlag 1985 (Schriftenreihe Japankunde): 220–235.

Lenz, Imke
“Mori Ogais Maihime (Das Ballettmädchen)”, Ōmon ronsō 60 (January 2004): 219–32.

Lewell, John
“Mori Ōgai (1862–1922)”, Modern Japanese Novelists: A Biographical Dictionary, New York et al.: Kodansha International 1993: 250–62.

Lewin, Bruno
“Mori Ōgai und die deutsche Ästhetik”, Japanstudien. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Instituts für Japanstudien 1 (1989): 271–96.

Lewin, Bruno
“Mori Ōgai and German Aesthetics”, in: Michael F. Marra (ed.): A History of Modern Japanese Aesthetics, Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press 2001: 68–92.

Lidin, Olof G.
“H. C. Andersen’s Improvisatoren and Mori Ōgai’s Sokkyō Shijin, in: Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit; Jürgen Stalph (eds.): Bruno Lewin zu Ehren: Festschrift aus Anlaß seines 65. Geburtstages. Vol. 1: Japan, sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Beiträge, Bochum: Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer 1989: 231–37.

Lifton, Robert Jay; Katō Shūichi; Michael R. Reich
“Mori Ogai (1862–1922): Neither Fearing nor Yearning for Death, in: Six Lives, Six Deaths, New Haven; London: Yale University Press 1979: 67–109.

Lozerand, Emmanuel
Shibue Chūsai’ de Mori Ōgai: L’invention de la ‘chronique historique’, M.A. thesis, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris, 1990. Unpublished typescript. 366p.

Lozerand, Emmanuel
Les récits historiques de Mori Ōgai: et singulièrement ‘Ōshio Heihachirō’ (1914), Paris: Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales 1991. 385p. [Not verified]

Lozerand, Emmanuel
“Shibue Chūsai de Mori Ōgai (1916): De l’érudition”, Cipango. Cahiers d’études japonaises 1 (1992): 90–110.

Lozerand, Emmanuel
Les tourments du nom: Essai sur les signatures d’Ōgai Mori Rintarō (1862–1922), Tokyo: Maison Franco-Japonaise 1994. 79p.

Lozerand, Emmanuel
“De l’individu: Le prisme de la biographie”, Cipango. Cahiers d’études japonaises 3 (1994): 63–92.

Lozerand, Emmanuel
“Mori Ōgai, 1862–1922”, in: Béatrice Didier (ed.): Dictionnaire universel des littératures. Vol. 1, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 1994: 2439–50.

Lozerand, Emmanuel
“La chasse aux oiseaux: Sur l’emploi d’un symbole dans l’oeuvre d’Ōgai Mori Rintarō”, in: Patrick Beillevaire; Anne Gossot (eds.): Japon pluriel: Actes du premier colloque de la Société française des études japonaises, Arles: Éditions Philippe Picquier 1995: 415–23.

Lozerand, Emmanuel
Récits et chroniques historiques d’Ōgai Mori Rintarō (1912–1921), Ph.D. thesis, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, 1995. Unpublished typescript. 948p.

Lozerand, Emmanuel
Écrire le passé au début de l’ère Taishō: Littérature et histoire chez Ōgai Mori Rintarō (1862–1922)”, Bulletin de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient 83 (1996): 117–23.

Lozerand, Emmanuel
“L’affirmation de la critique (1886–1889): Tokutomi Sohō, Takeda Hanpō, Ōnishi Hajime, Mori Ōgai”, Cipango. Cahiers d’études japonaises. Numéro hors série (printemps 2002): Mutations de la conscience dans le Japon moderne, Paris: Publications Langues’O 2002: 325–97.

Lozerand, Emmanuel
“The Rise of Criticism (1886–1889): Sohō, Hanpō, Ōnishi, Ōgai”, Cipango. French Journal of Japanese Studies. English Selection 2 (2013): Language and Literature: Meiji Japan. A Shift in the Minds: URL:

Lozerand, Emmanuel
“Ōgai und die Namen”, in: Klaus Kracht (ed.): “Ōgai” – Mori Rintarō. Begegnungen mit dem japanischen homme de lettres, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2014: 135–47.

Macé, Mieko
“La médecine japonaise du XIXe siècle et l’universalité”, Cipango. Cahiers d’études japonaises. Numéro hors série (printemps 2002: Mutations de la conscience dans le Japon moderne), Paris: Publications Langues O’ 2002: 193–242.

Mae, Michiko
“Mori Ōgais Umgang mit den Differenzsetzungen der Moderne”, in: Klaus Kracht (ed.): “Ōgai” – Mori Rintarō. Begegnungen mit dem japanischen homme de lettres, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2014: 122–34.

Maeda Ai
“Mori Ōgais Gan – Einige Aspekte der Erzählkunst Ōgais”. Übersetzt von Kimiko Nakayama-Ziegler, in: Kagami. Neue Folge 49 (2001): 27–46.

Maeda Ai
“Berlin 1888. Mori Ōgai’s Dancing Girl, in: Text and the City. Essays on Japanese Modernity. Edited with an Introduction by James A. Fujii, Durham; London: Duke University Press 2004: 295–328.

Marcus, Marvin
Mori Ōgai’s German Trilogy and the Romantic Debate, M.A. thesis, University of Michigan, 1981. Unpublished typescript. 73p.

Marcus, Marvin
“Mori Ōgai and Biography as a Literary Genre in Japan”, Biography. An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 8.3 (Summer 1985): 211–226.

Marcus, Marvin
Mori Ōgai and Biography as a Literary Genre in Japan, Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, 1986. Unpublished typescript. vii, 448p.

Marcus, Marvin
“Mori Ōgai and the Biographical Quest”, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 51.1 (1991): 233–62.

Marcus, Marvin
“The Impact of Western Autobiography on the Meiji Literary Scene”, Biography. An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 15.4 (Fall 1992): 371–89.

Marcus, Marvin
Paragons of the Ordinary: The Biographical Literature of Mori Ōgai, Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press 1993 (Shaps Library of Asian Studies). ix, 358p.

Marcus, Marvin
“The Works of Mori Ōgai”, in: Ian P. McGreal (ed.): Great Literature of the Eastern World: The Major Works of Prose, Poetry and Drama from China, India, Japan, Korea and the Middle East, New York: HarperCollins 1996: 347–51.

Marcus, Marvin
“Ōgai (Mori Ōgai), 1862–1922”, in: Jay Rubin (ed.): Modern Japanese Writers, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons 2001: 296–311.

Marcus, Marvin
“Mori Ōgai”, in: Joshua S. Mostow et al. (eds.): The Columbia Companion to Modern East Asian Literature, New York: Columbia University Press 2003: 74–78.

Mastrangelo, Matilde
Il percorso narrativo e teatrale della leggenda di ‘Sanshōdayū’, Ph.D. thesis, Istituto Universitario Orientale Napoli, 1996. Unpublished typescript. 241p.

Mastrangelo, Matilde
“Il ‘Viaggio sentimentale’ di Mori Ōgai: La trilogia tedesca”, Il Giappone 36 (1996): 81–101.

Mastrangelo, Matilde
Maihime di Mori Ōgai: l’evoluzione dell’approccio critico”, Il Giappone 38 (1998): 141–57.

Mastrangelo, Matilde
“Mori Ōgai (1862–1922)”, in: Alba Amoia; Bettina L. Knapp (eds.): Multicultural Writers from Antiquity to 1945: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook, Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press 2002: 307–11.

Mastrangelo, Matilde
Abe ichizoku (La famiglia Abe)”, in: Letteratura giapponese. II. Dalla fine dell’Ottocento all’inzio del terzo millennio. A cura di Luisa Bienati, Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore 2005: 296-99.

Mastrangelo, Matilde
Gan (L’oca selvatica)”, in: Letteratura giapponese. II. Dalla fine dell'Ottocento all'inzio del terzo millennio. A cura di Luisa Bienati, Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore 2005: 299-302.

Mastrangelo, Matilde
“La mediazione culturale di Mori Ōgai”, in: Pagina dal Giappone Meiji (1868–1912). A cura di Teresa Ciapparoni La Rocca, con un saggio di Donald Keene, Roma: Bulzoni Editore 2009: 107–25.

Mastrangelo, Matilde
Ōgai Mori as Educator: Creativity and Syncretism in Cultural Transmission Within the Family”, in: Christopher Craig, Enrico Fongaro, and Akihiro Ozaki (eds.): Knowledge and Arts on the Move: Transformation of the Self-Aware Image through East-West Encounters, Milan: Mimesis International 2018 (Hasekura League Intercultural Studies Editions 2): 77–88.

Matsuda Kazuo
“German Images in Japanese Literature: An Intercultural and Intertextual Analysis”, Comparative Literature Studies 37.2 (2000): 212–22.

Matsuda Yoneichi
Two Stories by Mori Ōgai. Translations and Critical Essay, M.A. thesis, University of Washington, 1967. Unpublished typescript. xviii, 47p.

McClellan, Edwin
Woman in the Crested Kimono: The Life of Shibue Io and Her Family Drawn from Mori Ōgai’s ‘Shibue Chūsai’, New Haven, Conn.; London: Yale University Press 1985. xiv, 192p. New Edition 1998.

McDonald, Keiko I.
“The Wild Geese Revisited: Mori Ogai’s Mix of Old and New”, in: Nara Hiroshi (ed.): Inexorable Modernity. Japan’s Grappling With Modernity in the Arts, Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books 2007: 284–305.

Meyer, Harald
“Die japanische Diskussion zur historischen Erzählung”, Fiktion versus Wirklichkeit. Die moderne historische Erzählung in Japan. Modell einer Genretheorie und -typologie zur ‘rekishi shōsetsu’, Bern et al.: Peter Lang 2000: 49–82.

Milasi, Luca
Gli scrittori Meiji e la letteratura cinese: suggestioni letterarie nella produzione di Mori Ōgai (1862–1922), Natsume Sōseki (1827–1916) e Kōda Rohan (1867–1947), Ph.D. thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” 2007. Unpublished typescript. 250p.

Milasi, Luca
Gli scrittori Meiji e la Cina: Suggestioni letterarie nella produzione di Mori Ōgai, Natsume Sōseki e Kōda Rohan, Padova: 2011 (Biblioteca contemporanea. Critica letteraria). 345p.

Minamiozi Shinichi
“Lessing in Japan”, in: Dieter Fratzke; Wolfgang Albrecht (eds.): Festvorträge der 28. bis 30. Kamenzer Lessing-Tage, Kamenz: Lessing-Museum 1991 (Erbepflege in Kamenz, Schriftenreihe des Lessing-Museums 11): 81–89.

Mishima, Ken’ichi
“Aspekte transkultureller Modernität: Europa-Erfahrungen Ōgais und anderer Autoren der japanischen Moderne”, in: Klaus Kracht (ed.): “Ōgai” – Mori Rintarō. Begegnungen mit dem japanischen homme de lettres, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2014: 239–57.

Miyashita Keizo
“‘In diesem Sinne kannst du’s wagen’ – Goethes Faust auf der japanischen Bühne”, Gēte nenkan / Goethe-Jahrbuch 20 (1978): 53–68.

Miyashita Keizo
“‘In diesem Sinne kannst du’s wagen’. Goethes Faust auf der japanischen Bühne”, in: Adrian Hsia (ed.): Zur Rezeption von Goethes Faust in Ostasien, Bern et al.: Peter Lang 1993 (Euro-Sinica 4): 81–104.

Miyashita Kenzo
“Die Rezeption der Duineser Elegien in Japan”, in: Ulrich Fülleborn; Manfred Engel (eds.): Rilkes Duineser Elegien. Vol. 2, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 1982 (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch 2010): 349–61.

Miyoshi Masao
“The Imported Life: Mori Ōgai: The Wild Goose”, in: Accomplices of Silence: The Modern Japanese Novel, Berkeley, Calif. et al.: University of California Press 1974: 38–54.

Miyoshi Yukio
“Über Mori Ōgai’s Mōsō: Die Welt des Kanbunstils”. Übersetzt: Peter Pörtner, Kagami. Japanischer Zeitschriftenspiegel (Neue Folge) 11.1 (1984): 105–27.

Morikawa Takemitsu
Japanizität aus dem Geist der europäischen Romantik: Der interkulturelle Vermittler Mori Ogai und die Reorganisierung des japanischen ‘Selbstbildes’ in der Weltgesellschaft um 1900, Bielfeld: transcript Verlag 2013.

Morita, James R.
“Shigarami-Zōshi”, Monumenta Nipponica 24.1–2 (1969): 47–58.

Morrison, John W.
“The Leisure School and Esthetics: Natsume, Mori, and Their Followers”, Modern Japanese Fiction, [Salt Lake City:] University of Utah Press 1955: 62–75.

Motofuji, Frank T.
“Mori Ōgai: Three Plays and the Problem of Identity”, Modern Drama 9.4 (1967): 412–30.

Motoyoshi, Mizue
“Rilke in Japan und Japan in Rilke”, in: Manfred Engel; Dieter Lamping (eds.): Rilke und die Weltliteratur, Düsseldorf; Zürich: Artemis und Winkler 1999: 299–320.

Motwani, Prem
Social Order, Tradition, and Change in Meiji Fiction: A Special Study of Selected Writings of Mori Ogai and Natsume Soseki, PhD. thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru University, School of International Studies, Centre for East Asian Studies 1997.

Motwani, Prem
Literature and Social Change in Meiji Japan”, in: Unita Sachidanand; Teiji Sakata (eds.): Imaging India - Imaging Japan: A Chronicle of Reflections on Mutual Literature, Delhi : Published for Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi & Japan Foundation in association with Manak Publications, 2004: 201–6.