Internationale Ōgai-Studien
Fagniez, Guillaume
“Existierende Widersprüche. Ein Kommentar zu Karl Löwiths Randbemerkungen”, Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte 13.2 (2019): 16–20.
Fessler, Susanne
“The Debate on the Uselessness of Western Studies”, The Journal of Japanese Studies 37.1 (Winter 2011): 61–90.
Fessler, Susanne
“Intellectual Sparring: Anesaki Masaharu and Mori Ōgai”, The Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, fifth series, vol. 10 (2018): 29–44.
Fujii Masato
Die Wahrheit über Japan: Dritte Ergänzung: Frage an Dr. E. Naumann, Tokio: Japanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V. 1982. 52p.
Goto Miyabi
“Maihime and the Space of Criticism in Meiji Japan”, Journal of Japanese Studies 46.2 (Summer 2020): 345–68.
Kamei Hideo
“Chapter Four: An Oddball Rich in Dreams: Mori Ōgai and His Critics”. Translated by Ayako Kano, in: Transformations of Sensibility: The Phenomenology of Meiji Literature. Translation edited and with an introduction by Michael Bourdaghs, Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan 2002: 67–85.
Kiyota Tomonori
“The Submerged Ideals Debate (Botsu-riso ronso)”; “The History Novel”, Toward the End of the Shosetsu, 1887–1933, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, San Diego, 2000. Unpublished typescript: 9–34.
Löwith, Karl
“Die Wahrheit über Japan. Randbemerkungen zu R. Mori”, Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte 13.2 (2019): 5–15.
Lozerand, Emmanuel
“L’affirmation de la critique (1886–1889): Tokutomi Sohō, Takeda Hanpō, Ōnishi Hajime, Mori Ōgai”, Cipango. Cahiers d’études japonaises. Numéro hors série (printemps 2002): Mutations de la conscience dans le Japon moderne, Paris: Publications Langues’O 2002: 325–97.
Milasi, Luca
Gli scrittori Meiji e la Cina: Suggestioni letterarie nella produzione di Mori Ōgai, Natsume Sōseki e Kōda Rohan, Padova: 2011 (Biblioteca contemporanea. Critica letteraria). 345p.
Petralia, Randolph Spencer
“The ‘Aesthetic Life’ Debate, 1901–1903”, Nietzsche in Meiji Japan: Culture Criticism, Individualism and Reaction in the ‘Aesthetic Life’ Debate of 1901–1903, Ph.D. thesis, Washington University, 1981: 530–762.